How To Monitor Your Kids Without Spying on Them 

Sometimes, the world seems scary. Things such as global warming, crime, famine, war, disease make us want to keep our kids indoors or to hire a private investigator to follow them around all day. According to the latest statistics, more than 2ooo children are reported missing every day.

Despite these horrible facts, it’s nearly impossible to forbid your kids to play outside on the plastic playground, spend a night over a friend’s house, follow Kim Kardashian on Instagram or dye their hair. They might do all this without you knowing it. Well, eventually, you will see their rainbow hairstyle.

According to PDPlay, playing outside contributes to cognitive and emotional development, improve sensory skills, and increase attention spans in children.

Kids want to explore, become part of the community, and express their individuality. They are going to do something not very thoughtful anyway ( just like you when you were a kid). Making mistakes is part of the learning process. As a parent, you should figure out whether you want to be with them when they are in danger, or you want to be the last to know about their ‘adventure’.

Indeed, monitoring your kids is like walking on thin ice. On the one hand, it would be great to know every little thing about your children in order to help them avoid getting into trouble. On the other hand, they will never agree to you reading their diary just the way you read your Sunday paper. 

Get to know their friends

Being aware of what your kids are doing and who they are hanging out with is the first step. Most kids want to be social because that’s the way they learn and explore the world. You will not always like their friends, but it doesn’t give you the right to speak badly about them and forbid your child from playing with them.

Make sure to invite their friends to your house from time to time. Also, don’t hesitate to get to know their parents. First of all, you might be able to find friends for yourself. Secondly, being on good terms with other parents makes the monitoring process easier.

If you see that your child’s friend behaves inappropriately (swearing, stealing, lying, etc.), talk to your kid about it. It shouldn’t be a negative conversation. All you need to do is to describe the situation and ask your kid about their honest opinion. That’s how you can help your children understand where the line good and bad is and develop their critical thinking.

Have an honest discussion

If you really want to protect your children, warn them about the potential danger. For instance, small kids should be aware that their body parts are private, and no one except a doctor can touch them.

Also, tell them what to do if a stranger starts speaking to them on the street and offering something. Before you start this kind of conversation with your child, tell them that you love them, and want to protect them. It is a much better tactic than using a commanding tone. 

Be their friend

The best way of keeping track of what’s happening in your child’s life is to build trust and become their friend.

Make sure to have one-on-one time with them every day, accept them for who they are, and involve yourself in their interests. It’s important to listen to what they are saying even though you are not the biggest fan of Justin Bieber, Monster High, or League of Legends.

Also, if you want to know your child’s secrets, consider telling them yours as well.

Talk about the media

Some kids have their Instagram profiles before they learn how to walk and speak. Your child is going to have an online presence one day. Maybe they already have, and you just don’t know about it. So, before they create their first Facebook or Instagram account, let them know what they should be aware of. If your child is not even twelve, you might want to ask them for their passwords. Once again, don’t be bossy and respect their decision (in case they refuse to give you their social media account passwords).

Explain to them how they should behave on the Internet. Let them know that they should keep their personal information private, avoid sending their photos to strangers and repost when someone else misbehaves. Encourage them to think twice before they text, post, and share content. The ugly truth is that everything people do on the Internet might stay there forever and even go public.

Consider monitoring programs

If your kids go to school alone, consider installing monitoring programs. Before you do that, let them know about it. If they don’t agree to this, suggest to ‘spy’ on you as well (so that your kids are going to see where you are). 

The bottom line

If you want to protect your kids without spying on them, make sure to establish a trustworthy relationship and become their best friends. Consider inviting their friends to your house so that you can get to know them better.

It’s essential to warn your kids about potential danger and explain to them why you forbid certain things. Before they create their social media account, teach them how to behave online, and how not to develop a social media addiction. Also, consider installing monitoring programs so that you know where your kids are playing.

Parenting is a real challenge, but you should know that you are doing a great job so far!

5 Ways to Plan and Prepare for the Toddler Years

It just seems like yesterday you became a parent to a newborn, now you are transitioning into the toddler years.

The next phase in your little one’s development is probably going to be the most challenging. By now your toddler can walk, run, jump, climb, and is eager to explore their environment. Though, still little, they already have strong opinions on everything.

Be prepared for the inevitable tantrums. They will cry, sulk, demand, and yell. You will wonder why there is so much advice for new parents when this phase is so challenging and there seems to be no comprehensive manual.

Well, here are 5 ways to plan and prepare for those toddler years.

Toddler Safety

Injuries are common for children under the age of four. Some of these injuries may be preventable. As your precious little one grows into a toddler it’s vital that you take precaution to ensure your home is safe as your toddler explores their environment.

Start by putting measures in place to prevent falls for your toddlers. For example, install safety guards on balconies and railings on stairs. Ensure, however, they are at least two meters in height and that the gaps between the rails are no wider than 12.5cm.

Toddlers are often very good at climbing and squeezing through small spaces. Remove as many of these possibilities as possible.

Also, if you often travel in the car with your child, you may want to start transitioning from the rear-facing baby car seat to a booster seat for your toddler as their height and weight allows you to lawfully do so.

The move from a baby seat to a booster seat ensures your bundle of joy is properly secured with the appropriate age seat harness.

Toddler Play

Understand that your toddler is keen to explore their environment and often they do this through play.

By playing and interacting with others your child learns valuable life lessons that stay with them. For example, your child might sometimes want to draw which is an excellent way to explore their creativity.

Create a space for your toddler to be able to do this so you do not end up with scribbles on your lounge, walls, and doors. Yes, it happens!

Your duty as a parent is to create a conducive and safe environment for them to play. You can also learn about age-specific games to suggest during their playtime.

Take advantage of every playtime to encourage them to learn and practice new skills. For example, while doing your laundry, you can get them to sort your socks and theirs.

