Mastering the Basics Essential Skills for Your Kayak Hire Experience


Ever thought of plunging into the world of water sports with a fun-filled kayaking trip? If your answer is a resounding “Yes!”, this guide is perfectly tailored for you. If it’s a hesitant “Maybe…?”, let’s embark on this journey together and dispel any uncertainty.

While kayaking might seem like a challenging undertaking at first glance, once you understand the basics and hone essential skills, it transforms into a delightful, immersive experience. Few activities balance the rush of adrenaline with the calming rhythm of the waves quite like kayaking. This article is designed to guide you from start to finish, ensuring you’re armed with the right knowledge for your first kayak hire experience.

Injecting life into your weekend or holiday, kayaking is the perfect blend of adventure, exploration, and tranquillity. Whether you’re interested in wildlife spotting or just floating around with a friend, your maiden voyage can be anything you dream it to be.

Why Kayaking?

As intimidating as it might seem, there are countless reasons why kayaking is an excellent activity for first-timers. It is a versatile sport, appealing to diverse people with varying fitness levels and interests. Kayaking incorporates fitness, relaxation, and exploration into a well-rounded adventure, include it in your bucket list if it isn’t already on it.

Kayaking can also enhance your interaction with nature, granting an intimate familiarity with local ecosystems. No two kayaking routes are the same, ensuring each adventure offers a tantalizing fresh perspective.

What to Know Beforehand

There’s no denying that a good understanding of the basics is hugely beneficial for a productive and safe kayaking experience. From the kayak itself, to handling the paddle, understanding safety protocols and weather conditions, each factor plays a decisive role.

The Right Equipment

Quality equipment is non-negotiable for any water-sports adventure, especially kayaking. As a rule of thumb, always make sure your kayak and accessories are in top form before setting sail. Life jackets, helmets, and a first-aid kit are essential items to consider at the time of your kayak hire.

Skills to Master

As a novice, you might wonder how to paddle correctly or keep your balance in the kayak. These are vital skills to learn, and luckily, there are plenty of instructions and training sessions available to get you up to speed.

Pros and Cons of Kayaking

Despite its rage of benefits, kayaking does have its downsides. The chance of toppling over can seem daunting, as can the physical exertion involved. However, once you become comfortable in the kayak and build up your fitness, these challenges tend to dissipate.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

First-timers often make several mistakes which lead to discomfort or accidents. Outlining these pitfalls and knowing how to avoid them will ensure your kayaking experience is as smooth as possible.


Kayaking activities provide newcomers with an unforgettable experience filled with thrill and serenity. Yes, you’ll miss a paddle stroke or might wobble in the kayak – but remember, every pro was a beginner at some point.

As you take these lessons on-board, you are already halfway across the sea of doubt. All that’s left to do is hire a kayak and start paddling. Discover your adventure spirit, conquer that water body, and above all, remember to have fun!

Eco Friendly Solutions for a Cigar Lounge

Hello, my name is Kim, my husband of 15 years really likes his cigars. I guess I don’t mind them too much if he smokes them outside. Here in northern Georgia, it gets a bit cold in spring. We even had snow on March 12th. My husband has been telling me it’s too cold outside to enjoy his cigars. I told him I don’t want that smoke and smell in the house.

He showed me a review for a product by the name “smoke eater” posted by a local establishment called the Cedar & Smoke Cigar in Cedartown Georgia. In the review, the owner tells a story of a woman with lung disease being able to enjoy a meal inside their business. Well, I called, and talked to the owner “Ron”. He confirmed that the smoke eaters they bought from a company in Racine Wisconsin clean the air so well, the air inside was truly clean even when people are smoking cigars.

Smoke eaters are complex products with the ability to filter large volumes of air removing almost all of the smoke and odor. I decided to dig further into this product. Here is what I found out:

My search led me to call the company in Racine Wisconsin called LakeAir. The owner was kind enough to take time from his day to explain how smoke eaters work. Apparently, LakeAir has several models. I was amazed by the wealth of information on the subject found on their smoke eater webpage. It turns out the units bought by Cedar & Smoke Cigar cost around $2500.00.  One for our home will be less than $800.00. Hubby will be able to smoke in his man cave next winter and spring.

I am very drawn to the cause of eco-friendly products and lifestyles. If a product like a smoke eater can make a cigar lounge healthy enough for even the disadvantaged, I am all for it. Beyond that, it turns out LakeAir is an eco-friendly business. Their products are made of mostly recycled materials. The units they manufacture are almost entirely recyclable. The very unit employed by the cigar lounge is 98.6% recyclable. Looking for an environmental solution to smoke?   I suggest you check out this environmentally conscious company.

