How To Save Money On Household Maintenance And Repairs

Everything in your house has a maintenance schedule, from the shingles on the rooftop to the concrete foundation. Failure to keep up with these things could result in costlier repairs, accidents, injuries, and medical issues. While most are aware of this, many people overlook or avoid maintenance tasks due to the cost. As maintenance can cost as much as 1 percent of the property’s value each year, it’s an expense most homeowners can’t afford. 


Though home maintenance is a significant expense, it is vital to the health, safety, and well-being of yourself and those you love. As such, it is best to find ways to lower your out-of-pocket expenses. Continue reading for some ideas. 


Take Preventative Measures


Many home maintenance and repair projects can be avoided by taking preventative measures. For example, installing a water softener system would eliminate some damage to your plumbing and appliances. Cleaning your gutters regularly would reduce the problems with leaks, mold, and property damage. Even something as simple as replacing the batteries in your smoke alarms could prevent significant fire damage (which is expensive to pay for). 


Complete Maintenance Tasks Timely


Timeliness is another factor to consider when saving money on maintenance and repairs. Waiting too long to complete a task could make matters worse and more expensive. For instance, changing the air filters in your heating and cooling system is a necessary maintenance job that should be done every 60-90 days. Filters are effortless to replace and cheap to purchase. 


If you prolong the task any longer, it could result in a buildup of dirt, debris, and allergens, which find their way into other working parts of the system. Before long, you’ll find that your home temperature is harder to control, your energy bill is through the roof, and your HVAC needs extensive repairs. Essentially, creating and sticking to a maintenance schedule can save you a ton of money. 


Do It Yourself


Believe it or not, there are several home maintenance tasks you can do yourself and save hundreds of dollars. Professional contractors often charge for an initial visit and inspection and an hourly or set rate for the labor. Why not cut out the middleman and take matters into your own hands? If you’re not quite sure how to tackle certain projects, there are free tutorials and guides you can turn to for assistance. With a few basic tools and a few moments of your time, you could unclog a drain, install a new light fixture, or repair a wobbly banister. 


Call In The Pros


Though there are plenty of home maintenance tasks you could do by yourself, others require a professional’s assistance. All too often, homeowners get wrapped up in saving money that they attempt risky jobs and make matters worse (and more expensive). Although it’s easy to learn new skills when working with electricity or your home’s structural integrity, it’s best to allow a contractor to do the work for you. They have the skills, tools, and equipment necessary to get the job done accurately and safely, providing you peace of mind while saving you money. 


Shop Around


One of the simplest ways to save money on household maintenance and repairs is to shop around. Whether you’re looking for parts and materials or searching for the right contractor, there’s always an opportunity to find a good deal. Instead of going with the most popular option, do some comparative research of at least 2 or 3 service providers to see who has the best prices (without compromising quality). 


Your home is one of the most significant investments you’ve ever made. Beyond its monetary value, your house provides shelter to you and those you love most. However, like many investments, part of keeping your home intact requires regular maintenance and repairs. If covering these tasks takes up more of your budget than you’d like, things such as taking preventative measures, completing things on time, D

Turn Your Outdoor Desert Into an Oasis

Having an outdoor setting that lets you enjoy your yard and the weather is something that has become really popular of late. Every year as the weather warms up, people begin to spend more time in their yards, from activities, gatherings, and meals. 


Designing the right outdoor space for you takes time and can be a process to get it just right. And if you try to tackle the project without a plan first, you could spend way more time and money than you want to get your “just right” yard. 


The dream of relaxing, hosting, sharing time and space with loved ones is universal. Actress Rebel Wilson even went so far as to help a friend convert their backyard space to a dream outdoor “oasis.” 


While you may not have a friend willing to jump in and pay for a renovation of your backyard, it doesn’t mean that your backyard has to be desolate. There are numerous ways to keep your remodel costs low, whether you hire someone or it’s a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project. 


It shouldn’t be too stressful to convert your outdoor space into your dream. Take the time to plan how you would like to transform your outdoor “wasteland” into your outdoor “oasis” that you can enjoy and share. 


To help you plan your outdoor remodel, we’ve compiled a list of things you need to organize to help you get the dream yard you want. 

What’s Your Plan

Designing your outdoor remodel should start with understanding how you plan on utilizing the outdoor space you have. It doesn’t do you any good to prepare for a pool if you have a small yard, so thinking about the space you have, how you’d like to optimize its use, and the type of ambiance you want to create is essential. 


