How to Plan the Perfect Birthday Party for Your Child

Image source: Unsplash

For a parent, their child’s birthday party is often more important than their own. We want them to have a good experience and make the day really memorable, take some great happy birthday images, and there’s no way we’re letting our little ones have their special day ruined with poor planning. So, how can you make sure that the birthday party is fun both for kids and the parents who bring them over? Take a look at some of our tips and you can start planning.

Set a budget

This is the first thing to do because it will help manage your costs and give you a better idea of what kind of things you’ll have at your disposal. It’s not necessary to make your child’s birthday party into a grand spectacle, so don’t worry about having to spend too much. They’ll have fun as long as there are good food and their friends show up, so relax and realize it’s supposed to be just a simple, fun party.

Involve your child

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After all, it’s their own birthday. Feel free to let them pick a theme they’ll enjoy the most, and you’ll already have a good idea of what the whole event is supposed to look like. But it’s not just about having them point their fingers at the things they want—let them help. You could make some easy crafty ornaments together and let them prepare snacks with you, and this will help them feel like they’re more in control of what gets to happen at the party.

Send out cute invitations

This is yet another thing that you can help them make at home and put a personal touch, and it also makes them practice their handwriting. You can find a few templates to help you out, or you can order invitations online if your kid isn’t all that crafty or just wants invitations with a specific cartoon character.

Put emphasis on good food

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This is important both for children and adults. Imagine a party with bad food where all the kids are commenting on the yucky taste. Don’t worry though, simple things like mac and cheese balls, hot dogs, pizza, and taco cups are more than enough to please them. Also, to avoid spending several days stuck in the kitchen, you can rely on good catering companies to make delicious finger foods for adults at the party. Those delicate hors-d’oeuvres are tricky to get right if you’re inexperienced, so save yourself some time and feel free to let professionals take care of that.

Bake an easy cake

If you’re a good baker, it’s always more charming to bake a cake of your own and let your kid decorate with frosting. You can certainly order one to save yourself some hassle or in case your child wants some very specific decorations, but if you like to cook then find a nice recipe and you’re bound to bake something delicious.

Figure out entertainment

Image source: Unsplash

It’s not very difficult to get kids to have fun, but they do need some direction and planned entertainment for everything to run smoothly. Hiring an entertainer is an easy way to deal with this part, and you can get anything from face painters and clowns to magicians, storytellers, or even DJs.

Bring in some board games

If you don’t want an entertainer, then board games are a great idea as well. Things like Dixit, Sushi Go, and Codenames are wonderful picks, but you can also stick to simple party games like Musical Chairs, Charades, Pictionary, Hot Potato, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, or Treasure Hunt. Another fun thing you can bring in is a piñata.

Prepare cocktails for adults

Some simple cocktails are a great way to get adults to relax a bit, but make sure to include non-alcoholic versions for those who are driving. A little booze can help everyone warm up and talk to each other instead of anxiously staring at their kids and fretting over their safety.

When the party day comes, make sure to enjoy yourself and show your kid how happy you are to be celebrating with them. Good mood and smiles are infectious, and seeing you cheerful will make them feel even more excited about the whole event.

Vital Tips for Mastering a Perfect Family Holiday

Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash

A trip with the youngsters can either be a nightmare or a dream-come-true depending on how you approach the planning process. Every parent knows how hectic a holiday can turn out to be if you don’t have a fun schedule planned ahead for the kids to enjoy and be occupied, while you also need to factor in some alone time with your spouse, you know, to stay sane for the duration of your holiday!

Without further ado, let’s see how you can make your family journey more adventurous, relaxing, and stress-free both for you and your little rascals.

Snack up for the road

If your kids are adventurous little earthlings, they are probably already ecstatic you’re heading for a week of camping in the woods or exploring natural reserves in the vicinity of your hometown. However, what can make kids more irritable than anything else is a lack of energy sources that are both delicious and accessible.

For brave parent souls who do embark on a road trip with their offspring, make sure you prepare, pack, and divide snacks for your little ones. They’ll get cranky after spending hours on the road; if the weather isn’t perfect, they might be tempted to throw a tantrum or two, but well-packed, healthy snacks paired with road trip games can be life-savers.

Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

Do your homework

Whether you’re headed to a beach resort, a mountain ski resort, or you’re more of urban travelers, you need to be informed beforehand. The old saying that knowledge is power truly comes to life when you become a parent, and you get flooded with questions as you’re unpacking in your hotel abroad.

For example, a trip to Paris makes a wonderful choice both for you and your spouse, plus it hosts a wide range of fun activities for kids – it’s up to you to find them, and book them in time because these get snatched up pretty quickly! If you’ve been saving up, a trip to European Disneyland is a must, of course.

Other options are going to Quebec, you can check out this guide here for tips.

Photo by Juan Cruz Mountford on Unsplash

Be the early bird

We love them to bits, but raising kids in this day and age comes at a hefty price, from getting new clothes as they grow, all the way to covering their various interests and hobbies. That’s why every parent soon becomes a skillful budget manager, and booking early flights, accommodation, and looking for discounts is a significant part of this travel endeavor.

While in search of a perfect family cruise with reliable consultants such as Barge Travel Connection, you can take your kids on an all-encompassing, educational adventure of numerous European hotspots. Looking into such offers early on will give you a head start to plan your budget and save up a decent sum to invest in other aspects of your holiday, or something entirely different for that matter!

Photo by Rhone on Unsplash

Include the youngsters

Unless they are really young, your kids can be the best go-to peeps for finding the right activities and excursions for your holiday. In fact, they might come up with some of the most appealing options for the entire family that you or your spouse would never think of, simply because they’re in the right frame of mind for the adventure.

Have a talk with them, read through available options you can afford; see how they feel about cruises, beach holidays, winter vacations, or an urban getaway. Then, you can do some research together, collect the most interesting activities and create your itinerary with your kids by your side, so that everyone will know what to expect.

Photo by  Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

Think all-inclusive thoughts

Sometimes putting less thought into something is the best solution you could hope for! Some of the finest resorts and cruises out there come with a package of entertainment options for all age groups, including kids, and they’ll make sure that your little ones are constantly busy and engaged.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about food and snacks, which is one less worry for your list of to-dos. If you create a list of pros and cons, you might be surprised to discover that for certain destinations, these all-inclusive options can turn out to be more affordable than those where you’d have to have a separate budget for food and fun.

How 3D Printing Technology Can Help Schools

Before the 1980’s, 3D printing would have been thought of as something fresh out of a Sci Fi film. Now this futuristic technology has become mainstream. And by ‘mainstream’, we mean the sky is the limit to it’s potential. Even NASA is using 3D printers to produce spare parts for the International Space Station (ISS).

It may come as a surprise, but the next major avenue for 3D technology advocates is education. 3D printers are already being introduced to our kids’ classrooms and are proving a roaring success. So what’s it all about?

How It Works

One of the most common questions is what can you actually make with a 3D printer. The answer? Virtually anything you like from toys to delicious cakes. First you create your 3D design using computer software. Then the machine will build it, layer by layer. The process is so advanced that 3D printers can even create “objects within objects”, or products that have moving parts such as wheels and hinges. The best 3D printer reviews are a fascinating read, and describe the vast array of creations that these machines can achieve. It’s all pretty mind-blowing stuff.

Why Use 3D Printers In Schools?

Since 3D printing has become affordable, this has given schools the opportunity to trial and engage with state of the art technology. It offers our kids the chance to learn about engineering in real-time. Each child will be able to design, build and road test their products in the same way as if they had come off the manufacturing line. Products can even be designed using smartphone apps and tablets, which makes it easier and more convenient.

That’s not all. 3D products and processes are an ideal way of explaining complex concepts in a simplified way. By being able to see and touch an object, children are more likely to be engaged, facilitating their learning.

More than anything, 3D printers are likely to play an integral role in giving our children invaluable skills from a young age, and even inspiring future careers. This doesn’t just mean technological aptitude. Learning through trial & error, confidence building, and cooperating in design and manufacturing are key social skills that make for a successful future.

Three dimensional printing machine

Having said that, there remains a lot of curiosity about 3D printing, and some concern. Many schools still do not have the full administrative capacity to embrace the technology, which means that it is still not widely available. Other barriers include costs of materials, control in the classroom and a lack of vision in how to integrate the technology into the curriculum.

The good news is that with proper planning and vision, all of these challenges can be easily overcome. As studies continue to endorse the benefit of 3D printing technology to society, the time is right for all of us to learn how to make the most of it. By using it wisely, we can help our children become independent, imaginative and social citizens of the world. 