Playgroups are a great means of allowing them space to play. This was the only times my kids got to paint. I was not game enough to deal with the mess paint creates at home.

Toddler Education

Stimulate your toddler’s interest in learning by reading, talking, and singing to them. As you sing, talk, share stories every day with your child you are helping them become familiar with sounds, words, and language which will help their literary abilities.

You can start by familiarising them with the letters of their name. Then, associating each letter with a different word.

Use rhymes and songs to get words to stick and while reading to them be sure to point under each word as you read them out.

Also, ensure storytelling is done regularly, is relaxed and fun that way your child will look forward to it. Take your cue from your little one, there are days they may not want to spend time reading, that’s OK too.

Toddler Behaviour

You will find at this age your toddler has a handful of ways to show their displeasure at something. It is not uncommon for the child to throw tantrums, yell, refuse things, throw away their toys, and even bang their head on the ground in order to have their way, get your attention, or show they are unhappy.

You should first seek to understand why your child is behaving in a certain way. Have they had enough sleep recently? Is the child healthy?

Lack of adequate rest could influence how your toddler reacts to situations. Plus, these challenging behaviors could be an early sign they are not healthy – you might want to take them to your physician for a checkup.

Toddler Sleep

Understanding your child’s changing sleep pattern will help you train them to master a healthy sleeping routine.

One positive at this stage of your child’s development is that they are likely to sleep through most nights without waking, unlike the early days.

However, the real work is in actually getting them to bed in the first place. So, you may want to maintain a firm and consistent sleep routine.

It is worth noting that it’s normal for most toddlers to sleep an average of 10-12 hours a day. 10 hours of sleep in the night and 1-2 hours of nap during the day.

A New Mom’s Guide to Using Breast Pumps

Being a new mom can be both exciting and scary. There are many things that you must learn as you navigate through all the do’s and don’ts of parenthood. One of the first things that every mom takes on is breastfeeding. After all, breast milk is dubbed as the “superfood” for a reason.

However, every once in a while, you will be unable to breastfeed your baby. You might think that you will always be around 24/7, but eventually, reasons will appear. You may have to go back to work or perhaps your little one is unable to latch on properly. The good news is, you can use a breast pump to collect milk and store it for future meals. Because you can create a stash of milk, your baby will not have to skip this nutrient-filled food. 

There are 2 types of breast pumps, electric and manual. Manual pumps are less expensive than their electric counterparts and are travel-friendly because they don’t need an outlet to work. Electric breast pumps, on the other hand, take no effort to use and are more efficient in expressing milk. But if you’re worried about portability, according to, you can now find an electric breast pump that is rechargeable. What this means is you can also take your unit with you wherever without worrying for a power source. 

When Can You Start Pumping?

Some moms immediately start pumping right after their baby is born. The reason for this is because pumping can help encourage their milk supply. If the child is born premature, his/her mom can start early on pumping as well.

However, do note that it is crucial that you have established breastfeeding first before bottle feeding. This usually happens around your baby’s 4 to 6 months of life, and after this, you can pump in between your feeding sessions. The back and forth expressing of milk in breastfeeding and pumping allows you to drain your breasts more efficiently and prevent engorgement.

If you have to leave for a long duration, you can start pumping 2 to 3 weeks beforehand to get more comfortable. Pumping this early also lets you collect enough milk for your baby.

When is the Best Time to Pump?

The short answer is during the day, or better yet, in the morning. Your breasts are going to be naturally fuller during this time, which can help you pump more efficiently. If you are interchangeably breastfeeding and pumping, you can do your session an hour after you breastfeed your baby in the morning. However, you can also pump during the evening if this is more convenient for you.

Some moms even use a manual pump type called a milk catcher. Pumping using a milk catcher is also called passive pumping because it only catches the milk from your breast as you breastfeed with the other. Passive pumping is an efficient way to avoid wasted milk and expand your stash.

Speaking of expanding your milk stockpile, pumping every 2 hours in-between breastfeeding can also help in increasing your milk supply. Milk production works in a supply and demand scheme, which means, to maintain your production level, you have to keep your demand.

If you’re not with your baby, you can pump at the same time with his/her breastfeeding session. This way, you can keep your milk supply level high. If you are replacing missed breastfeeding sessions, it is best that you pump every 3 or 4 hours similar to a baby’s milk demand.

How Long Should It Take Using the Pump?

The duration of each mom using a pump will vary individually. Some women only need 15 minutes to express the right amount of breast milk, while some take twice the time. Once you notice that your breasts feel drained and the milk flow is slowing down, you can stop your session. 

As we have said earlier, you can pump every 3 or 4 hours. This takes a total of 8 to 10 times a day and usually gives you more than a thousand milliliters of milk. Pumping for this duration can boost your milk production and allows you to drain your breasts with milk efficiently. 

How to Prepare for a Pumping Session

It is essential that you feel relaxed and comfortable before pumping. Some people even suggest thinking of your baby as it contributes to stimulating your body to produce milk.

You can also massage your breasts before (and during) pumping or put a warm compress on them to stimulate milk let-down. Besides these methods, check if you have the perfect flange size will make pumping more effective and comfortable. 

How to Use a Breast Pump

Each model may have a specific direction unique to it, which is why it is best to read its manual first. However, some general things that you must know in using a breast pump involve the following:

  • Check if you have the right flange size. You can also moisten the flange itself with water to create a good seal. 
  • Your nipple must be in the center of the flange before you start pumping.
  • Start with a low suction level. Most pumps on the market mimic a baby’s suction rhythm, which involves 2 phases; stimulation and expression.
  • After each use, make sure that you clean your pump. Closed system pumps are easier to clean because it has a barrier between the pump mechanism and the collected milk.
  • Pay attention to the pump parts that are in contact with the milk and your breast. Clean and scrub them with hot water and liquid soap and then air dry. You should also check if the unit you have is dishwasher safe to save time.