You can choose a design that focuses on privacy and calm for more intimate settings, such as having a waterfall, stream, or pond enclosure, or perhaps a lot of tall bushes, wildflowers, and trees.

If instead, you’re looking to host people over and want a more contemporary feel, having a gazebo, pool house, covered deck, fire pit, BBQ or other space that is open and engaging for your guests is entirely up to you.

Use Help Or DIY

Depending on the level of skill and sophistication needed to pull off your outdoor dream space, you can consider doing the work yourself. Utilizing YouTube and other online resources, you can develop a solid plan, learn how to Do-It-Yourself, and save some money in the process. The most significant expense will be your time, though even that can add up to a lot. 


If you are looking for major overhauls to your space, consider hiring a contractor specializing in outdoor remodels. Of course, to hire a contractor, it’s best to be sure of what you want and how much you can budget for the remodel. 


When discussing your ideas with a contractor, ask them a few of these questions:

  • Do you have references from similar projects? 
  • What do you anticipate the time frame from start to finish?
  • What quote can you offer for the project? 
  • Who will be coming and going from my house? Are they employees or subcontractors? 
  • How will changes, if necessary, to the original project be handled? 

To Lounge Or To Party

Your outdoor space design should also answer how you plan on using the space. Is your strategy to let you have a nice quiet place outside, or is it to host dinners and other gatherings once they become a thing again?


Suppose you plan to have outdoor dinners, designing your space should include a colorful, friendly dining table, chairs, and umbrellas. The next phase of your planning your outdoor dining space is to set up the cooking station, and there are a variety of outdoor kitchens to choose from. 

You can choose from stainless steel multi-family designs with an outdoor kitchen and even get as granular in your planning as selecting the type of wood doors you have for your cabinets. 


The how and the why of your outdoor remodel is entirely a personal choice. By planning on how you want to convert your space into something magical and something, you would enjoy using, start with a plan, designate how you want to utilize the area, and set a budget. 

Turning Your Home Into a Stress-Free Zone

The world can be a stressful place, so your home should act as a personal sanctuary. Yet many people find that their houses are chaotic and full of clutter — the opposite of a relaxing space. Everyone craves a customized stress-free zone, but how do you achieve it?

You can start by implementing these three tips.

1. Give Everything a Home

Clutter sometimes seems like it’s never-ending, which can cause anxiety and can trigger guilty feelings. The solution is to clean, declutter and organize, using these two steps.

Creating Zones

Structure offer clarity and direction, which can reduce uncertainty and confusion. If you create zones in your house, it will be easier to decide where objects should go. For example, you might decide that your office is the place to address anything important. From there, you would place important bills, files and documents into that single room. Likewise, you would put all related items in that space.

To implement this step in your life, walk into each room of your house and determine its purpose. You could give the room a dedicated name or divide it into categories like work, play and relaxation.

 Prioritizing Storage Solutions

Once you’ve created zones throughout your home, it’s time to organize items and prioritize storage solutions. You can use folders, bags, boxes or baskets — whatever suits your needs — to begin separating items. You’ll then need to assign them a dedicated place in the house.

2. Choose a Cohesive Design

With your home clean and organized, it’s time to take a closer look at your design. Does each room have a similar style? If every room is painted a different color and has mismatched furniture and decor, your house might feel chaotic even when clean.

Think about your personality and lifestyle — what furniture pieces do you appreciate the most? If you don’t have a strong design opinion, you can also look to your home’s character for motivation. When you choose a cohesive design theme, you create a natural flow and balance inside that wasn’t present before.

Popular design styles include:

  • Traditional
  • Rustic
  • Coastal
  • Industrial
  • Modern
  • Eclectic

3. Bring the Outdoors Inside

Some houses truly need a breath of fresh air to begin feeling like a stress-free zone. Here are two ways to bring the outdoors inside.

Natural Light

Natural light makes you feel energized and alive. Sunlight helps to reset your body’s circadian rhythm provides you with a healthy boost of vitamin D. In return, you sleep better and have more energy. To gain more natural light, try using sheer curtains instead of heavy materials. If you’re looking for a massive boost of sunlight, you can install additional windows or skylights throughout your property.

