Garlic For Good Food and Good Health

For many years garlic has been known to have great health benefits and is often thought of like nature’s own antibiotic’ but people have been wary of eating fresh garlic because of the pungent odor it leaves on your breath or excreted through the pores. Garlic has this effect because it is a substance that is not metabolized; instead, it is absorbed through the stomach lining.

Now it has been realized that taking a good quality supplement of Allicin (the active ingredient of garlic) gives you equal effectiveness, and of course, you can use the odorless variety, for this garlic is aged and detoxified leaving it deodorized.

I adore garlic and am happy with garlic on just about any type of savory food, but being the minority in the family has resorted to taking odorless capsules to keep the peace. I think garlic is one of the few foods that everybody has an opinion about; you either love it or hate it!

In fact my father-in-law Joe used to eat raw cloves every day, probably one of the reasons he is in his eighties and has never suffered from bad health. Joe originates from Poland where garlic had been used for health benefits for years and years, primarily eaten against influenza, but they would also use it topically rubbed on the soles of their feet to ward off colds and many other ailments.

But yes, there was a problem with odor and it came to a head at the maternity center when I had our eldest daughter, the nurses could not believe how after he visited us the odor lingered and went on to tell him they were worried it would upset the babies on the ward. Obviously he was a little offended, but more embarrassed, even though we had approached the subject before, thank goodness this time it sank in. Now he still uses garlic, but not every day, and happily takes a daily odorless supplement.

To date, garlic has undergone many studies and it seems the list of its benefits keeps on increasing. The main reason I have taken garlic for several years now is because of the effect it has on strengthening the body’s immune system.

With all the stress in today’s society, our bodies could do with a little help. The antioxidant properties contained in garlic come from selenium and germanium that are sulfur-containing antioxidants that boost the immune system.

It is this property that helps rid the body of free radicals that are believed to be associated with the aging process, growth of tumors and atherosclerosis. Garlic in its raw state is thought to be one of the most potent boosters of your body’s natural killer cells. This alone should encourage non-garlic lovers to change their minds.

Research has shown that garlic-Allicin is an excellent natural antimicrobial that can disable a wide variety of infectious organisms. These antibiotic properties can provide extremely active against yeast, fungi and viral infections.

Garlic is great for your heart too, as it contains properties that fight bad’ cholesterol. Nowadays we are all aware that HDL- high-density lipoprotein which is not dangerous, but LDL – low-density lipoprotein definitely is because of the fact that it can be oxidized by dangerous free radicals. Garlic’s antioxidizing qualities help diminish free radical damage.

Garlic is a natural aspirin as it can help prevent red blood cells from clumping together. Garlic naturally keeps the blood thin which is necessary for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, so people who regularly take garlic benefit from the same aspects as aspirin but without other risks associated with it, but it should not be taken in place of prescribed medication.

Garlic is also beneficial for the cardiovascular system – circulation and has been proven to improve circulation in the body’s peripheries, which is extremely helpful especially in the age when getting enough exercise is often difficult.

Studies are also being undertaken to find the effect garlic has on cancer cells, and to date, the findings carried out on mice are looking good. This is really encouraging.

I hope if you are not a lover of garlic this has given a good insight into the benefits of eating garlic or at least taking a supplement. Not only will your health benefit, but you will also have the added benefit of knowing you are safe from vampires!!

Garlic has been written about throughout history. 22 Egyptian remedies using garlic were found on papyrus dating back to the sixteenth century BC. Vikings would not take to long sea voyages without garlic, because of its anti-bacterial properties, this was also the reason it was used against the plague in the 1770s. African missionaries found that garlic was successful at stopping dysentery.

In fact, my granddad grew garlic, and he used to use old cloves steeped in water to cleanse his lean-to come greenhouse, he would fervently swear that it killed mildew and other infections, and apparently having been his grandfather that passed this down to his father, was obviously well thought of for its antibacterial properties.