Smoke eaterThis LAFC Smoke Eater is 98.6% Recyclable

Non-recyclable parts

These parts weigh 20 oz and are non-recyclable parts.


Kim Kaiser

4 Fun and Eco-Friendly Activities for the Kids this Summer

The best way to teach kids about sustainability is to instill them with a deep reverence for nature. If your kids are already nature babies and love the great outdoors, that is fabulous! There are ways you can incorporate earth-saving lessons when they are playing in the woods or picking wildflowers.  Helping your kids stay mindful of the environment throughout every step of their lives will ensure they maintain a healthy respect for the earth. Here are a few fun and eco-friendly activities to do with kids this summer that ingrains valuable teachings about caring for the environment.

Nature Walks: Pack a picnic lunch and take the kiddies for a walk in nature. While you and the littles are packing delicious treats for the trail, share information with your kids about sustainable ways to pack a picnic. Show them how to reduce waste by substituting plastics for reusable glass containers, and replacing one-use water bottles with reusable ones. Pack a nature guide book in the picnic basket too.  Then play a game of “eye spy” while on your nature walk and use the nature guide to look up the different kinds of birds, trees, and flowers your kids are spying on. The idea here is to fully involve children with every step of being aware, being kind, and honoring nature.

Road Trips: Now more than ever there are a growing number of eco-friendly destinations that are practicing mindful sustainability and also great summer spots for the whole family. Wherever you decide to go, you can teach your kids how to travel sustainably every step of the trip. For example, educate them about shopping and eating at local farmers’ markets and farm-to-table restaurants and how this reduces the energy required to ship and refrigerate foods which leads to a lower carbon footprint. Consider renting or buying an electric car with an EV charger for your family road trip and explain how these vehicles reduce emissions that damage the environment. There are endless ways to demonstrate how your kids (and you) can stay mindful about sustainability in every aspect of summer fun.

Gardening: Hands down, perhaps one of the most beautiful ways to illustrate the cycle of life in nature to kids is growing a garden with them. This activity has loads of benefits and rewards for you and your family.  Most obviously, you can practice sustainability by growing your own produce instead of buying it from the grocery store. You can take this activity with the kids a step forward and teach them how to honor nature by practicing green gardening techniques. For example, explain how pesticides are harmful to the earth and show them how to use alternatives for reducing pesky bugs and invasive weeds. Explain how planting native plants are more sustainable than exotic (non-local) options. You can also involve them in water-saving practices like irrigation or using rain barrels to promote sustainability. You can even encourage the kids to help plant a butterfly garden and explain the powerful role butterflies play in the ecology of our planet.

Repurposing for Nature: Another great activity to involve the kids in is building habitats for nature’s creatures from reclaimed materials. Make an event out of this by taking the kiddies along to rummage yards and pick through viable materials that can be repurposed for this activity. Once your home with your junkyard treasures, brainstorm what kind of homes you can build. The options are endless, from birdhouses to bat boxes.  You can even introduce your kids to the globe-saving art of beekeeping by building a beehive from reclaimed materials. This activity can open your kid’s eyes about how the important function bees play in pollinating plants so they can produce fruits, flowers, and veggies. Additionally, the act of upcycling and repurposing materials is an effective lesson on sustainability.

Whatever you plan to do with the kids this summer, there is always an occasion to share valuable observations with your kids about sustainability and caring for mother nature. The more our children learn that our earth’s resources are finite and should be nurtured, the better our odds are for preserving the planet. Involving kids with eco-friendly summer activities is a fun way to instill valuable lessons of conservation. Doing so will make this world a better place for their kids, your grandkids, and generations to come.

New Years Resolutions That Help the Environment

As the New Year arrives, you might have some less-than-traditional resolution ideas on your mind. While typical resolutions are generally related to personal goals, health and aspirations, you might find yourself wondering lately how you can help protect the environment. Environmental resolutions may not be particularly common or widespread, but that doesn’t make them any less important. In fact, if you want to continue to enjoy the great outdoors with your friends and family for decades to come and dream of someday taking your kids San Diego whale watching, it’s imperative to take environmentally conscious actions now. Not sure what exactly you can do to help? Try making some of these unique New Years resolutions that could have a bigger environmental impact than you think.


Support Local Activities and Go Green When Choosing Transportation

One way you can reduce your environmental footprint is by taking more of your vacations locally and choosing green transportation methods, like public transportation or bicycling, whenever possible. For instance, if you live in Southern California, you can take bike trips down to tide pools in San Diego instead of getting on a jet and flying abroad.


