Looking for an Ideal Gin Gift Pack? Here’s what to consider

There has been a recent rise in the trend of drinking gin in recent years. This has enabled a rise in gifting people gin gift packs which contain a wide range of things other than just the bottle of gin. This includes various types of botanicals, spices, a beaker, and a funnel, along with a flask for the prepared alcohol.

Therefore, quite a few factors need to be thought upon before buying a gin gift pack. The factors that determine in selecting the ideal gin gift pack are written below.

The type of user receiving the gift

type of user

With the rise in the popularity of drinking gin, buying gin gift packs has also increased. This has enabled the creation of a wide range of gin gift packs depending on the complications involved in the mixology of the gins and the botanicals depending on the specified preference. Gifting four pillars gin bottles is a perfect choice since it’s a reputable brand people prefer and love to try.

Gifting a complex mixology-induced gift pack to a beginner in gin consumption might not be a good choice. So, it is essential to know about the knowledge of mixology known to the gifted person. The gin gift packs range from essential gin-tasting flavoring boxes to molecular mixology gin gift sets, so the knowledge of the gifted is an essential factor in selecting the ideal gin gift pack.

The Reason for the Gift

Reason for the Gift

The reason for gifting any gin gift pack has great importance on selecting a gin gift pack. If the person to who it is to be gifted is a beginner in curating personalized gins, then different types of easy mixology-based gin gift packs would suit the need. However, veteran gin curators love the more complicated DIY gin-infusing gift packs.

If the gift pack is to influence someone to start curating their gin, then the different types of Gin tasting gift packs and the botanicals cut. On the other hand, people who know basic mixology can opt for the much complex molecular mixology or increase the type of botanicals to make things interesting. Thus, knowing the reason for the gift is a valid point in determining the ideal gin gift packs.

Knowing the Preference of the User

Preference of the User

Knowing the user’s preference can be a valid point in determining an ideal gin gift pack because of its variants. People who drink gin generally acquire a specific taste for the drink, especially those who curate their flavors of gin out of craft gin. This preference of the acquired taste can also help enable the knowledge about the mixology of the user.

Knowing the preference of the gifted person can help in choosing because the preference can determine the mixology complication, which in turn can give an insight about that person’s knowledge over that stuff. The preference, however, is subject to change among users due to various user-oriented users. If the gifted tend to fluctuate preferences, then gifting a gin gift pack with a broader range of botanicals and spices along with some snacks would be the ideal bet.

Playing it safe

Playing it safe

There are various scenarios in life where you cannot understand the taste and preference of the gifted person. In this case, just knowing the person’s ability to mix alcohol could do the trick. Going for a basic gin gift pack of 2 to 3 bottles of craft gin with an array of botanicals at the user’s disposal to create their version of gin could be the safest option. In scenarios such as this, the best gift should be a basic beginner-level gin gifset.

They are accompanied with some snacks and munchies, with a selected generalized array of botanicals that render to mild trustworthy flavored gins. In the account of choosing the right botanicals, general popular flavors should do the trick as curating from craft gins is an exciting affair anyway. However, the safest bet in choosing a gin gift pack when there is a lack of information is always to play safe and gift a basic general gin gift set.

The four points that have been discussed above are the valid points that should be considered while gifting an ideal gin gift pack. These points, along with some others, are the essential points that people need to keep in mind if they want to have an ideal gin gift pack to give someone.

4 Ways to Find the Best Kids Shoes for Your Kids

Are you overwhelmed by the variety of shoes available for your children when you go shoe shopping? It’s tempting to choose the cutest pair, but the greatest shoe for your small boy or girl is determined by fit and function rather than appearance. Making the effort to obtain a proper fit can help them grow healthy feet for the rest of their lives. Foot discomfort, calluses, corns, ingrown toenails, and blisters can all be caused by improperly fitting shoes for your child.

Fortunately, there are methods for measuring your child’s feet so that you can locate shoes that fit without having to go on a marathon shopping spree. Use the suggestions below to help you choose your child’s next pair of shoes.

1. Measure your child’s feet

Measure your child's feet

Instead of trying to measure your child’s feet at home, take them to a shoe store. A store worker will have the best tools for measuring the length and width of your child’s feet so you can buy the best kids shoes without any difficulty.

Additional tip: Have your child stand and place a little amount of weight on each foot to lengthen it for a more accurate measurement.

2. Don’t go overboard with your purchase

Don't go overboard with your purchase

One of the most prevalent problems is when parents buy their children shoes that are too big for them. This is particularly concerning for infants and toddlers who are still learning to walk and are frequently unsteady.

Parents frequently purchase larger shoes in the hopes that their children will grow into them and that they will last longer. However, shoes that are half or full size too big put your youngster at risk of tripping and falling, which can result in damage.