How to Store Breast Milk 

First, fill your milk bottles only three-quarters full. The reason for this allowance is because frozen milk can expand. You should also never freeze milk in large quantities as they will be difficult to thaw.

You can store freshly expressed milk for as long as 4 hours in room temperature. Keep in mind that they must be away from any sources of heat. If you put your milk in the fridge, its lifespan can last up to 4 days. But if you want a longer preservation period, you can opt to put your stash in the freezer for as long as 6 months. Pro tip: Label each milk bottle to keep track on which you should use first.

How to Choose the Perfect Senior Housing Option

Finding the right senior housing options for you can be a challenge. Retirement is a major life change, and the reality is often a major surprise compared to what people expect as they reach retirement age. But when it comes to senior housing, there are more options today than there have ever been.

Starting in 2035, an estimated 2.5 million seniors plan on moving out of their homes, and today’s seniors have very different expectations about what senior housing should look like. The industry has taken notice and they’re coming up with innovative solutions to give seniors more choice.

The Senior of Tomorrow

There are some major differences between today’s and tomorrow’s seniors and older adults in the past. For one, many Boomer seniors are actually financially better off than their children. They’re going to have to rely more on their own resources for senior housing. Second, they’re generally healthier and living longer, expecting to live independently for longer. Finally, many are hoping to find retirement residences with a comfortable atmosphere and a focus on community engagement and social life.

What to Look for in a Retirement Community

#1 Independent Living

Independent living is housing designed for seniors – ranging from separated houses to apartments – that’s friendlier to older adults, easy to navigate, more compact, and requires no maintenance or yard work.

There may be options where you don’t have to worry about cooking, cleaning, or laundry, and most offer amenities like swimming pools or tennis courts. There are also likely to be no shortage of events and activities like exercise programs, holiday gatherings, gardening, movie nights, art classes, and more.

#2 Smart Design

Although moving into a smaller home or senior living apartment may mean less space, it should be better designed. You will need wider hallways, accessibility fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen beyond grab bars such as walk-in bathtubs, non-slip floors, and levers instead of doorknobs. These will make navigating easier even if you require a walker or wheelchair, and they will reduce the risk of injury later.

#3 Location

How close is it to your community? To family and friends? Is it convenient for doctors’ offices, shopping, parks, and other amenities? The most important factor in location is whether or not it’s close to communities, places, and people that are important to you.

You should also consider whether or not alternative transportation options are available, as older seniors drive less. Is the location walkable, close to transit, or do the facilities offer shuttle buses?

#4 Prepare for Changes in Your Health

Many consumers don’t think about changes in their health when they find a new place to live in. There are increasingly senior living options that provide flexible care options: nursing care or even memory care available in senior living apartments so that you don’t have to move again. Once is enough.

#5 Affordability

Finally, there’s affordability. While many seniors would prefer to stay in their homes, it may not be practical given the costs of retrofitting – or the fact that many of today’s retirees have most of their net worth in their homes. Selling is the most effective way to tap into that equity reliably.

You’re going to have a lot of options for senior housing. Look at your finances and consider your priorities before you make your decision. 

Edwards Syndrome: Overview, Diagnosis, and Risks

Edwards syndrome, or trisomy 18, is a rare genetic condition in which an individual has one or more extra copies of the 18th chromosome. For the most part, Edwards syndrome occurs randomly as a result of an error during meiosis, which is the process of sex cell division, but it may be possible for someone to be a partial carrier of this condition. (A partial carrier is someone who has the genetic mutation which causes Edwards Syndrome but doesn’t show symptoms and is at risk for passing it on to their children.)

Trisomy 18 is associated with significant developmental problems, and babies born with it will usually have a reduced life expectancy. However, if you are pregnant, it is possible to find out whether your baby is affected by Edwards syndrome in the womb. This knowledge can help you to make important decisions about your prenatal care, and your baby’s care after birth.

How is Edwards Syndrome Detected?

Edwards syndrome can often be detected in a fetus within 7 days of undergoing the MaterniT21 PLUS prenatal screening. This non-invasive blood test poses no harm to the developing child but can inform of the baby’s likelihood to be born with a number of genetic abnormalities. If a prenatal screening test shows signs that a baby has a chromosomal abnormality, additional testing will be necessary. Prenatal genetic screening is not considered a diagnostic test.

How is Edwards Syndrome Diagnosed?

Trisomy 18 can be diagnosed before and after birth. The only way to diagnose this condition before birth is by undergoing some form of prenatal diagnostic testing, including amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. These tests involve inserting a needle into the uterus to remove a small sample of the placenta or the baby’s amniotic fluid. The DNA from the sample is then tested in a lab to confirm any genetic abnormality.

Edwards syndrome can also be diagnosed after birth when symptoms of the condition become apparent and the doctor performs a physical exam on the child. This diagnosis will always be confirmed with DNA testing in order to verify the presence of an extra 18th chromosome.

What are the Symptoms of Edwards Syndrome?

Depending on the location of the extra 18th chromosome, symptoms of Edwards syndrome will vary in severity. Babies with this condition will often be low in weight, cry softly, and will have difficulty growing. They may also be born with underdeveloped organs and abnormally small body parts.

What are the Risks of Edwards Syndrome?

Due to the wide range of developmental problems in these children, only 5-10% live beyond their first year. Those who survive past the first year often face considerable health challenges and intellectual disability that can make independence difficult.

Females are more likely to survive longer with this condition, though lower mortality rates have been noted for those with higher birth weights of both genders

Speak with Your Doctor

Remember that most babies are born healthy, but if you are concerned that your baby may be born with a genetic disorder, speak with your doctor. They will be able to recommend specific testing options that are right for you and your medical history, as well as answer any questions you may have about the condition or the process.

If your child is found to have Edwards syndrome while still in-utero, you may have additional questions about their condition and their future care. A genetic counselor may help make this news more manageable by helping guide you and your family through the pregnancy and planning for the future.