Ramp Up Your Current Recycling Efforts

If you’re considering making environmentally focused resolutions, you’re likely someone who already recycles at least sometimes. However, this year, you can focus on ramping up those efforts. Some steps you can take are:

Separating out your recycling by category
Taking recycling to a center yourself if you don’t live in an area with recycling pick-up services
Encouraging friends and family to start recycling as well
Purchasing products with recyclable packaging over those with throw-away packaging

Try Switching to Reusable Bags and Other Multi-Use Products

Another great way you can go green in your everyday life is by switching to reusable and multi-use products. For example, when you go grocery shopping, you can take reusable cloth bags instead of picking up plastic ones from the store, which will likely sit for years and years in landfills before finally decomposing. You can also make easy switches to other multi-use products as well, such as using a thermos or other travel bottle instead of buying plastic water bottles. A fun tip is to try taking your travel mug to coffee shops and asking the employees to pour the coffee directly in the travel mug, so you can avoid using up another paper cup.

Taking care of the environment is something a great many people care about, but when you’re sitting down to make your list of New Years resolutions, it might not be the first item to come to mind. However, making a concerted effort to be more environmentally conscious can have unforeseen positive ripple effects and could help you to make a significant difference. If you want to help but aren’t sure what exactly you can do in your everyday life, consider adding some of these items to your list of resolutions. You might find that your efforts pay off this upcoming year and in the years to come as well.

7 Family-Friendly Hikes in the U.S. That Active Families Should Explore

Hiking can be a challenging activity. That’s why it is tricky to find a family-friendly hike in the US.


For one, it has to be safe and less strenuous. Second, it should be interesting that your kids will not wander. Lastly, it should be stimulating for your kids.


To help you narrow down your list, we have listed down the top seven family-friendly hikes in the US.

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve, Colorado

Colorado is home to the country’s tallest dunes. The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve is tucked against the Sangre de Cristo Mountains’ east side.


The main dune field has spread across 30 square miles, and it can reach more than 700 feet high.


While it is not your “go out and have fun” kind of dunes park, parents and kids are welcome to run, slide, and roll here. However, you need to heed the necessary precautions when the sand is scorching hot in the summer.

Sourdough Ridge Trail, Washington

Located in the subalpine zone of the Mount Rainier National Park, the Sourdough Ridge Trail offers fantastic views of Washington’s snow-capped peaks.


It boasts a one-mile loop with gentle elevation, and it passes through flower-filled meadows. This makes the trail a great way to introduce the beauty of nature to kids.


Just keep in mind that the snow closes this area most of the time. So, it would be best to plan your hike during summer or early fall.

Frozen Niagara Tour, Kentucky

Some cave tours can be cumbersome for children. But not the Frozen Niagara Tour at the Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky.


The tour is short enough at a quarter-mile round trip. It also boasts spectacular cave sceneries like the Rainbow Dome, Crystal Lake, and the Frozen Niagara flowstone.


If you want to stimulate your kids’ imagination, we recommend that you bring them here.


But depending on when you want to take the tour, we suggest bringing a decent rain jacket. That’s because the wet season lasts more than four months in Kentucky. And it usually peaks around June.

Giant Logs Trail, Arizona

A wide, open space can be uneventful for kids. But if you bring them to a place where they can see enormous “fallen trees” made of rock, that can be a different story.


The Giant Logs Trail in Arizona is one of the best short hikes for kids. It starts at the Rainbow Forest Museum and can lead you to the Old Faithful, the most massive log in the park.


Here, you and your family will be able to see bark, knotholes, and growth rings in great detail.

Base Loop Trail, Wyoming

There is a reason why Native American have long considered the Devils Tower National Monument a sacred site.


The Devil Tower is a butte that rises 867 feet above the rock rubble.


But do not just marvel at it from afar. You and your family can take the 1.3-mile base loop trail that starts across the parking area from the visitor center.


When you take the trail, you will notice clothes and bundles that are attached to the trees. These are Native American prayer clothes that you should leave undisturbed.


There are also benches where you can rest and waysides informing you about the park’s natural and cultural history. Another trail highlight is up-close views of the Tower and boulder field.

Life of the Marsh and Woodland Trails, Maryland

It will not come as a surprise if kids love ponies. And if your kids do, we recommend that you bring them to the Assateague Island National Seashore.


The park encompasses a 37-mile-long barrier between Maryland and Virginia. However, the ponies from the Maryland side run wild and free, and you can see them when you take the Life of the Marsh and Woodland Trails.