3. Always check the toes

 Always check the toes

Overcrowding or increased pressure on the toes can be avoided with adequate width and depth at the front of the shoe, or toe box. Make sure your child’s shoes allow him or her to freely flex the front of his or her foot and wriggle his or her toes — without any slippage or squashed toes.

From the longest toe to the front of the shoe, allow 1 to 2 cm (or approximately a thumb’s breadth). More than 3 cm is too large, whereas less than 1 cm is excessively tiny.

4. Support takes priority over style

 Support takes priority over style

Children are generally active and love sports and other physical activities, therefore closed-toe athletic shoes with arch support are the ideal choice.

Rubber soles are especially beneficial for children since they provide improved traction and minimize the danger of falling. Hard soles provide more support, whereas soft soles provide minimal support and control of foot movements, according to her.

Buying shoes made of breathable materials like leather, canvas, or mesh is also recommended by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society. The feet of children sweat more than the feet of adults. These materials can aid in the movement of air.

Why Does It Matter to Find Best Kids Shoes?

Newborns have soft, supple, fat-filled feet from the moment they are born. Children’s feet shed fat and their bones stretch and get into position as they develop and become more physically active. Shoes should be carefully packed to avoid foot abnormalities and allow for healthy foot growth. After all, your child’s feet will be walking hundreds of miles throughout their lives, so they deserve to be treated! As a result, it’s critical to invest some time and money in finding the proper shoe for your child’s feet.

When and how often should you buy shoes?

how often should you buy shoes

Children’s shoes, as strange as they may seem, must be updated every few months to allow for foot development. Children may develop a whole shoe size in a month, and before you know it, toes are peeking out of socks, and you’re on your way to the shoe store. Don’t put off getting new Crocs until your child’s toes develop curved nails! To stay on top of the correct shoe size in your children’s closets, schedule a monthly shoe check.


Finding shoes that your kid enjoys wearing and feels at ease in may be difficult, especially if they are too little to articulate. Follow the above shoe guidelines to select brands you can trust and get comfy shoes.

4 Tips for Nurses to Improve Patient Satisfaction

Nurses play a vital role in providing medical care to a patient. They are just as qualified as medical practitioners and can effectively care for the patient. Registered nurses, nursing managers/directors, and nursing aides all play different roles to ensure good care of the patient. They stay committed to their responsibility to look out for the patients, even if it requires doing basic things. Apart from caring for the patient, they also look out for the patient’s family. They help the family to cope with their loved one’s illness, suffering, or loss. More importantly, nurses are always keen to know how they can do better to improve patient satisfaction. If nurses have good behavior towards patients and colleagues, they will also perform better.

Nowadays, nurses are highly qualified and skilled. They have more skills than just being responsible for patient care. They work alongside health care professionals to provide medical treatment to patients. They are also quick to think of new innovative ideas that can help a patient. However, they must undergo various levels of education before they start working at a clinic or hospital. Today an online degree allows you to study at your own pace. Therefore, you can opt for online nursing masters from your own home and gain the extra edge in your skills.

Below we will talk about four tips, which will help nurses to improve patient satisfaction.


 1. Educate Patients

One thing that almost all patients complain of is a lack of awareness about their procedures. Patients want to stay informed about their health and require extensive information regarding it. However, doctors do not extensively educate their patients on their treatment. Most of the time, doctors use complicated medical jargon. The patient cannot comprehend this, and it further scares them. Nurses can help educate and communicate to the patients calmly by using non-technical words. They should accurately explain to the patients about their illness and treatment. It will help improve communication with the patient. It will also bring them ease as they can understand their diagnosis better. Along with this, they can give the patient written instructions for treatment and medication. It will help them once they get discharged and will make them feel comforted.


 2. Be a Good Listener

Sometimes patients get tired of listening to their health issues and want someone to listen to them. Many patients feel scared to give consent to risky surgery. They may require someone to listen to their feelings and help convince them otherwise. Going into surgery is scary, and nurses should support patients, especially if they do not have a family with them. Suppose the nursing staff has a positive and friendly attitude towards the patient. In that case, they are more likely to disclose their feelings. Nurses must show empathy and understanding towards their patients so that they do not feel frightened or alone. Also, suppose nurses are calm and provide assurance to the patient that they can confide in them. In that case, patients are more likely, to be honest about delicate things. For example, a teenager may be on drugs but would not reveal this because they feel they would get in trouble. However, such information is essential so that doctors know how to operate on them. If a nurse shows empathy and ensures the patient’s safety, they are more likely to give honest answers.


 3. Add a Personal Element

Patients feel comforted when the health care workers show an interest in their health and their feelings. Nurses should try and make small gestures to show the patient they care for them. An example can be to eye contact with the patient while talking to them about their treatment. It shows the patient that you are dedicated and focused towards them, rather than concentrating on a laptop or elsewhere. Another example would be to address a patient by their name and ask them how they feel. A small gesture like this provides support to the patient, thus improving their satisfaction.