Best Ways to Make Happy Family Memories

When raising a family, the days are long, but the years are short. You have about eighteen summers to spend with your children, and likely less time to enjoy those summers together as a family. In other words, it’s integral that you make the most of every moment.

Creating cherished family memories will shine a light on the dark times, and give you something to look back on and smile as the years go on. These memories shape how your children will raise their children and become your legacy. 

Here are three ways you can make happy family memories that will stand the test of time.

Make Time to Play Every Day

Finding time to do things is one of the biggest challenges parents face in the modern world. Long hours spent at the office, extracurricular activities, chores and responsibilities around the house, and endless expectations are exhausting. At the end of the day, it can be tempting to detach and find some time to relax.

Realistically, there are short bouts of time that you can shut out the rest of the world and find time to play. Start by allocating ten minutes per child to close everything else down and give them your full attention, focusing on what’s important to them. Remember, quality matters more than quantity. The dishes can wait so you can play with dolls for a few minutes. The laundry can wait while you shoot some hoops in the yard.

Some of the greatest memories children have are not the big, extravagant events, but the small act of their parent finding time to share with them. By participating in the activities that matter to your children, you’re improving their sense of value and self-worth.

Unplug and Be Present

Whether you’re heading to the local park for some fresh air or on a grand adventure across the country, remember to be present in the moment. With smartphones being a staple in the modern world, it can be hard to disconnect and focus on what’s happening. If you’re always viewing the world from behind a lens, you’re missing the little, perfect moments that create incredible memories.

Turn your phone on airplane mode and avoid social media, using it only to snap a few photos before putting it away. Instead, give your full attention to the event that’s taking place. You’ll have more fun with your children, and they’ll remember you as an active part of their experience for years to come.

Balance Traditions and New Adventures

Both lifelong traditions and new, exciting adventures are catalysts for great family memories: find time for both. Create fun traditions throughout the year, such as an annual camping trip each summer or a movie marathon over the holidays. 

Instead of going to the same places all the time, try new things. Become tourists in your own town and make an effort to attend community events. Pick up a travel brochure from the local tourism office and spend time getting to know the hidden gems in your area. Those unexpected adventures may create new traditions for your family or unlock new hobbies, passions, and knowledge.

Create Family Memories On A Road Trip To The Golden Isles

As Travis from shares, last year approximately 87.7 million U.S. citizens traveled out of the United States showing that the majority of US residents are choosing to vacation within the US. With fifty states to choose from, the options for family holidays are endless. So if you don’t fancy leaving the country then take the family to Georgia’s Golden Isles for an array of healthy family activities including beach living, nature trails, boat trips and so much more.

Themed Weekends Promote Family Togetherness

Heidi has shared a nice tip about spending time together when vacationing in her post about their visit to the Yogi Bears Jellystone at Kozy Rest. “Yes, the kids go off to play basketball and do other things on their own, but it was nice that the campground had activities planned that encouraged us to spend time together as a family – such as the donut decorating and root beer floats.”

Make Sure You Are Keeping The Memories, Too

Memory is lost when a family member passes away before the memory has been shared and saved. Don’t wait another day, as advised in this article here.

Consider family memories you don’t want to lose:

  • Think about important memories from your life events, videos, stories, or photos that are not already recorded.
  • Prayerfully consider who in your family has a family heirloom, a photo, or a story that could be lost.

Using Wall Decals to Create a Family Photo Wall you will love!

Kristin gave me this wonderful idea of using wall decals – as she explains that at some point this summer she realized that all the photo’s in their home were outdated. They have changed so much and gone on so many fun adventures that she really felt like it was time to add some new memories to the walls. She can’t really remember the last time she ordered a photo print (me too!)! It is nice to have an actual physical copy – and a family photo wall or a family portrait is a wonderful way to decorate your home!

Use Your Backyard!

Children like to play outside and spend their free time doing some fun outdoor activities. Having a backyard that’s suitable for them is what every grandparent would want, and you need to think about how your outdoor area suits your family. Not only is this space great for your grandchildren, but it can also be an oasis for their parents and space to relax in the sun all summer long. That’s what makes these long afternoons more enjoyable and serves as a great area for creating new family memories, as shared by Eileen from

Organize Old Family Photos

Whenever you see a news broadcast of the after effects of a natural disaster, you hear the same thing. “I lost everything. I lost all my family photos.” Photos represent memories. All the other stuff can be replaced, but the memories cannot. Having photos saved digitally can help with that loss. More on that a little later. I would argue that there is another loss that competes with being left with nothing. That is the loss of keeping everything. What I mean is, if you have every photo hidden away, then none of it feels accessible. Keeping everything makes it not only inaccessible, but less shareable. This can be solved by, again, scanning and digitizing your photo prints, as advised by Matt Baier.

Sorting Photos To Tell Stories

Instead of trying to sort photos chronologically sort them by topics.  Photos tell stories. By sorting using topics you will get stories on vacations, cars you’ve owned, children’s lives, pets, flowers, scenery etc.  Pick any topics that suit your life and start making piles.  As you’re sorting, get rid of ones that are out of focus, duplicates, one you don’t recognize the people or setting, as advised Julie Stobbe from

Make Your Own Memories

The best part of making happy family memories is that you don’t have to break the bank to do so. You just have to be willing to set aside the time and get creative with your ideas. The memories you make together will hold more value than a price tag could ever equate. 


If you have ideas or advice for creating happy family memories, or experiences of your own to share, let us know. We’d love to hear from you!

Mom Tips: How To Kick-Start Your Workday

Being a mom and having a full-time job isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of focus, discipline, and motivation. But here’s what a key to success is: a set, regular, step-by-step morning routine. Some parts of the routine are productive, and others are more ritualistic, but greatest times of productivity happen when you stick to the routine.