This article was published in cooperation with

Technology That Makes Life Easier for Parents of Today

Photo by Laurent Peignault on Unsplash

There are some people who like to say that technology today is taking it “too far”; that we are using it for things we were able to do before without it and that we are just getting lazy. Well, we also used to send letters to communicate, but I think texting is just a touch more practical. And when it comes to parenting, there’s still a stigma around using technology and apps to help raise your child. But in a time when we use technology to improve every part of our lives, why shouldn’t we use it for parenting as well? Let’s start the conversation, break the stigma and see how tech can help you bring up your child.


Family organization

When your kids start getting older, it can be hard to keep track of all of their activities. Teach them early on that they should always tell you what their plans are, and to be careful not to clash with anyone else’s plans. Having a shared calendar makes this so easy. Apps like TimeTree calendar allow you to merge your calendars with other people so that the whole family can see when they have activities together or if they can carpool somewhere together. Take it one step further with Cozi, which not only lets you sync up your schedules, but is specifically made for families and features a ton of different helpful tools to simplify family life.

Photo by Guillermo Sánchez on Unsplash

Social life

As a parent – and especially a new parent – you will get a lot of advice, most of which you never asked for. This means that you’ll also want to seek out your own truths and tips. And apps like kiindred are perfect for an eager new parent, especially one with their first child. The app will not only let you connect with other parents but also help you track your baby’s routines and offer helpful tips and advice for surviving their childhood. As an added bonus, you will get special offers on some baby products through the app.


When you have your baby, you won’t know where your head is. But there is a way to keep track of feeding, diaper changes and sleep even when you’re sleep deprived. The app to go to is called BabyTime and it helps you keep track of your baby’s routines as they develop. This gives you an easy way to convey to doctors how your baby is doing and help transfer information to babysitters.


Shower time

Life is easier with gadgets. When it comes to bathing time, it can be a real mess, but there are helpful gadgets to make it all a bit easier. You can get a bath organizer which helps you store all of your baby’s bathing supplies, and also unfolds into a floor mat so that you can comfortably sit next to the tub while you’re bathing them. When they get a bit older, funny shower heads that will keep their attention will help them look forward to bath time.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Going out

It’s not easy going out with a baby, but bringing a few of your own gadgets will make it all a bit more bearable. When going to a restaurant, bring a baby seat converter, which will turn any ordinary chair into a baby chair, so that you don’t have to worry about whether the place has special baby seats. Have a good stroller organizer to put everything in, and strap all of the baby’s toys to it, so that they can’t throw them on the floor. But if they do, a self-closing pacifier will always stay clean so there’s no crying when it gets dropped.

Raising your kids with tech isn’t “cheating with parenting” nor is it the wrong way to raise kids. You have the right to raise your kids however you want, with or without technology, but make sure you don’t turn your nose up and dismiss all tech before you see what it really does.

About the author:

Claire is a personal and professional development expert who believes that a positive attitude is one of the keys to success. You can find her online writing and giving tips about mental health, well-being, and healthy lifestyle at Claire on Facebook and Twitter.

Starting High School: How To Help Your Teenager With The Big Transition

Photo credit Pexels

Starting high school can be stressful for both parents and kids. However, as a parent, you have to put your stress aside and focus on preparing your kid for this new situation. Many conventional book authors think that you should be fully involved with their education, but is this really the best way to help your kid? According to the new research, this is the wrong point of view. The key is not to be overinvolved, but to communicate with them – you have to explain to your kids the value of schooling. Parents should talk about the values of learning and set a good example to them from an early age. So, let’s see how you can help them.

Balancing academics, sports, and social life

All of these three things are important, but make sure that your kid knows that school is their job. They should understand that school is not about making their parents happy – they should strive for success because that is good for them. Talk to your kid about the meaning of homework. Some schools no longer count homework for a grade, but it’s important because they practice skills and concepts taught in class by doing homework. Make sure they understand that. Further, sports activities are important because they will learn a lot about teamwork, discipline, goal-setting, leadership, independence, self-confidence, stress relief, etc. Talk about their interest in sports and encourage them to participate in some activity they like.