 4. Avoid Overworking

No one should work more than required. Overworking can cause stress, discomfort, and burnout. Many hospitals tend to understaff the nurses, which leads them to overwork. If nurses become overworked, they will not be able to ensure patient satisfaction. If they have to work multiple shifts, they cannot give enough time to their patients. In many ways, some patients will get overlooked, which can cause an unsatisfactory experience for the patient and sometimes may even cause severe problems. It also results in a bad reputation for the hospital as it seems they provide low-quality health care. Therefore, the rights of nurses must stay protected so that their health does not degrade. Also, nurses and other health care workers should advocate the management to ensure proper staffing levels. It will help in ensuring that patient satisfaction does not get compromised.


Final Thoughts

To sum up, we can see that nurses play an integral role in monitoring patient health and satisfaction. They should make time for patient needs and be empathetic towards them. They should be motivated to do better, and their supervisors should be grateful for their hard work and dedication. The hospital management should also set up training programs to enhance their skills and have mentors for new nurses to adjust well. Without nurses, hospitals would not be able to function. Therefore, it is high time nurses become valued instead of neglecting them.

Easy Lifestyle Changes To Stay Healthy As A Mother

Sometimes, as mothers, we neglect our own needs over everyone else that we’re charged with taking care of. When this happens, we get burnt out and cannot perform the most demanding job on Earth as well as we know we can. In the same way, we want to keep our babies their healthiest during winter. It’s time for us to prepare our bodies to be in tip-top shape as we head towards the wintry months and cold and flu season. So, let’s take a look at some easy lifestyle changes to implement to stay healthy as moms. And let’s face it, if it’s “easy,” we’re much more likely to incorporate it into our day-to-day routines and stick with it.


Start With Sleep 

Remember before you had your first child and everyone with their well-meaning advice said, “sleep when the baby sleeps”? Well, you quickly learned that many other things in the household would fall by the wayside if you did that. But when you were out of the baby phase, you may have regretted not taking that sage advice. Because, when we’re low on sleep and feeling burnt out, we realize that maybe some of those dishes could’ve stayed in the sink, and the house wouldn’t have fallen apart. 

So, make sure you’re getting in at least eight or nine hours of sleep a night. Maybe this will cut into private time with your spouse, but find another time in the day to be spontaneous! It would be best if you were well-rested not only to be a patient mama but to maintain your overall physical and mental health. Sleep is proven to be therapeutic and beneficial to our health


Watch What You Eat 

Don’t get things twisted –  we’re not talking about weight loss here. Bodies are beautiful in all shapes and sizes, but what we eat directly impacts our physical health and mood. It can be easy to fall into the trap of grabbing quick and convenient food as a busy parent. But, most of those foods are full of over processed ingredients and a ton of sugar, which leaves us feeling more tired after we eat them and, in general, unwell. Instead, try to make sure your house is mainly filled with healthy, nutrient-dense food. That way, when you need a quick snack, it’s a beef jerky stick, not a candy bar. That’s not to say you can’t indulge occasionally, and you deserve a treat for being a strong mother. 

Additionally, if you’re feeling sluggish and have mainly consumed fast food and convenience items, you should consider a detox plan. These types of plans are great because they can help you clear out toxins and give you energy. They also work amazingly on your gut health, which is super important. 


Get Regular Exercise 

Though running around after children, up and downstairs with laundry, and typical household and work tasks do get us moving, it’s not the same as getting in regular physical exercise. The critical thing about bodily exercise is that it keeps you in shape, benefits your mental health, and makes you more capable of dealing with stress as it comes and goes. 

The key to a solid exercise program is finding something that you genuinely enjoy doing. When you like the form of exercise you’ve chosen, you are more likely to incorporate it into your daily routine because it becomes an escape for you. If you haven’t found an exercise that you enjoy yet, take a look on an App Store or Youtube to find tutorials that can ease you gently into new workout types. Many of them have free programs you can join to keep you motivated and accountable. So, get moving, mamas!


Practice Gratitude 

In the hustle and bustle of raising littles and keeping up with work and house life, it’s easy to snap sometimes when we lose patience. This is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Of course, you want to explain to your beloved children why that happened and apologize, but to err is human. It helps if you can try and practice gratitude in times of severe burnout and frustration. Even if you can only find five minutes alone in the kitchen pantry – take some deep breaths and remind yourself how much you love your family and what you have to be grateful for. It’s much easier to approach a rowdy household or child not listening if you take a few minutes to ground and center yourself. Mindfulness also plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being.

There’s nothing easy about being a mother. Even though it’s rewarding as all get out and the love indescribable, sometimes it can wear even the toughest mama down. So, make sure you’re doing the things mentioned above and others you may already be doing to keep yourself in the best physical shape and immunity as high as possible as we head into winter. Here’s to your health, mamacita!