If you’re having trouble wrapping your head around the workday, try making a step-by-step plan. Whether you work from a cubicle or your kitchen, these tips will help you to get started on the grind and stay focused on all day long.

Get Enough Sleep

Before you can implement new, healthy morning habits, you should have the foundation of a well-rested body and mind. The way you feel while you’re awake is dependent on how well-rested you are. If you’ve been feeling groggy, irritable, or exhausted, you are not getting enough quality sleep. When you are sleeping, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. Sleep plays such a vital role in your physical well-being, mental clarity, and quality of life that ongoing sleep deficiency can have adverse effects on your health and how well you think, work, learn and get along with others.

If you are finding you are not getting enough quality sleep, try using some lavender-scented sprays to wind down. There are also apps that can track your sleep habits. When you start your day after a night of good sleep, you will wake feeling ready to take on the day, starting with your new morning habits.

Don’t Use Your Phone Right Away

Besides turning off your alarm that might be on your phone, resist the urge to check your emails or social media. It sets you up for a day of being addicted to technology, and your morning time should be reserved just for you. You can do that by disabling notifications on your home screen so you’re not tempted by Facebook updates or mounting emails.

Stretch Out

Most of us wake up to the same generic alarm clock sound, roll out of bed, get dressed, grab a mediocre breakfast, and leave the house still rubbing your eyes and yawning. But if your day starts really early, a quick meditation will help stretch you out, give you focus, get your blood flowing, and put you in the right state of mind for work. 

But if it’s not for you, just pick another activity to do before your kids wake up. For example: go for a run, stretch, do a Pilates routine, or a spin class. These are all a great way to start your morning.

Keep Your Blinds Open

Sunlight is the best way to wake your body up. It’s hard to go from pitch-black to bright light, so make it easier on yourself by keeping your blinds somewhat open at night. It’s a little less jarring to wake up to your alarm each morning.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to promote positive thoughts and create a successful mindset for your day. Our thoughts and the things we say about ourselves are affirmations. When we say we are bad or good at something, it is an affirmation and that thought becomes the truth. Choosing positive affirmations is a great way to change 

Your thoughts and help yourself start the day right.

Take a (Cold) Shower

There’s no better way to wake you up than the feeling of water on your skin. If you are brave enough switch the temperature from warm to cold. It may sound like a shock to your system, but a cold shower will boost your alertness, increase tolerance to stress, relieve symptoms of depression, improve your immune system, circulation and most importantly, give you a lot of energy.

Eat a Good Meal

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you haven’t satisfied your growling stomach, there’s no way you’ll be able to focus on work or be productive. As follows, make sure that you’re well-rested and hydrated, because taking care of yourself is the best way to remain focused and sane throughout the workday.

Drink Coffee

After you got ready for the day it is finally time for coffee. Like most moms, coffee is probably your best friend in the morning. Lavazza Blue Pod coffee is a lifesaver, you just pop one into the coffee maker push the button and your coffee will be done in no time. For some more coffee drinks and tips you can also check out this blog.

If you’re not a coffee drinker, you can find the same effects in a protein shake, smoothie, or a cup of tea. You can also check out the health benefits of coffee on Trusted Coffee Reviews.

Get Ready For the Day

This part of the day is the most stressful for a lot of moms because you’re not just getting ready. You are doing your hair and makeup, running small errands, and pulling out meat to defrost for dinner. However, the days when you get dressed nicely, do your hair and makeup, and the most productive of them all. Something about a nice white button-down and a bright scarf makes you feel like you can conquer the world.


Listening to music will boost your mood, energize you and reduce stress. Music is stimulating and has the ability to change your state, play something that gets you in the right happy mindset for the day.

Be With Your Family

Now that you have woken up and the train of thought has left the station to run all its errands for the day greet my family. Greet your partner and children and discuss the day with them.

Your child and or husband might have plans that you need to account for when I start planning my day. By taking time before planning the day to see what your family has going on means that you can make sure you are available at the time that they need me.

Track Previous Days Stats

After you get your brain going and have the family plans for the day, you can start gearing up for the work ahead. Check the previous days’ stats, overnight emails, and any urgent notifications on social media. Check what you need to respond to and what you have to leave for the actual workday. If there are tasks that need urgent attention you can address those otherwise, schedule it for later in the day.

Create a Simple To-Do List

Creating a to-do list each day keeps you focused and clear on what you need to do, but try to keep it simple and just write two or three big important tasks. Be realistic about what you need to get done and keep your schedule in mind. If we always try and get too much done we feel like we’re never achieving enough. The key is to keep it simple.

Regardless of what you do for a living, starting with a simple list can help you flesh out your ideas for a project or for the day more thoughtfully, and it will help keep you on track so that you maintain focus.

Organize Their Workspace Area

Not being able to find things in your workspace is the biggest time-waster. Don’t just jump right in because the clutter will catch up to you. If you have a clean or cleaner slate on your desk and desktop, it will clear your mind for the day’s tasks.

Put Your Workspace to Work

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a formal office space or you work from your desk at home, it’s important that you’re organized and that you provide yourself with the tools necessary to get the job done.

Clean your desk, have good lighting, a supportive chair, and your coffee within arm’s reach. Figure out what you need and make sure you have it there with you each morning.

Anticipate distractions

No matter where you work from, distractions are hard to manage. Unexpected visitors, noisy co-workers, Facebook alerts, Tweet deck updates, kids running around and a relentlessly ringing phone can all destroy your concentration.

Try to avoid compromising your attention to your work, make sure you’ve addressed those distractions.

Block Out Negativity

The trick to fully focus on your work is that you don’t dwell on any challenging events that happened the previous night or on the morning commute, or other pointless thoughts. Putting them in a separate ‘box’ when you start your week.