Nevertheless, don’t be too hard on them. They deserve some free time. Humans are social beings, so make sure that they have friends that are a good influence on them.

Photo credit Pexels

Set the example for your kid

Did you know that children imitate their parents from an early age? They will do what we do, not what we say, so make sure that your behavior is constructive. Don’t be anxious about high school and explain to them that this is an opportunity to learn new things, meet interesting people and find themselves and their hobbies. Present learning as an interesting, enjoyable and exciting process. Next, set a positive problem-solving attitude and let them see their problems as challenges that they can deal with. Don’t let them see you as another problem on their list.

Photo credit Pexels

Make good choices

Teenagers sometimes don’t know a difference between good and bad choices, but that’s why they have school and parents to help them. However, you may not be in a situation to give your kids everything they need, although they are great in school. Solution? If you are experiencing acute economic disadvantage, and you’re not able to provide the equipment, resources, and support during high school, your kid can always apply for high school scholarships. If you do so, your kid will get a computer, internet, money for other equipment and access to tutoring and mentoring. They will appreciate that! So, keep talking with them about consequences and both short and long-term benefits of high school. Besides, that is also a good time to start talking with them about their career aspirations. There is always a solution to everything.

Photo credit Pexels

Dealing with teenage struggles

Your kid is a teenager, so problems are their thing now. They can love you and hate you at the same time, but sometimes it gets more serious than that. You have to keep communicating with them so you can notice changes in behavior. If you encourage honesty and open communication, your kid may open you about these problems. A school will call you if your kid has academic problems, but not about the other types of challenges teenagers have. They are going through big changes in their life, so sometimes is the best to collaborate with a school counselor because they know how to deal with high school kids. Unlike you, they will be able to look at the situation objectively and they’ll give advice and support to both you and your kid. Sometimes, we mean well, but somehow a situation turns from bad to worse. Don’t let it happen and ask for help.

You may plan everything in advance, but some things you just can’t predict. Keep an eye on your kid, but let them make their own decision. Some mistakes can make them learn more than your overprotection. Just the fact you’re reading this means that you are trying to be a good parent, so simply show your support to your kid and everything will get in the right place.

About the author

Claire is a personal and professional development expert who believes that a positive attitude is one of the keys to success. You can find her online writing and giving tips about mental health, well-being, and healthy lifestyle at Claire on Facebook and Twitter.

Informative Tips on Selling Your Home When You Have Kids

There are a lot of family activities that people can do, such as playing together, cooking together, or going on camping trips as a family. These activities are beneficial for your kids because these encourage interaction with the parents and it also allows you to have bonding time.

However, there are certain things in which you wouldn’t necessarily include the participation of your children, such as when you’re selling your house. A lot of homes are sold every year in the US. Numbers reached an all-time high in 2015 with 7.08 million existing homes sold in the country. The number dropped down to 5.51 million in 2017.

With millions of houses sold yearly, you could be one of those sellers in the coming years. However, it’s necessary to consider your kids when you’re selling your home. Most kids get attached and often have a bad experience when moving out. Check out this article to help you know how to make the house sale as a family affair.

Let your kids know about the house sale.

When you’re selling your old house and moving to a new home, all of you will transfer, and that includes your kids. Let your kids know about your plans ahead of time and don’t spring the news to them when you’ve packed your furniture and other things.

Kids might resent the fact that you’ve decided to sell without informing them. After all, they also live in the house, and even if selling your house counts as an adult decision, it’s better to ask or inform your kids about it.

It might be hard for kids to adjust if they’ve spent several years in that house and they have to leave all of their memories and friends behind. That’s why it’s best to open up your plans ahead of time so you can also help them adapt to the idea of moving to a new house.

Clean and prepare the house for possible clients.

Living with children, especially young ones, can mean messy surroundings. You might have to deal with crayon scribbles on your walls or food spills on the floor. You have to clean everything before putting your house up for sale. Here are some tips to help you get started.

● Crayon on the walls

It’s inevitable that your kids will reach for a coloring material and use the wall as a drawing board. Don’t fret because the scribbles aren’t permanent and there are foolproof ways to clean up the mess left behind by your toddler.

A damp rag dipped in baking soda can take out crayon stains. You can also try spraying WD40 on the wall and wipe it after with a rug. Scrubbing the wall with a non-gel toothpaste or rubbing mayonnaise on the stains is also helpful.