Children these days have access to digital technology and gadgets that their parents did not. One generation sees the world differently than the next; of course, there’s truth to that. But the technology kids use these days are doing more harm than benefit them. That is why, as a parent, you should intervene in your kid’s life and kill their dependency on gadgets at the root.


Digital Detox: Brilliant minds of this generation spend hours coming up with interesting mobile games and social media strategies that make kids hooked to them. Screen-Addiction is very much similar to the addictive nature of drugs; the brain rewards a user once he logs into his digital world and spends more and more time in them while ignoring reality. 


  • This addiction won’t go away without effort. Like any other addiction, kids, too, would experience withdrawal symptoms after not using mobile phones. It is essential to replace their screen addiction with something else that will enrich their minds instead of harming them. Books are a great alternative that keeps people engaged in an alternate world of imagination and encourages children to be more conscious about one’s place in the world. 
  • Watching videos on the internet or surfing the web is passive work as one consumes the content passively without exercising their mind. On the other hand, reading storybooks is an active process that requires proper concentration and attention. That is why it is helpful for children to develop a reading habit to detoxify the internet addiction. 


The New Habit: while digital detox is necessary, one must acknowledge that children need personal time to focus on things they like. Reading storybooks for fun is considered a great hobby that helps shape one’s mind. Here are ways one can instill the habit of reading in small children. 


  • Re-read The Same Books: When you read a child their favorite books once again, it helps them visualize the plot better and fall in love with the character. Reading also helps the young reader gain speed and accuracy. 
  • A Shift in Personal Habit: Kids follow their parents a great deal. When a parent is glued to their mobiles (for work and entertainment), a child too wants to experience the same. As a parent, be sure to read more to set an example for the young ones. 
  • Books as Reward: Kids need to learn that books are not equated with punishment. When they do something good, reward them with an exciting storybook that they may enjoy reading. 
  • Pick Books at Right Level: Books are written for different age groups, and a parent must learn to recommend the right books for their kids. A child will not enjoy books that are mainly written for a grown-up audience. For example, during summer vacation, you may develop summer reading ideas and include a list of excellent books for your kids
  • Let Your Kid Choose: Take your kid to a bookstore where he will explore the joy of purchasing books. Let him select whichever books he likes. A child may choose lots of comics and graphic novels, which is fine. The more they read, the more they develop their own sense of likes and dislikes when reading books. 
  • Family Story Time: Reading a bedtime story every night is a great way to make your children fall in love with books, and at the same time, it will have a calming effect which will result in better sleep. Try to make it a family tradition that they will enjoy and cherish as a memory once they grow up. 


5 Tips for Choosing Your Baby’s Name

Coming up with a name for a baby is a fun and exciting time in a new parent’s life. You can get really creative in the name you give to your baby.

Still, it can be tough navigating through all the different possible names you might give your baby. There are a ton of them out there.

Here are five tips that can help you choose your baby’s name.


Avoid illegal names

You should avoid giving your baby an illegal name. As to what exactly is an illegal name, that varies. Each state has its laws as to what constitutes an illegal name. For example, you generally cannot include a numeral, special characters, or an emoji in your baby’s name. This is part of the reason why Elon Musk and Grimes couldn’t name their baby “X AE A-XI.”

There aren’t many names that are outright banned, though. You could hypothetically name your baby “Dolphin” or “Banana.” You probably shouldn’t give your baby either of those names, but you are free to do so if you choose.

Some common illegal names are probably ones you could guess, like naming your baby “Jesus Christ” or “Adolf Hitler.” Others might not be as obvious. Some states prohibit you from naming your baby “King” or “Queen.” If you’re really unsure about your baby’s name, it doesn’t hurt to do some research on your state’s laws.  


Avoid trends or fads

Naming your baby after a popular celebrity or fictional character happens often, but it should be avoided. Fads fade, and people can fall out of favor with the public quicker than you’d imagine.

Think back to how many people kept naming their children after the Game of Thrones character Daenerys, only to probably regret it considering Daenerys actions at the end of the series. It’s best to avoid going with trends or fads.


Analyze the entire name

It’s one thing to imagine what your baby’s first name will be, but you need to imagine how their entire name will be. That includes their middle and last name.

It helps to say your baby’s entire name to get a good feel for what it sounds like. You should also write it down or type it up to see how it looks.

You might end up discovering your baby’s entire name sounds kind of funny. You might also notice their initials might be a bit silly. Imagine your child’s name is “Billy Ulysses Turner.” Their initials would be “B.U.T.” and might make them the target of some bullying as they grow up. 


Consider meanings

Names generally have some meaning attached to them. For example, the name “Paul” means “humble” or “small,” and the name “Melinda” means “sweet.”