Indoor Plants

Houseplants make people happy and can naturally remove toxins from the air. They look beautiful and may spark a love for gardening you didn’t know existed. Begin with plants that are resilient to boost your confidence and add to your collection over time.

Take It Slow

Using these three tips, you can transform your home into a stress-free environment where you’re happy to spend time. Remember, it’s essential to take it at your own pace. By taking your time with each step, you can enjoy the process rather than adding to your anxiety. Even the most beautiful properties can seem stressful if the individual feels overwhelmed or unhappy. Use your redesigned clutter-free house as a safe space to decompress and prioritize self-care — you’ll have a new appreciation for your home and yourself.

How To Check If A Window Needs A Replacement Or Deep Cleaning?

Windows are essential parts of the home. Apart from being an integral part of the home’s ventilation, windows help to maintain the home’s internal temperature, keep the house cozy and comfortable.  More importantly, they make the home energy-efficient.

All these benefits and more not only help to make your home better and grant you greater comfort, but also help to make your society better. For example, energy-efficiency reduces the amount of energy used in the home. This helps to create a better community while also helping you save some money off your energy bills.

From the above, we can deduce that windows are essential. It is imperative to keep windows in the best condition.

Hence, we will be taking a look at the things to look out for in windows to determine whether they need to be replaced or deep cleaned.


The window pane replacement is essential and play a crucial part in determining whether to replace a window or deep clean.

If the window panes show visible scratches, chips, cracks, or a full-blown hole, it would need to be replaced with a replacement window as soon as possible. These could be from objects thrown at the windows, stray baseballs, amongst others. It could also be as a result of harsh weather storms.

Irrespective of the cause, if the glass panes have an open hole in them, they need to be replaced as soon as possible to prevent sudden breakage.

Scratches could be as a result of using harsh cleaners and abrasive materials when cleaning windows. Too many scratches on the surfaces of glass windows can compromise the strength and durability of the panes. As a result, they also need to be replaced.

Suppose the condition of the glass is that it shows visible stains or has experienced color change. The first step would be to deep clean. Follow the steps below to deep clean your window.

  • Wash the glass panels, both the interior and exterior. You can make use of high-quality glass cleaners (I highly recommend the Glass and Mirror Cleaner Foam from Fab Glass and Mirror).
  • In the absence of one, you can make a DIY cleaning solution by mixing equal amounts of white vinegar and water. Pour the solution in a spray bottle.
  • Scrub the glass after spraying your glass cleaner or DIY solution on the glass surface with a soft cloth.
  • Clean afterward with a squeegee or non-abrasive cloth to dry the glass pane and keep it free from lint and water streaks.
  • Clean the window tracks using a vacuum and detail brush.
  • Clean your window blinds by dusting on them, wash any covering that you have on the windows.
  • Clean the window frame and sill with a cloth.

After a deep clean, if your window is restored to its newness and shine, then it appears all it needs is to be deeply cleaned.

If, after cleaning, the glass panes still show visible color stains and remain yellowish, then the window needs a replacement.


Depending on your windows, the window frame could be made with wood, steel, or aluminum. Although these are all used, the most commonly used are wood and aluminum.

A common problem with wooden window frames is wood rot. Once you see visible signs of rotting around your glass panes and window frames, the entire window needs to be replaced. Rot is a result of exposure to moisture and water. As the window wears with age and the paint wears off, moisture gets in the wood, mold begins to form, and the rot starts.

Watch out for rot on the outer part of the frame that’s exposed to the weather. If the decay is still in the early stage, the rot spots could be repainted and patched. Repairing a rotting window frame can become more expensive. As a result, replacing might be the best option.


One of the valid reasons for a window replacement is the need to update your windows to align with current interior décor and style trends. For older homes, the materials and window design do not meet up with current trends.

New windows mean new designs and durable materials. The material used in window sash and frame over the years has evolved to become durable and sturdy. In the past, old homes made use of wood frames mostly whereas, in current trends, frames are made with fiberglass and vinyl.

These not only present you with prevailing window trends and styles, but they also provide you with durable and long-lasting windows that are energy efficient.

New window design is also an essential reason why a window needs to be replaced.


Glass windows serve different functions in the home. The three primary functions of installing windows in the house are:

  • To provide the home with natural light.
  • To make the home energy efficient.
  • To keep the home ventilated.