Take Small Breaks To Recharge


When your energy levels are getting low and you’re running out of steam, you aren’t as productive as you would be normally. This is natural and is one of the easiest things to fix. Take a few minutes in the middle of the day to get away from your desk, go outside, grab a snack, and take a few minutes to relax, or even take a short nap. Even though you may think pushing through a busy day is the best way to get things done, after having a short break, many people noticed that their productivity and focus has gotten better.

They Take a Moment To Be Grateful

A great way that people can start their day is to think of something they’re grateful for, and it can be personal or business-related. It’s motivational and reminds you to put all the small things in perspective.

A lot of people take advantage of the first few minutes of their workday to get situated and focused. Once you have the right mindset and routine for success, the rest of the day will run smoothly.

Know Your Limits

Great advice to full-time working moms is to know and respect your limits. Know how much time you need alone just for yourself. Because when you are burnt out, both of your jobs will suffer, and everything will become harder for you to do.


You don’t have to have specific habits for your mornings, but taking some time for yourself before you begin working can help you be more relaxed and well equipped to take on your day. Having a morning routine also makes your mind ready for the upcoming day, preparing for what lies ahead. So experiment and see what works best for you and your family.

5 Things to Know When You Are First Time Pregnant

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but in the beginning, it often feels overwhelming- especially if it is your first-time experience. Don’t worry, everything will get better once you figure out your body changes and how to handle them, but for now, take a look at this, commonly underestimated pregnancy tips!


1.) Stack Up on Apples

Yep, just keep an apple (better six) next to you anywhere you go! Apples help with morning sickness, fatigue, fighting hunger (which will kick up pretty strong), and are amazing for a common pregnancy symptom- constipation!

Apples are full of nutrition, low in calories, and a superfood for your developing baby. So, in general, the more apples you eat – the better you are going to feel!

2.) Pregnancy Pillows are Often Underestimated

Surprisingly, with all the money going into pregnancy and baby products, women often decide to save money on something like a pregnancy pillow. However, that’s not the type of saving you need to do. First of all, you don’t need to break the bank to purchase one, and secondly, it isn’t anything unnecessary.

Pregnancy pillows promote a healthy back, shoulders, neck and knee support during sleep, as well as helping you to make sure you are sleeping in a pregnancy-safe position. Since you no longer can sleep on your back or stomach, a pregnancy pillow ensures that you are sleeping on your side during the night.

Sleeping during pregnancy is more overwhelming than it looks like, and even during the first trimester, it is common to feel discomfort during sleep. However, it is better to start using your pillow during your first trimester, because otherwise, it will be difficult to get used to sleeping in a new position during your second and third trimesters.

Also, even during the first trimester, your back goes through a lot of challenges, so it is better to start taking care of it from the beginning of your journey!

3.) Pregnancy Underwear Feels Heavenly

It seriously does! You will be amazed at how big of a difference pregnancy underwear will make you feel compared to regular ones.

Even during the first trimester, women often struggle with feeling pressure on their stomach from any piece of clothing, no matter how comfy it felt before. Maternity underwear is affordable and workers at maternity shops are usually sweet and helpful so they will help you with your new sizing (no worries here).

Don’t torture your body with all these uncomfortable clothing and spoil yourself with some pretty (yep, now maternity underwear is pretty too) and comfortable underwear!

4.) A Pair of Soft Slippers Makes Magic

You can never underestimate the power of a pair of cushiony, soft slippers! Pregnancy is overwhelming (duh) and extra comfort is never extra! You will be amazed at how tired your feet felt before you put a pair of nice slippers on.

Of course, you feel how tired your feet are, but just try something nice and soft on your feet and you will never want to leave them again!


Buy Stretch Mark Creams

Start to use creams as soon as possible because your skin will start to itch like crazy and most creams and oils don’t relieve this problem (or for a short time). Stretch mark creams, Oils, and Derma Rollers help with itchy skin pretty quickly, as well as preventing stretch marks which none of us want.

Olive, coconut, and other oils work with this problem well, but commercial brands often work better because of special formulas and oil blends added in.

Itchy skin “attacks” quick, so you better prepare yourself from the beginning!

Concluding Thoughts

As you can see, some common pregnancy symptoms can be avoided pretty easily, and they do not require much effort nor finances. Fighting pregnancy symptoms is always better from the beginning, so they do not spoil your “magical” pregnancy time!

I hope these tips helpful to you and your lovely baby!

15+ Ways to Make Happy Family Memories

Image via Pexels

In the age of technology and distractions, it can feel like a challenge to bring the whole family together. Yet, at the same time, one of the most important jobs parents have is to make happy family memories. This might sound super simple, but it’s actually one of the most powerful things there is.

Positive family memories are one of the greatest gifts we can give both children and ourselves. These are memories we can all return to when things aren’t going too well in life, and it’s important to preserve your family photos. They’re a reminder that happy days exist, and they’re always just around the corner. There’s even research showing that kids who have positive memories from childhood are generally more happy and healthy.

When you regularly make those happy, positive memories, you have a lasting impact. These are more than just a fun day, they’re the bonds that bring families together for years to come. Are you ready to make these happy memories for yourself? Here are 15 ideas to get you started. 


1. Be Grateful Together

Life moves too quickly to notice all of the good things that happen, so sometimes we have to consciously slow things down. Being grateful together is a great way to boost positivity and show your children just how lucky they are. This is a skill they can take with them throughout life, even when things don’t seem to be going as planned.

How can you be grateful for together? One way is to simply think of 3 things you’re grateful for before bedtime. Bring your kids into this process. When tucking them in, ask them to tell you 3 things they’re grateful for every night. Soon, it will come easily.


2. Birthday Memories

Birthdays are about so much more than cake and singing. Making a fun occasion out of birthdays is one of the simplest ways to create happy family memories. Do you have birthday traditions? How does everyone come together to celebrate? You don’t need a huge budget or a big party to make the occasion special. 