Having your baby’s name mean something or not shouldn’t be a dealbreaker, but it can hold significance. You could give your baby a name you would hope they would eventually live up to. For instance, you could name your baby “Ethan,” which means “strong” or “safe,” with the hope your baby will one day live up to its namesake.


Honor the past

It doesn’t hurt to keep certain naming traditions going or name your baby after a loved one you respect.

Some people have a tradition of giving their firstborns a name that starts with a specific letter. Others might have a tradition where they pass down their name to their baby.

Naming a baby after a loved one is a great show of respect. It’s a great way to honor a loved one that’s passed or to show how much you appreciate someone.


Final Thoughts

It’s tough coming up with a baby’s name. It’s the name they might carry with themselves for their entire lives.

However, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself when it comes to figuring out a name. Take it easy, and the right name will come to you. 

A Successful Law Firm – John Giorgi Talks About the Five Essential Pillars

Most leading law firm founders would say that developing a successful practice isn’t a simple task. Success gets measured by various verticals and can get lost fast. There can be losses at the courtroom cases as well.

Similar to any other business, even in law success isn’t a linear path. And it’s essential for a leading law firm to undergo several changes and walk-through times of losses. A successful law firm doesn’t just happen in a day. Instead, it takes years of dedication.

The important factors for a successful law firm according to John Giorgi

Do you own a law firm? If yes, here are a few pointers that will enable you to maximize your growth potential.


1. Create a vision and stay committed

A successful firm requires to have a correct vision aided by strong core values. By selecting a few essential values, you can allow your team to come up with small decisions that pass through the firm and help in making bigger decisions. Also, it’s essential to keep these values simple. If there are increased core values you might find it challenging to remain focused. Hence, assess the values that you want to use during successful and hard times.


2. Choose your partners and leadership wisely

Similar to any other business, even your law firm is as good as the leaders. Hence, when you are recruiting people for leadership positions, chose the ones who have good work ethic and possess a greater vision. Excellent work ethic can offer the partners with every zest and zeal to work on long-term projects says John Giorgi. And the broader vision will ensure that they are on the correct track.


3. You should invest in organization culture

If you wish to develop a good organization culture, make sure that both social and professional scopes for the co-workers assemble daily. The meetings are a scope to discuss the work adjective in a good environment and can result in social gatherings as well. And when everyone, from the receptionist to your managing partners, abide by this culture, you will find an improvement in the organization effectiveness.


4. You should be always client-driven

Once you outline yourself, it is essential to embrace the value for the clients. You should focus on the client’s requirements and cater to them in the best way. John Giorgi says that legal work is essential and you have to give your best for each case. Listen to your clients carefully and suggest the scopes of improvement. And you should look at the clients as an extension of the firm’s vision.


5. Standardize common processes and systems

A fraction of your client-driven culture depends on the company and the shared understanding of common processes. The probable clients will also leave the firm just in case you appear unreliable, unorganized or ineffective in the first impression. Do you want to make a good first impression? If yes, have guidelines for the employees to follow all through the case and intake process. It can comprise of consistent pricing, record-keeping process and various other aspects that can save your client’s time.

These are the five essential pillars that can help to make your law-firm a successful one in the future.

Most Inspiring Lifestyle Blogs to Follow

Not all blogs are created equal. That’s just how it is. When we’re searching through lifestyle blogs, very often, most of what’s on offer just doesn’t fit well. Then you read half a blog, get bored, and move to the next one.

Admittedly, It’s not the very worst thing in the whole wide world, but things do tend to get a little samey after a while. Nothing is quite what you were hoping for, and what should have been a compelling journey through lifestyle articles becomes dull and frustrating.  

It’s right at this point that our little compilation enters the fray! We’ve done the hard yards and emerged with a great selection of lifestyle blogs and articles to suit your tastes. Take a look below because something is bound to grab your interest.


1. Modamily

Modamily is an online network that helps connect people who are ready to start families, whether they are looking for romantic, platonic parenting, or known-donor relationships. Modamily was the first digital platform of its kind to provide this service in the U.S. and its app continues to be a great resource for prospective parents around the globe. They also feature blog content related to building a family whether it be a co-parenting, sperm donor, or even surrogate resources as their blog aims to help educate prospective parents on all the opportunities available to them.


2. The Babe Report

The Babe Report is a popular lifestyle blog that focuses on dating advice, wellness, mental health, beauty, and travel. The Babe Report has been syndicated by POPSUGAR, HuffPost, Elite Daily, Bustle, YourTango, Thought Catalog, and many other publications. The founder, Erica Gordon, initially started The Babe Report as a relationship advice column while she was working for one of the world’s largest dating sites. She’s since been able to grow it into a lifestyle blog with a worldwide audience.


3. Sustain Health

Sustain Health is the first-of-its-kind online digital magazine that is non-gender specific in its articles regarding all things fitness and sports.
SH helps its readers perform at the best of their abilities bringing them the latest and best apparel, nutrition, tech, and fitness/sports news that is out there to aid them in fulfilling their goals.