For one reason or the other, you may discover that the current windows in the home may not serve some specific functions that you would like them to. It may be that you want your windows to become more energy-efficient; this would require you to install insulated glass units.

The quest to make your home safe may prompt you to replace your standard window glass with tempered glass panels that are durable and shatter-resistant in the home.

As much as you would wish it, your current windows may not be able to serve such purposes in the capacity that you want them to. In such situations, the solution is to get window replacements to reflect the new functionalities that you want your windows to fulfill.

At some point, you may be concerned about adding beauty to the home with windows, over time, the interests can change to your windows, providing you with more privacy.

The windows need replacement to reflect the different functionalities,

Let’s Wrap Up

Windows are essential parts of the home, and attention should be paid to them as a result. All you may need to do is to deep-clean to clear the issues depending on the severity of the damage to your windows or to get window replacements.

5 Things to Look for in a New Apartment

Moving is hard. It is not fun. And it is always expensive. Despite these facts, people move, on average, a double-digit number of times throughout their life. Some occasions are understandable such as moving from home into a university campus dorm. If things don’t work out as expected, they will move back home. There is the first home of a couple. Later in life, one might sell the first home and move into something smaller after the kids leave for good. That is already a lot of moves. But it doesn’t even account for a third of what actually happens in real life.

Demand for apartments is soaring among millennials. That contributes to the amount of moving house we do. There was a time when home-ownership was inextricably linked to the American dream. Now, many Americans are giving that dream a hard pass in favor of lower rent and less commitment to a single location.

The onset of the coronavirus has caused a lot of us to consider relocating. If you are among that group looking for greener pastures, here are a few things to have on the list:

  1. A Landlord with Whom You Can Reason

On-site management is almost always a plus. However, that is pretty rare in many parts of the country. You want a sense that there is a human you can work with as opposed to an answering service or email address.

Can you negotiate apartment rent in the place you are considering? If it is a human-centric company, you can. An apartment rental is a real estate deal like any other. The terms are not nearly as fixed as you have been led to believe. Better deals are often available with longer leases. You just have to be dealing with real people and not merely corporate drones.

If you can’t have a reasonable conversation about the apartment with management before you move in, how likely do you think it will be for you to have a conversation about issues after you move in? Be careful when renting an apartment entirely online. If you can’t reach someone in the rental process, forget about good service once you have paid the deposit.

  1. Outdoor Spaces

One of the main features of an apartment is what is on the outside. An apartment near a park is more valuable than one without access to safe, outdoor spaces. We all have to find ways to get outdoors more often. Where you live can help. While evaluating the outside, check for sidewalks and nearby shopping in safe and easy walking distance.

  1. Check out the Weekend NightLife

Most apartments are nice and quiet during the day. People are at work and the poorly behaved are under the scrutiny of the on-site management. So before signing on the dotted line, drive through the community at night and on the weekends when more people are home. Often, that is when the loud music starts and the bickering neighbors start shouting, and the true character of the community is revealed. If it passes the weekend night test, it might be a keeper.

  1. Bugs

When you tour the apartment, there should be no bugs in sight. Open the cabinets. Look for droppings. If the complex has a bug problem, they can’t really hide it very well. Sometimes, it is not really about how well you clean. It is about where you live. They might be in the walls and the pipes. If you see signs of insects when they are doing their best to hide the problem, you don’t want to live there.

  1. Security

Where are the packages dropped off? There should be a protected space for all those Amazon deliveries. Is the parking lot well lit? Even if you don’t have kids, would you feel safe having a child playing outside or walking home from school in that neighborhood? If not, then it is not secure enough for you, either.

When it comes to your next address, don’t settle. Only rent an apartment with real people as managers, that have usable outdoor spaces, that are also peaceful at night and on the weekends, that is free of bugs, and is secure enough for children, even if you don’t have any.

Five Ways to Get Rid of Rodents

When you have a rodent infestation, it can’t be difficult to get rid of them. This is because they are small, crafty, and often invisible. If you have seen one rodent in your house, there are probably others. While there are a variety of methods to get rodents out of your home, you should use them all together to tackle the problem. If you don’t utilize everything at your disposal, you will have a difficult time getting rid of the mice and rats in your home. Read below to find five methods that will help you get rodents out of the house.