The trail winds through a salt marsh where many ponies convene.

Trails Along Redwood Creek, California

If you want to bring your kids to a magical place, the trails along Redwood Creek is the place to be.


It is a cathedral-life forest of coast redwoods that can be as high as 250 feet. Hence, do not be surprised to see people with upturned faces and wide-open eyes.


Luckily, you do not have to step on the roots of these centuries-old trees. That’s because there are paved trails alongside Redwood Creek.

National Parks Abound Family-friendly Hikes

We know how challenging it can be to find a family-friendly hike.


For one, it has to be easy enough for the youngsters. Second, it should be enticing for the adults.


Luckily, there are several worthwhile trails throughout the US that your entire family can enjoy. And it is not just because it piques the parents’ interest while ensuring it will not tire out the kids. If you need help getting started then check out this guide for the perfect hiking trip.


The hiking trails we have listed above are sure to stimulate your kids’ imagination and allow them to learn about nature.

8 Best Tour Companies in India

History of India’s travel companies is relatively impressive. The first significant travel ‘arranger’ to open on the Indian subcontinent was British-possessed Cox and Kings.

Today, India is home of some of the largest travel companies in the world.  Let’s get to know about the best of the rest and take full advantage of the tomorrow land festivals.

  1. Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation

Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation ranked as India’s leading travel company. IRCTC is positioned as the best travel website in India.

It is a subsidiary of Indian Railways-the world’s fourth largest railroad organize. The Indian railways are known for their gesture and hospitality. The quality of food served on the trains is mind boggling along with wi-fi connectivity.

  1. MakeMyTrip

MakeMyTrip is an online Tours and Travel entry and ranks among pioneers of India’s Internet-based travel agencies.

The company’s site claiming it held a 47 percent share of the online travel advertising, citing a 2013 survey. book your travel with the company and enjoy huge discounts on the tomorrow land festivals. it is also one of the most preferred store when you are planning for your holidays. Whether it is about booking flight tickets or simple booking of buses the store has a lot to offer. the best thing about make my trip is the discounts and deals it offers across the year to its customers.

  1. EaseMyTrip

Established in the year 2008, EaseMyTrip is the new contestant in this list has come to this position because of astounding services and offering transparency in airfare.

The travel company is among the most significant flight booking sites of the nation with twenty eight branch offices in India, Thailand, Maldives, Singapore, and Dubai. Last year, turnover of the company was Rs.2000 Cr.

  1. Cleartrip

Cleartrip is also a primary online travel website from India that operates with three offices in this nation and one in the Spread across three convenient offices in India and one in Middle East.

Thanks to the Middle East operations, it is the favored office among business and leisure travelers to the Arabian Gulf states.

Cleartrip also ranked among the pioneers of India’s online travel business.

Its website features blogs and other interesting articles about various destinations and trends in the travel and tourism industry worldwide.

  1. Yatra

Yatra is another top travel company that has a significant presence online.

The company claims that more than four million remote and domestic travelers have profited its services since its establishment in 2006.

Yatra also has a versatile application that makes it possible for individuals to book any travel related service while moving and at short notice.

Yatra’s services incorporate domestic and global air ticketing, lodging bookings, home-stays, occasion packages, bus ticketing, rail ticketing, activities, and ancillary services.

  1. Cox and Kings Ltd

Cox and Kings is the longest established travel company in the world that started in 1758. It started primarily as a travel arranger for British troops touching base in the Indian subcontinent.

The company assumed a primary job amid World War-I and World War-II by transporting Indian soldiers to different battlefields in Europe and Asia.

Cox and Kings is also considered as those handful couple of companies of the vintage that continues to grow and earn positive reviews till date and one of a kind in the travel segment.

  1. Thomas Cook (India) Ltd

Thomas Cook (India) Ltd was established in India in 1881. Thomas Cook has an extremely intriguing history.

It started as a social change adventure that was gone for helping individuals to conquer liquor abuse issue by instructing individuals through travel.

  1. Balmer Lawrie Travel and Vacations

Today an Indian government endeavor, Balmer Lawrie Travel, and Vacations follow its history back to 1867.

It is an auxiliary of Balmer Lawrie and Co Ltd; an organization propelled in Kolkata in 1867 by two Scotsmen.


If you are planning to go and enjoy your vacations with your family then do consider the list of 8 best tour companies in India and enjoy your time with your loved ones. The stores will make your trip an unforgettable experience with endless facilities and affordable prices that will not burden you after you return back to your daily routine.