4. The Multitasking Woman

Eva, the woman behind The Multitasking Woman, transformed her blog into a Mental Health & Wellbeing blog after her diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder in 2017. The Multitasking Woman aims to give hope, inspiration, and guidance to women struggling with family, career, and mental health juggling.


5. DietZones.com 

DietZones.com, is your go-to destination for all things entertainment, health, diet, and beauty. We have built a community of modern women and we are familiar with all of their needs. That’s why we work incredibly hard to ensure that our platform is always up to date with the best entertainment, health, diet, celebrity, beauty, and gossip news that can be available with a simple click.


6. Made In A Pinch

Made In A Pinch is a family lifestyle site by moms and for moms to help eliminate the overwhelm and stress many moms face by providing real-life experience, practical solutions to common issues, fun ideas to do with the kids and as a family, and easy, delicious recipes that kids will actually eat. Come check out your new one-stop resource for all things family-related!


7. PuckerMob

PuckerMob is a blog for women, on all things Fashion, Fitness, Beauty and Business.


8. Bed Guru

Bed Guru, You dream it, we make it. Made to measure mattresses, bed frames, and divan bases in any size. Over 200 standard UK, EU, and custom sizes to make your dream bedroom a reality.


9. Happy Healthy Hippie

Happy Healthy Hippie is a health & wellness brand that was born out of a genuine passion for a healthy, natural, and intentional life. This includes using the gifts of nutrient-filled plants that nature has provided us. The founders, Kylie and Keio, are working to promote the message of healthy, conscious living through the HHH blog and their 100% organic and natural products.


10. NativePath

At NativePath, we’re on a mission to restore human health by rediscovering the Native way to eat. We do this by providing the purest, most natural ingredients that Mother Nature has to offer. Choose from Grass-Fed Collagen, Collagen Coffee Creamer, Wild-Caught Krill Oil, and more to look and feel your very best.


11. EnviroMom

EnviroMom is a blog about sustainable living for busy parents. There are lots of tips for reducing waste around the house and the garden. I like it because it keeps it real and practical without being the eco-police.


12. Cathy Taughinbaugh


Because of her own child’s drug use journey, Cathy, a certified parent coach, is passionate about supporting parents with research-based skills to help struggling teens or young adults. She is the author of  The Compassion Antidote: A Path to Change for You and Your Child Struggling with Substance Use.

As a result of her journey with her own child’s drug use, Cathy, a former educator became a Certified Parent Coach to help other parents struggling because of their child’s substance use. Cathy was an elementary school teacher for fifteen years. She has a Certificate of Completion from Robert J. Meyers, Ph.D.& Associates, Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) and is certified in the Invitation to Change Approach. Cathy is one of over 350 Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) Parent Network Coaches trained by the Center for Motivation and Change and the Partnership to End Addiction. She is the author of “The Compassion Antidote.” You can learn more at her website, www.cathytaughinbaugh.com.

13. We Made This Vegan


We Made This VeganYou will mainly find delicious vegan recipes (all homemade!) and also a spattering of beauty and lifestyle content, from homemade moisturizer to DIY crafts.

14. My Life Your Way


My Life Your Way – is a lifestyle blog full of informational articles about interiors, beauty, fashion, food, and travel ideas. It is a brilliant resource for the busy working woman who is interested in broadening her knowledge base and living life to the full.

15. We Made This Life


We Made This Life An aspirational parenting and lifestyle blog featuring recipes, parenting tips, interior design ideas, and much more.

16. Pilot


Pilot is the brand-new trip planner that helps you discover and build travel itineraries connecting you to resources everywhere. Make the planning experience more fun by collaborating with your travel buddies! Pilot makes it fun and easy to share and relive your favorite travel memories with many useful features, which include Flightdeck, our complementary travel resource to help you discover, explore, and get inspired on all things travel!

17. GenTwenty

GenTwenty is a career, financial, and self-development resource for twenty-somethings who are growing up and navigating the real world. With a free resource library, they’ll help you make the most of your twenties.

18. Miss MV

Miss MV is a lifestyle blog that features the latest trends in fashion, beauty, personal finance, home décor, and DIY. What sets us apart from other blogs is that we care about our audience and we try to build a close relationship by allowing them to express their opinion.

We’ve worked with large and small brands and independent artists to help them set the foundation for their businesses. Our mission is to share the best information possible, helping people make the most of what they have and also supporting local, national, and international business owners.

The Most Amazing Beauty Blogs to Follow

Sometimes, the world can seem like information overload. Stuff assails us from every direction, so it can be hard to keep track. This is especially true in the beauty blogosphere, with so much out there to choose from. 