Buy Traps

It may sound cruel, but you have to buy traps if you want to get rid of the rodents in your home. It’s absolutely necessary to buy quite a few traps to put around the house. You should place them facing the walls so that when the rodents get trapped when they are climbing the walls. Unfortunately, you need to get rid of the rodents that are already in your house and the only way to do that is to trap and kill them.

Clean Your Home

Another very important thing to do when you are dealing with a rodent problem is to keep your home clean. While cleaning up your place won’t get rid of mice and rats, it won’t attract them. If you are getting rid of the rodents with traps, it is vital to keep your home clean. This means that you should wipe down your counters and don’t leave food out. Make sure to clean up crumbs and keep your garbage covered. When there is nothing for them to eat, rats and mice won’t be attracted to dwelling in your home.

Mind the Areas You Don’t Always Mind

In addition to paying attention to your kitchen, you should also remember to declutter and clean the places of your home that you don’t always pay attention to. For example, you should get rid of any leaves and branches outside. These can be used as a method for the rodents to make a home or burrow to hide. You should also look into rodent proofing. This method is when professionals go up into your attic and clean it up in a specific way. They can essentially make your attic rodent-proof by creating an environment that isn’t suited to rodents.

Get a Cat

It might sound silly, but buying a cat is a great way to keep rodents out of the house. Cats are natural rodent hunters. They have the killer instinct to hunt rats and mice. They do it more for sport than anything. Getting a house cat is a great way to get rid of a rodent problem and keep them out because you’ll have a natural mouse trap. When it comes to rodents, you can find a great way to kill the ones living in your home with a cat.

Use Bait Stations

Bait packages, otherwise known as bait stations should be used to get rats to come to your traps. These are sealed packets containing pellets or meals. While they come in plastic or cellophane, allowing the mice to gnaw through them. But these bait stations have chemicals that kill the rodent. These stations are best handled by professionals who can help keep you and your family safe because they are toxic.

While each of these methods to control your rodent infestation are important, if you are already struggling with the problem you will need to use them in tandem. When you have rats or mice in the house, you will need to work hard to get rid of them.

It’s not easy, but if you buy traps and bait stations while cleaning the inside and outside of your home you will be able to overcome this issue. You can also buy a cat, which will help kill rodents. However, you look at it, utilizing these tools to get rid of rodents will help you be done with this for good. If you have already seen a rat or mouse in your house, it is time to get started because you probably have more than one.

7 Maintenance Tips To Keep Your House in Top Shape This Spring

Spring is just around the corner, and we all know what that means. Spring brings spring cleaning.

Now is the right time to get ready to do all the necessary home maintenance to keep your house in top shape. While such an endeavor can be overwhelming, have no fear. All you have to do is follow this handy guide, and your home will be in top shape with minimal effort.

So, let’s see what you should do to get your place to look its best this spring!


Inspect your sidewalks and walkways

Concrete sidewalks can take a beating during the freeze-thaw cycles of winter. The first step to concrete spring maintenance is a good cleaning. Sweep away, or power wash any debris so you can get a good look at the current condition. Next, carefully inspect the concrete, checking for cracked or crumbling areas.

If possible, fill cracks with a concrete crack filler or silicone caulk. When weather permits, power-wash and then seal the concrete. If your concrete sidewalk or driveway requires more serious repairs, or perhaps parts of the concrete are no longer level, look for a professional concrete leveling in St Louis service, or similar services where you are. This type of job is best left to the experts! Also, be on the lookout for deposits of a white substance; this is called efflorescence, and it’s a sign that your walkway is absorbing water.

In case your concrete is beyond repair, consider replacing it with natural stone. It is a long-lasting, eco-friendly alternative and a wise investment overall.


Check your lawn equipment

After a season of hibernation, chances are your lawn equipment won’t start right away. The lawnmower, in particular, is a usual culprit of sluggishness starting after prolonged periods without use.

In most cases, this is caused by high humidity, and winter brings plenty of it. High humidity causes water vapor to condense inside the carburetor and the fuel tank. When this happens, water droplets mix with the gas. This mixture isn’t ideal for spark formation; hence, the mower won’t start.

To fix this problem, change the gas in your mower. If this doesn’t work, try cleaning or changing the spark plug. To avoid such complications in the future, empty your mower’s gas tank before storing it for a long time.