● Stickers on the wall

If you have new wall decorations in your house, such as stickers put up by your playful kid, you can remove it by dabbing baby or vegetable oil on it and leaving it overnight. If you don’t want to use oil, a sponge dipped in hot water will do.

● Messy chocolate stains

If your chocolate-loving kid has added chocolate stains to your sofa, you can remove it by taking out the chocolate pieces stuck on the couch. Dab on the area (start from the outer space) with a damp washcloth dipped in a solution made out of 2 cups of water and one tablespoon of liquid soap.

Rinse the area with a clean, damp cloth. Wipe it with a dry towel. You can also add a dry-cleaning solvent to help you get rid of the stain entirely.

● Mud problems

Did your kid ever walk on the carpet while wearing his mud-caked soccer shoes? Remove the stains by vacuuming the area for dried mud pieces. Use the same solution for chocolate stains and use a white cloth in dabbing the mud stains. If the stains are still visible, have your carpets cleaned.

Restore the rooms to its bare form.

If you’ve used the rooms for office, storage, or as your kid’s bedroom, you need to let the clients see it in its bare form. They can visualize what they’re going to do with that room when the house belongs to them, and they can’t do that if there are too many things stocked inside the rooms.

When it comes to your kid’s room, you need to remove the posters and other things hanging on the wall. If you can’t transfer the furniture, arrange it, so the place doesn’t look messy. Sell your home to buyers by letting them think of possibilities for it. They can’t do that if there’s so much clutter, so clean ahead of time.


Selling your house is an adult decision, but inform your kids about it. It will make them feel better if they’ll think that they are a part of the family decision. Help them in the adjustment process so they won’t resent the house sale.

Rooms of young kids need extra attention when you’re selling your house, so make sure to clean and arrange the furniture and organize the things in it to avoid clutter.

How to Help Your Child Relax at a Hotel

Keeping your child calm at a hotel is never easy. It’s a brand new environment and it can be boring for them when you’re not out and about.

Unless you’re staying at a five-star hotel where your every need is accounted for, you have to get creative. Here are some of the ways you can help your child relax at a hotel.

Plan Ahead

The first step is to plan ahead. Is the hotel you’re choosing used to catering to children?

There’s a big difference between Motel Six and the Hilton when it comes to this. Of course, you have to keep in mind you have a budget, but make sure you look into a type of hotel that’s likely to be quiet and a hotel that may have other families inside.

The goal is to avoid those toddler tantrums when on the road!

Keep Them Entertained

Make sure you have a smartphone or tablet with you for some entertainment time. It could involve playing a game or watching a movie.

But you should regulate their screen time. Don’t let them spend the entire night playing on your tablet. And make sure you’re supervising them at all times.

To keep yourself secure, you should install a VPN. Remember that hotel WiFi is a public connection so it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you need help installing one, Troypoint offers a tutorial to help you do it.

Maintain the Same Schedule

Travelling is a lot of disruption for a child. This is part of what stops them from being relaxed in the first place. So try to maintain the same schedule at home.

For example, if they have a bedtime make sure they stick to the same sleeping schedule. If they’re used to having dinner at a certain time, make sure you have dinner in the hotel restaurant at roughly the same time.

Attempt to maintain a level of normalcy.

Does the Hotel Offer Kid-Friendly Activities?

The worst thing you can do is spend too much time in the room. Try to keep your child busy, which is also ideal for helping them sleep at the end of the day.

Look into whether your hotel has any kid-friendly activities for them to participate in during the evenings. This is where planning ahead really comes in handy.

Rearrange the Room

Most reputable hotels understand that families with children need to rearrange the furniture to accommodate the needs of their children. Always ask before you start moving anything around.

For example, you may want to move a couple of single beds together with young children. Sometimes you might want to move the beds further away from the window to counter any traffic noise outside.

Don’t Be Too Strict

These tips may imply that you have to be strict in order to keep your child relaxed. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The best way to help your child relax is to focus on family fun. That way they won’t have any time to dwell on any fears they have.

You know your child best and you know what makes them happy. Even if you’re on a business trip and not a family vacation, focus on your kids.

Last Word – Planning is the Key

Our number one tip is to plan ahead. Your choice of hotel will make or break your time away. Sometimes you may have to spend a little extra on a room to have your needs fulfilled.  But if it means your child feels more relaxed when they’re away from their familiar surroundings, it’s worth it.