It’s not that we’re complaining, though! Having the advice and information is a wonderful thing, but at times it might seem overwhelming. The good news is that there’s a way to get hold of all the best advice without having to trawl through everything else first. 

That’s the whole point of our following list. We’ve done the trawling for you, so now all you have to do is check out our recommendations and read the things that matter most to you! Things might be complicated, but at least your reading choices just got a little easier. 


1) 15 Minute Beauty

Do you need a quick catch-up on the latest beauty trends? You are in the right place! 15 Minute Beauty shares quickly and useful videos from the beauty world. Whether you are looking for the best way to use your mascara or you are looking for the perfect lipstick, you can easily navigate the search. One thing is sure – you won’t leave this blog with unanswered questions.


2) The Pink Velvet Blog

A place where you can find Beauty Products Reviews, Beauty Related Content, and Tips on Skincare, Makeup, Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle. And yes, a bit of Food too. No Matter if You are a Girl, Boy, Man or Woman. Skincare and Healthy Lifestyle is for everyone. Isn’t it?  All the reviews and opinions are honest reviews and are not biased in any way.


3) I Am THE Makeup Junkie

Marie Papachatzis is an Esthetician and Beauty Blogger with 28 years of experience in the beauty industry. Her interests include acneic skin, anti-aging, and CBD skincare. The blog I Am THE Makeup Junkie is a reflection of her interests in the skincare industry. Often she writes about topics that interest her, including but not limited to relevant topics in the industry. Reviews are usually done on purchased or complimentary products and are always honest. Marie likes to write about the formula that makes up the product as she feels that this is the key to a product’s success or failure.


4) Clean Beauty Kit

Clean Beauty Kit is a monthly PR Clean Living Lifestyle box that features clean beauty and sustainable products that have been put to the test by Cassandra McClure and the Clean Beauty Team. The Clean Beauty Kit is a custom curation of products made in the USA by small beauty and sustainable companies that are women-owned that you won’t find in big box stores. The Clean Beauty Kit Blog shares the stories of these companies and the products that have been tested against the Clean Beauty Code. The Clean Beauty Code is used to ensure products and companies are maintaining strict ingredient standards, high expectations for performance, and the need to connect with the women who make clean beauty possible. With a mission of “Until all beauty is clean beauty” educating beauty lovers is a passion that isn’t taken lightly.


5) Think Dirty app

The Think Dirty app empowers ingredient-conscious consumers to help choose the safest beauty, personal, and household products. It is an independent source that allows consumers to compare products as they shop. With over 2M products in our system, each product is given a comprehensive rating along with a detailed (but easy to understand) description of ingredients, certifications, and health impacts.


6) Exquisite magazine

The exquisite magazine is a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle digital magazine
for the unlimited confident woman. Our aim is to inspire confidence and
style in women through access to informative, educative, entertaining, and inspiring articles.


7) Faded Spring

Ana is a multi-award-winning lifestyle blogger over at https://fadedspring.co.uk/ which covers cruelty-free beauty, lifestyle, food and drink, and ethical living. Ana only uses cruelty-free products that do not test on animals and is proudly committed to championing animal rights. From ethical fashion to vegan and vegetarian-friendly beauty brands, including skincare, makeup, and grooming, Ana is doing her bit to help the planet, animals, and humans. Self-described described as a part-time mermaid, and unicorn at weekends, Ana has a penchant for living life in color. From colorful, bold, and vibrant makeup looks, to eye-catching fashion, she is no wallflower!

She has a unique writing style, often described as lyrical, poignant, and whimsical, and is adept at transporting her readers into a magical wonderland. From beauty to food and drink, dating and relationships, art and entertainment, and personal stories, Ana covers it all. When she is not writing, Ana can be found playing Mario Kart with her partner, tucked up in a bathtub reading a historical fiction novel, or out and about with friends, eating delicious vegan and vegetarian food.


8) Ella Hopfeldt


Ella Hopfeldt is a dress shirt brand for women. Our dress shirts are about elegance, confidence, and effortless chic. If your style is about elegance and class, you’ll love having these shirts in your wardrobe.

9) Miracle Face MedSpa


Miracle Face MedSpa is a boutique medical spa owned and run by Dr. Schwarzburg, M.D. and located in Midtown East, Manhattan, New York. Miracle Face offers a large variety of minimally invasive treatments from body enhancements and fat reduction to medical-grade skin tightening and facial rejuvenation injectables.

10) Skinly Aesthetics

Skinly Aesthetics is a boutique medical spa located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York. Owned and operated by a board-certified cosmetic physician, Dr. Schwarzburg M.D., Skinly offers a wide variety of minimally invasive skin tightening, rejuvenating, and body contouring procedures.


11) Lemontrend

Are you looking for the latest trends in Fashion, Beauty, and lifestyle? Lemontrend is the website for you. Inspiring interviews with all the people who make the fashion world possible. Get inspired by all the stories and the hard work of designers, makeup artists, models photographers, and much more.