Examine your windows and doors

During winter, the harsh weather conditions can break down some of the caulk and other weather stripping to prevent air loss. Take some time to carefully examine all of your doors and windows and be ready to repair any issues.

The bonus is proper sealant helps during the summer and winter because it prevents your inside air from going outside. Properly sealing your windows and doors will make your home more comfortable, so take some time to review your house during the spring before it gets too hot this summer.

Spring is also an excellent time to replace window screens that were damaged during winter. Do not throw away the nets you have taken down. Instead, save and use them to patch any holes you find the next spring.


Clean gutters and downspouts

After the last frost has passed, it’s essential to have your gutters and downspouts cleaned and repaired. Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause the wood trim at the eaves to rot, and that can invite all kinds of critters into your attic space.

Having your gutters and downspouts cleaned early in the season can also help prevent damage from spring rains.

Additionally, clogged gutters might eventually crack or break, leaving openings in your roof that can result in severe water damage. As soon as it’s warm enough to do so, it’s essential to clean your gutters. Break out a ladder to clean any drains that you can find yourself. Any channels you can’t get to will require help from a professional.


Don’t forget the roof

Winter often damages roof shingles, so you might want to inspect them to determine if repairs are necessary. Look out for loose, cracked, and buckled shingles.

Also, examine the flashing around skylights, plumbing vents, and chimneys. If repairs are necessary, hire a qualified contractor to do it.

You might also want to wash debris off your roof. When doing this, avoid using power washing because it damages roofing materials. Damages resulting from this kind of washing can void your roof warranty, although this depends on the terms and conditions of your manufacturer’s quality guarantee.

The best way to wash your roof is to use bathroom cleaners. These will safely remove any molds, excess dirt, and any other debris that can weaken your roof.

Extra tip: if you have asphalt shingles on your roof and keep finding piles of black grit in your gutters, it’s probably from your shingles decomposing. Sun damage causes asphalt shingles to break apart, and when this happens, it’s time to replace your roof. Doing so in the spring can help prevent the hot summer sun from causing even more damage.


HVAC maintenance

Spring is the ideal time of the year to have your cooling system serviced before temperatures start to rise. This is one thing you don’t want to procrastinate on — otherwise, you could end up with an unexpected cooling system emergency on the hottest day in July.

If you do the maintenance work yourself, be careful not to damage any wires or components.

Spring and fall are the perfect times of the year to change out your system’s air filters. Doing so will improve the air quality in your home and allow your system to run more efficiently. Changing the air filters also helps minimize mold and pollen build up.

If you use a window unit for your AC, you should clean out the air filters and clean the coils in your unit’s front and back, so airflow is not hindered.


Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

As the seasons change, it is essential to test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Change batteries and replace units as needed to ensure your family’s safety from fire or gases inside of your home.

It’s a good idea to test your safety alarms regularly, and doing so during spring maintenance is an excellent way to remember to do it. If need be, keep a supply of batteries on hand that you’ll only use for your alarms, and replace any alarms that are out of date.

A Few Reasons Why Apartment Living Is a Good Choice for New Moms

There are so many choices a new mom has to make. The more of them you can make and implement before birth, the better. Once the child is occupying their own space outside your body, things get fast and furious. There is no pause button. There is no undo. You just have to live in the moment and take things as they come. Once the baby is born, everything gets a little harder than it was before. Don’t worry. You can handle it.

One of those big decisions has to do with where you are going to live. Your current house might be fine for you and a partner. It is perfect for one or two adults. But it might be a nightmare for taking care of a newborn. Things like the size and amenities of the bathroom take on outsized proportions. Does your current place have room for a nursery? What about the air quality? That old house had its problems. But it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle. Suddenly, a vulnerable newborn changes the whole equation.

Perhaps it is a good time to consider moving. Houses have their benefits. Even so, it could be time to consider moving to an apartment for the first phase of your baby’s life Here’s why:

Flexible Leases

As a new mother, everything is moving at the speed of a humming bird’s wing. You barely have time to catch your breath. Add a pandemic to the mix and things get very interesting, and not in a good way. You need maximum flexibility. This is not the time to sign a 30-year mortgage. You can’t be sure if you will be working in the same job next week. Your company might force you to relocate. This is just the way it is right now.

You need the ability to pick and move to one of those furnished apartments with a flexible lease so that you can do things like skip expensive deposits and a lengthy process of selling the old place and buying a new one. Modern apartment leasing allows you to pick up and move within days, not months.