Do you have any experiences taking your children away to a hotel?

You’re What? Tips For Unplanned Pregnancy

It was three months away from my 38th birthday. Life was going well. We had sold our lovely house in the city and moved to a “fixer upper” in the country with 6 acres of land. We had carefully constructed a 5-year plan.

Our son was a senior in high-school and his sister was just a year behind him.

We believed we could live in the house as we remodeled and repaired it, our children would both graduate and go off to college, and by then we would live happily ever after.

The Signs I Didn’t See

I was driving an hour each day to my job. But in our 5-year plan, I would “retire” soon so I gladly did it. What I was not expecting was car sickness.

I mean I was used to driving, I thought it must be the winding country roads followed by the city interstate.

By the time I got to work every morning, I was lucky to hold down water.

The Bad Day Gone Good

The Friday of that first week I told my boss I just had to go home. I was just too sick but I would go to the doctor and be back Monday.

The women in my department who were all in their 20’s had been teasing me all week saying: “You might as well face it. You’re pregnant.”

How absurd. On the way out the door, one of them tossed me a pregnancy test, and we all laughed.

I walked in the door of my house and the phone rang. My son had just had his first fender bender and he was okay but he needed me to come to help him.

I hung up but before my hand left the receiver it rang again. It was the principal.

My daughter had gotten out of line with a teacher and was suspended. I hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom before I was heading to the school. My purse was still on my arm and I saw the test and as a joke used it.

I finished up and the phone rang, I thought: “Really? What now?”

I rushed and grabbed it and got the message my husband’s uncle had passed away. It was expected as he had been ill in a nursing home a while.

I went back to the bathroom to get my handbag and looked down at the test which was vividly positive. I grabbed the box…thinking I read it wrong and the blue line meant negative.

But no…I was pregnant.

Shaken, I made my way to the door and the phone rang one more time. By now I am just like…whatever!

It was my husband. I said “Listen I can’t talk right now I am walking out the door, BUT.  Kevin wrecked the car, yes he is okay. Rachel back talked a teacher and is suspended. Your Uncle Charlie died. And – I am pregnant!”

I got dead silence. I said I had to go and I would call him back.

How We Broke The News

Eventually, the shock wore off and we kept the baby a secret until we knew everything was okay and it was a little boy.

The night we decided to tell the kids and grandparents, we had dinner. We ordered a blue sheet cake with white icing, and we decorated it with blue candy for our gender reveal party; we trimmed the edges of the cake. On top, we had one word written.  

It read “OOPS”.

Our son was born on New Year’s Eve that year, and he was perfect. No, we resisted the urge to name him OOPS.

The older kids graduated and my husband and I began learning to parent in a whole new world. It seemed all the rules had changed since our first go round.

We still have that 5-year plan and we still intend to use it. We just don’t know which 5 years it will happen.

What To Do In Case Of An Unplanned Pregnancy?

Granted we weren’t first-time parents, but at that moment we realized that there are so many people going through a pregnancy unplanned. There are so many things to take care of from day one – in your mind, in your approach to life and then the operative/administrative stuff.

So, for all of you who read my story and are going through the same, here are some awesome parenting and family-friendly blogs that you can head to and get many of your questions answered:

Kids in the House is the world’s largest parenting video library, with over 8,000 videos from 450 experts, including physicians, psychologists, researchers, educators and best-selling authors, as well as leaders of national organizations and other celebrated voices in our culture. Kids in the House provides a community where parents have the opportunity to hear and share different perspectives and get solutions for parenting challenges that range from pregnancy to paying for college.

Simple Mom Reviews

Amy is a mom of 4, licensed cosmetologist and licensed practical nurse who now runs a blog from home and enjoys extra time spent with my kids. On the blog you will find product reviews; including her love for subscription boxes, simple and fun DIY crafts, easy everyday recipes and more!

The Mom Kind

Welcome to the journey here at The Mom Kind. The editor is Alicia Trautwein (the blogger behind the scenes), a mom of four children, all with different diagnoses including autism, ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, depression, restless leg syndrome, & sleep apnea. After her two youngest were diagnosed with autism just a couple months apart, she found herself front and center in bringing awareness to autism and teaching neurodiversity.