6 Ways To Prevent Breakouts On Your Skin

Healthy skin begins the moment you decide to take care of yourself.” -Hydra Girls Johor Bahru 

People believe that beauty is only skin deep; it is what on the inside that matters. However, our insides are essential too, but your skin is the first layer of defense from the outside world. Your skin reveals some significant facts about your overall health. It would be best if you learn to take care of your skin so that your skin can continue to take care of you.  

Skin is the most beautiful organ in the human body and needs constant care. The skin is merely the frame to the picture, and sadly, many people judge themselves according to this frame. Having healthy skin is the first step towards self-assurance as it gives you confidence.  

In your everyday routine, you often forget to look after your skin, and as a result, it starts breaking out. However, it is entirely normal for your skin to break out. But if you keep a good skincare routine, the chances of breaking out will reduce and your skin will look glowing and healthy.  

Being a teenager or an adult, it is certainly not easy for you to cope with your skin. Some days or nights, mostly in winters, your skin becomes so bad that day by day your confidence shatters, and you start stressing out, which is not suitable for your inside out.  

Sadly, you are not able to go out anywhere without makeup. Thus, it is crucial to pay extra attention to your skin to stop it from breaking out. To help you out in this challenging situation, we have come up with some ways that will help you to follow up a strict skincare routine.  


Know Your Skin Type:  

Before jumping onto any skincare routine, you must be able to figure out your skin type. Everyone has unique skin, but very few can identify where their skin fits the most. You may have oily or combination skin and normal to dry skin.  

Knowing your skin type will make it easy for you to choose the correct skincare products. Many people get confused when deciding the skin type. To make it easy for you, here are two ways to quickly know your right skin type.   


A method with a bare face: 

You need to wash your face with any of your mild cleansers. Do not apply any moisturizers or serums to your face. After 30 minutes, observe your cheeks, chin, forehead, and your nose areas. Check whether your skin feels dry or not while making any facial expressions. If you feel a sudden tightness, you are most likely to have dry skin.  

Contrary, your skin may be oily to combination one if you have a noticeable shine on your T-zone area.  


A method with a blotting paper:  

This method is the easiest way to know your skin type. Using blotting paper, gently pat on the various parts of your face. Now hold the paper in sunlight to determine how much oil it has. If the sheet has no oil on it, you have dry skin. If only the T-zone areas have oil, then you have a normal to combination skin.  

And if the blotting sheet contains excessive oil, you may have oily skin.  


Cleanse your face properly:  

It would help if you washed your face with any mild cleanser twice a day. But if you have acne-prone or sensitive skin, it may become impossible for you to cleanse your face daily. To avoid more breakouts, refrain from using too harsh cleansers. Instead of that, you may use non-alcoholic cleaners, or you may also use skin script raspberry refining cleanser.  

You would be surprised to know that there is a proper way to wash your face. To clean your face, you have to wet your face with warm water, not too cold or hot. Now gently massage your face with a mild cleanser. Then rinse your face thoroughly.  


Drink lots of water to stay hydrated:  

Dehydration makes your skin look dull and patchy. It may also force your skin’s glands to produce more oil. Therefore, to be hydrated, you need to have at least 8 to 12-ounce glasses of water daily. Drinking enough water will help your body to remove toxins while giving you healthier glowing skin.  


Invest in a good sunscreen:  

We all know how sun rays damage the skin. However, it is good to intake vitamin D. Still, as your skin is too sensitive, the ultraviolet rays from the sun may damage your skin and cause sunburn. Without sunscreen, your skin invites a lot of new problems to your face.  

Therefore, you need to protect your skin from sun damages. Invest in a good sunscreen that fits your skin. If you haven’t added any sunscreen to your skincare routine yet. Then what’s the use of investing your money in expensive moisturizers? Start investing in a sunscreen that contains more than 60+ SPF.  


Avoid touching your face:  

Throughout the day, your hands come in contact with dirt and bacteria. And whenever you touch your face, those bacteria quickly transfer to your skin, which welcomes various skin issues. However, wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face as much as possible. 


Avoid junk food:  

Avoid eating junk as much as you can. Eating junk food may worsen your skin condition. Foods and beverages like chips, soft drinks have never been nutritious for your health and skin too. So, urge to ditch all the fast foods and jump on to the healthy eating routine to get glowing skin. 


Final Thoughts:  

Your skin needs changes from season to season and taking steps to figure out what’s best for your skin is quite challenging. It has never been an easy task to protect your skin from any breakouts. Though it is normal to get pimples on your face, they do not go off quickly.  

Do not go overboard with all the skincare products. Use the ones that suit your skin. Let us know if we have missed out on any of the tips. You may comment down below! And if you follow our guidelines, you may not witness any breakouts on your skin.