Some of the premier leasing programs allow one to easily transfer to a different unit or even a different city. If a long-term mortgage is not a good fit for your situation, apartment living can go a long way to removing some of the stress.

No Maintenance

Personal injuries are on the rise. One of the common sources of injury is home improvement. In a house, one frequently finds themselves on a ladder, or insecurely balanced on a chair. You might even find yourself under a house doing some bit of routine maintenance. There is no end to the projects you will need to do in a house.

An apartment is generally a much safer proposition. For all intents and purposes, there are no DIY projects. When something needs to be fixed, you pick up the phone or go to the online portal and file a maintenance request. In a good complex, those requests are taken care of in a matter of days, if not hours. In a house, you can call a professional. It might take days or weeks to get someone just to come and assess the problem. Then, there are the fees, and the repair schedule, and the delays… You get the idea. A new mother needs things to work as expected and to be repaired quickly and easily when they don’t.

Amenities and Extras

One of the best things about apartment living is getting all the great amenities. Your house probably doesn’t have a well-stocked gym with all the latest equipment. But there is a good chance your next apartment will. Best of all, it is included in the rent. There is also package management meaning no more Amazon boxes left outside the house for anyone to come along and pick up. As a new mom, you want all the extras you can get included in the price of rent. You get none of that with a typical house.

Not everyone is going to be an apartment person. And you don’t have to remain an apartment person forever. You can use apartments for specific periods in your life where it makes the most sense. If you are someone who could use flexible lease options, maintenance-free living, and tons of extras, you might be in one of those periods where an apartment makes the most sense for you.

Remote Work for Parents: 8 Tips to Create the Perfect Home Office Space

When working from home while managing your household, it can be challenging to separate home life from work life. That’s why parents need to have a home office space, even if it’s not an entirely separate room.

The fact is that there are a lot of benefits of remote working, especially for parents. However, since many of us aren’t used to working from home, it can be challenging to understand what it takes to create the perfect home office space. That’s why this article is here to help you figure out and apply the few things that can help make the right office space for you at home. Since you are working from home here’s an informative guide about making money from home on The Finances Hub. However, since many of us aren’t used to working from home, it can be challenging to understand what it takes to create the perfect home office space. That’s why this article is here to help you figure out and apply the few things that can help make the right office space for you at home. Since you are working from home here’s an informative guide about making money from home on The Finances Hub.

Have a dedicated space

When you’re working from home, don’t be comfortable working in your pajamas and on your bed still. You shouldn’t be satisfied with that because when you’re working in a place like your bed or on a sofa, your mind will not be as focused as it could be.

That’s why you need to have a dedicated workspace, even if it’s just a table and chair at the corner of your bedroom.

This dedicated workspace represents the separation between your home life and your work life. It is key to ensuring that you focus on the right things at the right time.

Zen your workspace

One benefit to working from home is that you’re able to modify your workspace in any way you want. Your office workspace is usually quite sterile. But when you’re working from home, you have the opportunity to make your workspace as relaxing as possible.

You can add a few things to make your workspace more zen would be a diffuser and some greeneries, specifically live plants. That way, that area won’t cause you as much stress even if you’re dealing with work.

Think ergonomics

When you’re creating your workspace, you have to keep ergonomics in mind. This includes your office equipment.

Spending the majority of your day sitting down is not the healthiest way to spend your day. Unfortunately, it is part of being a member of the labor force.

Office equipment that isn’t ergonomic is going to cause actual pain in your body over time.

Keep it organized

When you’re stuck at home doing work and your kids are also home all the time for school, things can get quite chaotic. The chaos increases, the more rambunctious your kids are.

This chaotic environment is not the ideal place or way to work for anyone, including your kids. That’s why keeping things organized is something that you should be mindful of all the time.

At Maid Sailors Maid Service Jersey City, we emphasize the benefits of keeping an organized workspace. Even if you’re in the creative field, which is notorious for working in “organized chaos,” you can benefit from having an organized work system.

Invest in a few storage solutions that will make it easier for you to get rid of clutter and organize your work equipment.

Incorporate color

Depending on your office, you probably don’t choose the creative decor around your workspace there. However, your workspace at home can incorporate color and patterns as much as you want.