Happy Science Mom



Welcome to your toolkit for raising happy, balanced children. If you are concerned about your kids feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, moody, or uninterested in life and wondering what you can do about it, you can go to this website. Sandi shares science-backed tips, resources, and activities from the world of positive psychology to help you pass along skills to your children and teens so they can live joyful, fulfilled, and peaceful lives. She explores natural tools like mindfulness, giving, optimism, kindness, gratitude, and spending time in nature.

Why Preschool Coloring Pages for Kids Are Important?

If you have a kid and if you are interested in contributing towards his development, you are strongly encouraged to go ahead and purchase preschool coloring pages.

They can provide a tremendous assistance to the overall development of the little one in the long run. Below mentioned are some important facts, which highlight the importance of coloring pages for kids. By going through these facts, you will definitely get the interest to go ahead and invest your money in them.

1. They can improve handwriting of the little one

Preschool coloring pages are in a position to improve handwriting of your little one. The kids are in need of dexterity and strength in order to manipulate pencil on a piece of paper. The coloring pages are in a position to provide them with the dexterity and strength needed. Hence, your kid will get the chance to stay away from incorrect pencil grasp. On the other hand, your child will also be provided with a tremendous assistance with holding the pencil in the correct way. This can deliver a tremendous assistance towards overall writing capabilities of the little one.

2. They can improve hand-eye coordination of your kid

Coloring books will introduce your little ones to different colors and shapes. As a result, they are in a position to improve hand-eye coordination of your little one in an effective manner. Your kid would absolutely love the overall assistance that he will be able to receive with the time that is being spent on coloring. It can also help the little one to fight against cognitive loss. Therefore, you will be able to allow your little one experience a promising future.

3. They can teach patience and relaxation

Patience and relaxation are two of the most prominent qualities that your little one should have. If he doesn’t have these qualities, there is a high possibility for him to get into a lot of issues in life.

Coloring pages are in a position to introduce patience and relaxation to the child as well. That’s mainly because your little one will do mistakes and he will eventually come up with methods to bear them. On the other hand, the overall experience that your little one has to go through when coloring pages has the ability to deliver a relaxing experience to him.

4. They can help your child to retain focus

If your child cannot focus on one thing, he will eventually end up with a lot of difficulties. Due to this reason, it is extremely important for you to teach how to stay focused for the little one. It will be one of the greatest lessons that the child will be able to learn from the coloring experience. The child will be able to concentrate on one activity for a long period of time as well. When your child is growing up with the coloring pages, he will be able to figure out the importance of boundaries. Then your child will be able to receive additional assistance with writing as well.

5. They can provide a tremendous amount of knowledge to the child

Most of the parents believe that coloring pages are not in a position to deliver the knowledge that their little ones need. This fact is not true at all. Your child will be able to receive a tremendous amount of knowledge by going through coloring pages. For example, your child will be able to learn about form, shapes, hue, color, perspective and lines. In addition, these pages can also provide assistance to the little one with identifying patterns.

6. They can provide confidence

Your child is in need of confidence as well. The coloring pages are in a position to deliver confidence that is needed by the little one. When your kid completes coloring a specific page, he will be provided with a sense of accomplishment. This can contribute towards the overall level of self-esteem that your child will be able to experience in the long run. Hence, an ideal environment will be created for the development of confidence in the little one.

7. They can deliver fine motor skills

The fine motor skills of the little one will be greatly impacted by coloring pages. From the recent studies, it has been identified that a large number of kids who live out there in the world are lacking from fine motor skills. This creates a negative impact on their overall development in the future. In fact, the entire future of a child depends on the fine motor skills that he possesses. Coloring pages can be considered as one of the greatest methods available for you to introduce fine motor skills for the child.

8. They can stimulate creativity

Overall creativity levels of your child will be stimulated by the coloring pages. For example, coloring pages are in a position to provide the opportunity for your little one to express him. As a result, your child will be able to express the imaginary world that he has in his mind.

With coloring pages, you will be able to set the mind of your little one to roam free. Hence, you will be able to create a perfect environment, which can stimulate the creativity of the child. This would matter a lot for the overall development of your child in the long run as well.