3. Game Night

With the rise of technology, families are gathering to play games less and less. If you want to bring everyone together without any screens, game night is the way to do it. Pull out Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, or even just a deck of cards and get to work. 


4. Dinner Date

Who said dinner dates are only for couples? You can have a family dinner date by vowing to eat dinner together at least once a week. Everyone has busy schedules, but making dinner as a group and really taking the time to enjoy it is a special thing to do as a family. 


5. Send Cards

If your kids are school age, why not send them to class with a special reminder? Sending notes in their backpacks or lunch boxes is a great way to remind them that you’re thinking about them when they’re away from home. This is also a way to send some encouragement their way before a big test or a hard day. 


6. Volunteering

Did you know that children who volunteer as kids are more likely to continue this spirit of giving back as an adult? Instilling good values into children isn’t always easy, but volunteering makes it more fun.

How can your kids help? Can they donate toys to needy children? Join you for a community clean up? All of these things make a difference, and all of them are an effective way to teach kids about the importance of helping others. 


7. Travel

Traveling is one of the best ways to bring your family together. You don’t have to travel far to make family memories. Just get out of your daily routine, go on an adventure, and try new things together. Whether you explore your own town or a new country, do it as a family. 

Image via Pexels

8. Celebrate Success

Even small victories can warrant big celebrations. For kids, the small stuff is even more important. Find ways to highlight these accomplishments, whether it’s using a special plate at the dinner table or doing something fun. 


9. Read Together

Reading is one of the best things you can do together as a family. Even if your kids aren’t old enough to read, taking the time to sit down together and read to them will make all the difference. Instilling positive reading skills is a path to success, so don’t overlook even this small habit. 


10. Plant a Garden

A family garden gets everyone’s hands a little dirty in the best way possible. Digging a patch to plant either flowers or vegetables is not only a learning experience, but it’s a fun chance to bond together while watching something grow. Plus, you might even have some yummy veggies to add to your dinner nights. 

Image via Pexels

11. Family Photoshoot

In the age of social media, it’s becoming more normal to capture those everyday moments with your kids. However, taking the time to hire a professional photographer to capture your family is still important. Capturing these candid moments and styled moments will create a wonderful memory you all can look back on for years to come. 


12. Play Sports

Who said sports were just for kids? No matter what your kids like to do, get out there and join them. Kids who lead an active lifestyle early on are more likely to continue being active and healthy later in life.

What sports are good for kids? Think beyond the tried-and-true kid leagues. You can try indoor sports like bowling or climbing walls or even outdoor fun like hiking or mini golf.


13. Family Art

Does your family need some time for creativity? Why not bring all hands on deck with a family art project. Paint a mural on the wall, do a little DIY project, build a scrapbook together, or even just finger paint. No matter your kids’ ages, this is something everyone can have fun doing. You’ll also have a beautiful keepsake left over.


14. Create a Family Holiday

You don’t have to wait until the holiday season to celebrate. Create your own holiday as a family to celebrate every year. It can be as simple as “Trip Day” where you visit a new nearby town. Or mix things up with an appreciation day to show your love for a special family member. These small things show kids there’s so much to celebrate in life. 


15. Go on a Walk

Last but not least, go on a walk as a family. Walks are not only the best way to stay active as a family, but they’re a chance to talk. Schedule your walks into your weekly routine, everyone taking the time to simply put the screens down and enjoy nature. 


16. Book A Studio Family Portrait Session

When you book a photo session in a studio you have many options to create a memory that you will enjoy forever, because a family photograph captures the spirit of your family. It is a keepsake that will remind you of the thought that you put into creating that moment. Finding the right setting, the appropriate outfits and the best photographer, as advised by Val from There are so many portrait ideas to choose from and to showcase that your family is one of a kind. It can be an outdoor session celebrating a season, a place or an occasion. Or it can be a choreographed indoor shoot designed for you. Either way, the ones who make it unique and memorable are the people in the photo, your family.


17. Do a Retro Photo Shooting

Black and white photography is one of the most popular genres for portraiture, so we recommend doing a fun retro photoshoot with your family. People tend to gravitate to these images because they are striking and honestly capture a subject’s personality. Afterward, you may even have multiple canvas prints done and hung up on one particular wall of your home to create an impressive gallery wall. Know more guides about cameras and photography.


18. Do Low Key Photo Shoots

You can also go for a low key photoshoot. Low key photography is nothing but capturing images with a dark or black background. It makes the subjects pop out from the image. It is perfect for family and individual portraits. You can print these beautiful low key images and get it framed. Hang it on your wall.


19. Become Family Historians

If you have an old family photo album, you can go through the photos together as a family – wouldn’t it be intriguing to meet our own ancestors! As Wendy explains in her post about old photo phrustration, you can play a the following game: “Which period of time would you like to travel back to?Personally, I’d be happy to go back to any period of time and observe everyday life as it really was. Each holds its own fascination.”


20. Do Holidays Right

Amanda from Learning Through Experiences shares: “I have always enjoyed my children during the holidays. Their excitement and joy just brought a whole new perspective to the meaning of each holiday. When my kiddos were small they loved doing some special family Christmas traditions that I would love to share with you today. I think our favorite Christmas family traditions were seeing Christmas lights together. We all pack into our van and off we go on an adventure. To make the evening even better, I would do a little planning ahead of time. I had some printable “train tickets” ready for them. At each stop, I would ask for their tickets so I could stamp them. They would giggle each time they handed them to me. It was so much fun.”


21. Holiday traditions vary from family to family

As the team at explains, one of the best things about family traditions is that it is never too late to start a new one! If your family is just getting started out, then it’s time to figure out what tradition fits your personalities and interests perfectly.

Are you an outdoorsy bunch? Picking and chopping down your own Christmas tree at a farm might be the perfect choice. Are you crafty? Make a family ornament or decoration each year that celebrates the big moments you shared together. The tricky part is picking something that everyone can do together.