Necessary Information to Ease Out Your Dumpster Rental Procedure

In the event that you are a person who is thinking of getting your home renovated, then you must ponder about the way that you will dispose of your garbage and debris. For this purpose, it will be necessary for you to rent out a dumpster. A lot of people do not know how they will do this. You need to consider the space in your driveway, the price of the rental service, the size of the dumpster required and so on. These are all important concerns which you will have to take care of. In this article, you would learn about some such essential information to help in renting out dumpsters.

When should you consider renting dumpster out?

When there are construction projects or any form of home renovation works going on, chances are that there will be plenty of rubbish as well as waste materials left. These cannot be disposed of in trashcans and cannot be managed in this way. It is in these situations that you must consider renting dumpsters out using a service similar to this dumpster rental in Cedar Rapids Iowa or elsewhere so that you are able to dispose of all the waste materials. Shingles from the roof, concrete leftovers, debris from demolition works and so on would be disposed of with these dumpsters. Having a dumpster will be a simple solution in this regard and help you get a clean environment at the site of your construction or renovation work.

What is the process of getting a dumpster out on rent?

After you finally decide to get dumpsters as essential aspects of your construction project, you will have to consider what size of dumpster you should get. There are typically four different types of dumpster sizes available today. These are:

  • The 10 yards dumpster which is about approximately about 12 to 14 ft. long x 8 ft. wide and is 3 to 3.5 ft. high 
  • The 20-yard dumpster which is approximately about 22 ft. long x 8 ft. Wide and is 4 ft. high
  • The 30-yard dumpster which is approximately about 22 ft. long x 8 ft. wide and is 6 ft. high
  • The 40-yard dumpster which is approximately about 22 ft. long x 8 ft. wide and is 8 ft. high


If you’re considering the 30-yard option, understanding the dimensions of this size dumpster is crucial to ensure it meets your project needs. It’s always a good idea to check the specific measurements provided by the rental service.
After selecting the appropriate size, it’s important to verify the weight limit allowed for the dumpster. This step is crucial because exceeding the weight limit could result in additional fees on top of your rental cost.


After you have decided on choosing a particular size for the dumpster that will suit your specific requirements, it is extremely important for you to go and check the amount of the weight which is permitted to be put on the dumpster. It is crucial for you to do this because if there is an excess amount of debris which is put, then you might be charged extra which will be added on top of the rental fee which you are required to pay.

After you specify the size along with the weight permitted in the dumpster, you will have to go and check if there are details about the types of materials which you are not allowed to put inside the dumpster.  A lot of dumpster rental services specify certain materials of waste substances which should not be put inside the dumpsters or else they may get damaged. These contents will be varying based on the wishes of the different companies that are renting the dumpsters out. However, generally, there are certain common materials which are not allowed in all dumpsters like flammable materials and so on.

Some of the banned contents will include things like gasoline, kerosene, diesel, wet paints, hazardous waste materials, oils, toxic substances, car tires, batteries, asbestos, etc. You must try to get a detailed list of these banned substances when you are making the rental agreement. This will help you to not incur any extra charges later on in case you are about to put any prohibited and banned material in the dumpster.

Dumpster space – It is crucial for you to check as you make the rental agreement that you would have identified specific spaces in which the containers will be kept in. Generally, residential property dumpsters will need to be kept in the driveway and away from the streets. You will get this information from the city authorities or the municipality. You will need a permit for renting the dumpster out also. Ensure that there are no trees, fences, unlevelled grounds or power lines in the vicinity of that place.  

Finally, in the end, after you rent the dumpster out, you will need to call your rental company up so that you can request to get a pickup. Every company will have different periods in which they will give their rentals out. You should know the exact number of the days for which you can have the dumpster.  You will have to get this information before you rent the dumpster out.

Finding the right dumpster rental facility – It is an essential step that you will have to take in the entire process of the renting out of a dumpster in choosing a top-quality company for you to be working with.  A lot of people make a similar mistake in renting dumpsters is that they hurry up and overlook finer details regarding the expenses of the dumpster. It is necessary for you to check that there are no hidden expenses that may go on to increase the rental price later on by significant amounts. You will need to check hidden charges like fuel costs, delivery costs and so on. You should visit Bin there Dump That Houston if you want to get more information about how you would be able to easily rent dumpsters out for the construction project that you are working on.

Wrapping things up

In order to remove the debris from your construction site, it would be important for you to get a dumpster. For a lot of people, it may seem quite overwhelming to rent a decent dumpster out. The guidelines that are mentioned in this article will help you to find one easily. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you.