9. They can contribute towards self-expression

Finally, you need to keep in mind that coloring pages are in a position to provide a significant assistance to self-expression of the little one. By taking a look at the pages that your child is coloring, you will be able to tell a lot about him as well. If your child is drawing cheerful objects, you can assume that he is in joy. But if he is drawing disturbing images, then you will need to go ahead and provide your assistance to the child urgently.

How to Avoid Toddler Tantrums on Your flight?

If you are traveling abroad with your little one on a flight, you should be ready to go through a somewhat frustrating experience. It will be a nightmare for some of the parents. Toddler tantrums can be considered as the main reason why you will have to encounter frustration while you are traveling along with the little one. If you can avoid toddler tantrums, you will be able to experience a great relief throughout the journey.

Below mentioned are some effective and useful tips, which can help you with avoiding toddler tantrums.

1. Get a toy roll along suitcase to the toddler

If you can purchase a toy roll along suitcase for the toddler, you will be able to overcome tantrums in an effective manner. Once you give the suitcase, you can simply ask the little one to pull that along. It is possible for you to find many different types of such roll along suitcases in the market. Out of them, you can even go for a suitcase that has their favorite cartoon characters. Then you will be able to create excitement within your little one to pull the suitcase. After purchasing the suitcase, you will need to pack it with the favorite toys of your little one. In addition, you can also put the items that can cater the comfort needs of the little one on the go. The suitcase will provide plenty of space to store all the items. Then you will be able to keep the little one engaged with it and avoid the tantrums. If you are looking forward to spend such a fun roll along suitcase, you can click here.

2. Set the expectations before you travel 

If you can set up expectations in your little one before you travel, you can effectively avoid toddler tantrums during the journey. You need to do this on the night before you travel. You can simply let your little one know what you are expecting from him throughout the journey. For example, you can convince the little one that he will have to spend few hours on the flight, while keeping the seat belt on. When you set up the expectations early, you will find it as an easy task to overcome toddler tantrums.

3. Always stay prepared

You never know what you will have to experience when you are travelling with toddlers on the flight. Hence, you should plan accordingly and always stay prepared. This can be considered as one of the most convenient steps available for you to avoid frustration throughout the journey. You will often have to experience toddler tantrums when he is hungry. Hence, you are encouraged to take some snacks on the carryon. Likewise, you are encouraged to prepare for the worst during the journey. Then you will get the opportunity to keep peace of mind until you arrive at your destination.

4. Stay calm as much as possible

Staying calm can also be considered as one of the best methods that are available for you to get rid of toddler tantrums while you are on a flight. When the toddlers are throwing tantrums, the parents usually tend to freak out. This is one of the biggest mistakes that you will do as a parent. Hence, you need to learn how to be calm when your little one is throwing a tantrum. You shouldn’t scream too hard, or turn blue after you see that your little one is not behaving well in the flight.  In fact, your toddler will not be in a position to listen to you in such a situation as well. Hence, you should never threaten or yell at the toddler. If you do, you will be adding more fuel to the fire.

When you see that your toddler is throwing a tantrum, you just need to do that you are doing at your home. In other words, you just need to stay calm. If possible, you can simply get up and go for a walk. Or else, you can sing the favorite lullaby of the little one. It is even possible for you to distract the little one by giving his favorite snack or favorite toy.

You just need to figure out that the tantrum would not last forever. Hence, you need to make sure that you don’t do anything that can make the little one go upset. If you can stay calm, the rest is assured.

5. Focus on your little one

When you are traveling in a flight along with your little one, your attention should only be on the kid. In other words, you should not take a look at the other people around you. Then you will be able to make sure that you have successfully covered all your bases. In other words, you have taken necessary steps in order to overcome toddler tantrums as much as possible.

But even if you plan to focus only on the little one, things will not go as expected along with time. For example, your child will go for a full blown meltdown at times. In such a situation, you shouldn’t get stressed. During a toddler tantrum, the passengers around you will definitely take a look at you. It will be uncomfortable to face such a situation in front of the strangers. But you need to keep in mind that the passengers are also parents and they must have come across similar situations. Hence, you just need to concentrate on your little one. You shouldn’t let your brain to be dramatic in such a situation as well.

There are some of the most effective and successful tips available for you to avoid toddler tantrums while you are on a light. You just need to keep these tips in your mind and you will be provided with the opportunity to overcome frustration associated with toddler tantrums throughout the journey.