When choosing colors and patterns for your workspace, make sure to select stimulating non-distracting designs. You might not notice it, but a beautiful workspace can help motivate you to do your work each day.

Add a personal touch

You shouldn’t make your workspace look like a scrapbook of your life turned office chic. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t put in personal touches here and there.

Maybe you can put a photo of your family on one side. You can also put up inspirational images and quotes around your dedicated workspace to inspire you. These small touches will help you enjoy your time around your workspace.

Make sure it’s well-lit

If your workspace has low lighting, your eyes will strain more, which will make it tired a lot faster. Therefore, you should make sure that wherever you work is well-lit, your eyes don’t strain after working for very long.

Stock up on essential office supplies

You want to keep your dedicated office space as clean as possible. You also want things tucked away neatly, but it doesn’t mean that your desk should be empty.

What you should do is to keep the office supplies that you use most often nearest you, while the ones you don’t use as often should be farther from your desk. That way, your office design is practical and neat.

Over to You

Juggling between being a good parent and an efficient employee is challenging, more so when you have to be both in that same space.

Creating a separate home office space that fits your lifestyle can make it easier for you. Therefore, you should apply the tips above and take the time to perfect your home office.

You owe your career and your home life that much.

5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Heat Pump at Home Well-Maintained

Heat pumps are probably one of the best heating and cooling systems you can have in your home. They are generally more energy-saving, which allows you to save money from your monthly bills.

However, if your heat pump is not well-maintained, you will be using 10-25% more energy than you could have saved. On top of that, your heat pump may not last longer than you think. It will also be bad in terms of your health and comfortability as your heat pump is no longer working at its best.

All these things are what make heat pump maintenance very important, and below are five simple tips to keep your heat pump well-maintained:


Prevent excess build-up from happening

Ice and snow can sometimes clog up your heat pump without you noticing. This will then block the airflow, make your heat pump work with lesser efficiency, and even lead to the system breaking down. So, to prevent this, here’s what you can do:

Turn off the unit to clear away any debris. Be very careful that you don’t damage the heat pump. You should also check the condenser and make sure it’s clear of snow and that it’s undamaged. Continue clearing away snow as much as you can, especially if it’s surrounding your unit.

You also have the option to create a free-standing cover to protect the heat pump from the snow during winter and intense heat during the summer. Just make sure to provide a 2-foot clearance.


Clean or change filters as needed

Dirty air filters will cause your system to work harder than required because they restrict airflow. This results in a higher electrical bill. At the same time makes you uncomfortable because your desired temperature is not maintained.

Besides this, dust and dirt build-up may affect your system and may cause total breakdown.

So, clean or change your filters regularly depending on how often you use them, how dusty your environment is, and if you have furry pets. But generally, it’s usually recommended to do this once every 1-2 months, and do not go over three months without changing your air filters.


Check on the unit placement

Upon the installation of your heat pump, you always need to consider the location. As much as possible, you should choose an area where it’s easy for you to check the heat pump and do some maintenance.

It’s almost always recommended not to install the unit near driveways, vegetation areas, or in areas with large equipment.

Other tips will include:

  • Select an open space
  • Avoid vibration and direct sunlight
  • Don’t cover the heat pump
  • Clean the gutters to prevent water leakage
  • There should be drainage
  • Place it in an area where it won’t disturb others.

The better the placement of your heat pump, the safe it will be from any outside accidents that might damage it.


Clean outdoor coils

Condenser coils facilitate heat transfers, which is the number one reason why your heat pump is working. Therefore, it’s essential to keep it clean so your heat pump continues to perform well.

By cleaning your condenser coils, you’ll benefit on:

  • Improved comfort
  • Lower electrical bills
  • Lesser repairs and maintenance
  • Extended system lifespan
  • Better indoor air quality


Seek professional help

Lastly, and probably the most important, seek professional help. Heat pumps may be following a simple system, but it’s a very complex technology. And maintaining it without furthering the damage can be challenging.

If you’re not familiar with heat pumps, you should call a professional. If you had your heat pump installed by an Auckland heat pump installer, they could do some repairs and check-ups, too.


Wrap Up

Heat pumps provide us with excellent benefits. It improves your quality of life by improving air quality, saving energy, and saving you money.

If used correctly and maintained well, it’s a significant investment.

So follow the five simple tips above to get your money’s worth. After all, heat pumps are not that cheap.