As mentioned on TheSimplicityHabit, even though as a kid we had a feeling like we should take pictures of every natural landscape we saw, as adults, those pictures don’t feel special to us. We want to keep the pictures of people on vacation, not just landscapes. Pictures taken with large groups can have a similar feel. It’s hard to tell who anyone is and they can lack interest.


22. Ways to edit your wedding photographies

Regardless of the genre of photography you work in, it’s important to develop an efficient and reliable workflow, from organizing your folders to culling, editing, and sharing your files. Post-production can quickly wreak havoc on your productivity if you do not have a system in place. Wedding photographers, for example, often capture 2,000+ photos over the course of a day. Drawn upon our experience, Camera Bits put together a list of five wedding photography editing tips to help you maximize your efficiency and cut down the time it takes to edit a wedding.


23. Make Your Home Look Amazing

Most of us spend a lot of time at home. Yet, we often underestimate just how much the environment we’re in has an effect on us. A home should be a haven where you can relax and enjoy your personalized space. After all, you’ve invested time and money into such a major purchase, so don’t let the design fall by the wayside when there are so many resources available to make it look amazing! Here are a few tips to take your home from simple to luxurious


24. Make Family Frames

As mentioned on Frame Destination, making decorative frames is a great project for kids as well. If you are going to hang some pictures in a child’s room, they will love to have a say in the process by decorating their own picture frames. Grandparents and other family members also love receiving framed photos with embellishments from the kids as gifts.


25. Preserving Family Photos

Preserving your family photos can be a wonderful bonding activity that’s both productive and fun for your kids. It’s the perfect activity for a rainy day and will let you share family stories with your kids, all while reminiscing yourself. It’s a win-win!



Are you in need of more family memories? These are the little things that make life special no matter how young or old you are. We could all use more time together creating positive experiences that last a lifetime. 

These ideas above are perfect for all families. They’re inexpensive (or free) and put the focus back on each other. What are you waiting for?

10 Best Weight Gaining Food for Kids

Children tend to gain weight very fast as they keep on growing, generally, children are healthy but in some cases, they tend to be lean and thin. There might be some genetic issues in them because of which they don’t gain weight and are healthy. It is often believed and also researched that the weight and appearance is not always the appropriate measure of overall body health of a child instead, it is just to keep a check on the average BMI of a body which should be appropriate according to the body of a child. It is also said that if the BMI of the child is not up to the mark and if it keeps them in the underweight category than the parents should start planning to give the child healthy and weight gaining food so that they can grow properly, stay healthy and gain proper weight while they keep on growing.

How to check the BMI

The BMI calculator is being used by the doctors or the parents can also themselves use it to calculate the BMI of their child. You can find it online nowadays and all you need to do is to feed in the details that the calculator needs to give you the BMI of the child. It generally needs the height and the weight of a person so that it can give you back the proper BMI.

Children are generally given healthy food that contains all the necessary nutrients a child needs for proper growth. However, weight gaining food is given only to those who are underweight and has a low BMI so that they can achieve the stage of required BMI.

To help some of the parents track what should be given to the child that will not harm their growing body and will also help in increasing the BMI of their body. Below we have compiled a quick list of some of the health gaining food which is ideal for the children. The list is as follows:

  1. Eggs– One of the best source of proteins, eggs can be one of the best and wholesome food that can help in increasing the weight of your child. Muscle tissue and body growth increase the bodyweight of the kids. Boiled eggs are a very good option for them and should be served in small quantity every time so that the dose is not overdone.
  2. Tofu– One of the best sources of amino acids it is also loaded with proteins. Made with the help of soya milk it is the best that can be served to the children in a number of ways and a number of dishes can be prepared with the help of it that will be loved by the children. A source of the number of nutrients, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc. It can be very good for the kids. Loaded with a number of nutrients it does not contain calories.
  3. Honey– Often used as a substitute for sugar in almost every diet, the composition of honey is 18% water and the remaining 72% is carbohydrates present in it. Since carbohydrates are believed to increase the weight of a human body, honey can be a great source that can help in weight gain of a human body.
  4. Milk– Since it is a food item which is generally served to kids, but you should continue giving your child milk every day since is the best source of protein and calcium. One full glass of milk can help the child have a healthy overall weight in the body. Milk also helps in building strong bones in the body and since your child is growing he will automatically develop stronger bones. Milk is also a food for 8-month baby.
  5. Dry fruits– Available in a wide variety of dry fruits and nuts are a rich source of protein, iron, vitamin, and magnesium. You can serve them in a number of different ways so that the child doesn’t get bored of having them on a regular basis. Top them in ice-creams, mix them in smoothies. They can munch them as a snack option such as almonds, cashews, raisins, walnuts, etc.
  6. Oatmeal– A rich source of carbohydrates oatmeal is usually the best breakfast option which is probably the best option with which can child will start his day. It is gluten-free and also rich in fiber. The carbohydrates present in them helps in keeping the stomach of your child full for long since it burns slowly.
  7. Beans and Pulses– Another rich source of proteins, they also contain calories and is the best option of food that can be included in lunch and dinner as well. They also contain fibers that are soluble in nature so that it regulates the sugar level and helps in treating mood swings.
  8. Olive Oil– Either top it on the salad or make wholesome meals for your child as it is the safest option for the overall health of your child.
  9. Banana– It is the best fruit that helps in easy digestion and is packed with nutrients. It is rich in fiber and also helps in improving the eyesight and brainpower in children.
  10. Corn– One of the food items packed with the goodness of many nutrients and can also be enjoyed by your child. It also contains carbohydrates that help in healthy weight gain in children.

There are a number of food items available in the market for your children that are a rich source of so many nutrients and can help in healthy weight gain of your child. Some of the fruits and other food items can also be used as food for 6-month baby so that they can get required nutrients from an early age.