In our modern hi-tech world we now live in, we have all but forgotten nature’s own natural problem beaters and these are often absolutely harmless, with no man-made chemicals to endanger the environment. Perhaps we should look closer at what our ancestors knew and we seem to have forgotten.

Family Guide for Dealing With the Current Situation

Since its outbreak in Wuhan, there have been more than 300.000 infected people and more than 13.000 deaths due to Covid-19, a coronavirus-caused illness. The virus has spread wider than Ebola in 2014. The World Health Organization has declared it a pandemic, and countries across the world are taking drastic measures to prevent its spread, including mandatory quarantine and state of emergency declarations. The most dangerous thing about this virus is that it’s spreading very quickly. That’s why health professionals are recommending to stay at home and prevent its spread.

However, social distancing and self-isolation are not very easy to maintain, especially for children and the elderly, the latter being the most endangered group. In these turbulent times, we need to know our priorities. For most people, the top priority is keeping your family safe, so here are a couple of pointers to help you handle this situation.

Talk to your children

Children have it the most difficult when it comes to staying at home and maintaining a social distance. Depending on their age, there are different ways to explain to them what this situation implies and how to deal with it. Here are some basic principles to follow:

Remember that children react to your tone and not just the words you’re saying, so remain calm and serious.
Answer all of their questions with patience.
Provide honest and accurate information.
Discuss the changes in their everyday life, and emphasize the importance of maintaining a routine now that they’re learning from home.
Insist on proper hygiene. For the little ones, turn it into a fun game.
Model healthy habits.
Ask them about their concerns.

Show support for the seniors in your family

People in their sixties and seventies, as well as people with chronic health conditions, are at the highest risk of getting seriously sick from the virus. The risk profile of the individual depends heavily on the lifestyle and the health condition, but in any case, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

If your parents are at a delicate age, you need to talk to them about their safety. Convey your concerns to them and ask them that, for everyone’s safety, they remain isolated in their home. If they’re not taking your word for it, point them to credible articles that cover everything seniors need to know about coronavirus and respond to all of their questions.

During this time in isolation, make sure you’re always there for them emotionally. Talk via phone or, even better, video call. Also, make sure they have everything they need (food, toiletries, etc.).

Get your house in order

Since your family is going to spend a lot of time indoors, you need to be sure your home is the safest place to be. Here are some general tips that will help you:

Keep all surfaces disinfected.
Practice everyday preventive actions such as washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, as well as wearing masks and gloves when going outside.
Don’t share personal items.
If someone at home is sick, isolate them to a separate room.
Monitor your health and beware of the symptoms.
Stay at home as much as you can.
Keep a minimum 3ft distance from others when going outside.
Avoid gathering in public places.

How to make the most out of the #stayathome time (without going crazy)

The speed of the spreading of the virus is unmatched, and that’s why it’s advised to spend most of your time home. Naturally, this puts a certain kind of a strain on families, who are used to their daily routines that keep the kids busy. Here are some ways you can make the most out of this time, without going completely insane between four walls:

Constantly remind yourself and your family members that being indoors is for your own good.
Be physically active work out with YouTube videos, run up and down the stairs, dance, etc.
Play board games.
Stay informed about what’s going on in your area and about any new government regulations, but don’t follow the media obsessively.
Read books.
Come up with interesting games for kids and limit screen time.
Make events out of ordinary things. You can all prepare dinner together, for example, or make house cleaning and disinfection fun with music and competitions.
Catch up with people you love via video calls.

Final word

These are challenging times for all of us. The entire world is facing a danger we don’t fully understand yet. That’s why it’s crucial that each one of us takes responsibility for protecting ourselves and those around us. Remember, all of this will pass, so try to keep it together. Be safe!

5 Top Sleep Tips for New Parents

For nine months, parents are sleepless with excitement, but as soon as you welcome your new family member into your home, you discover that the many joys of parenting will inevitably be riddled with challenges – sleep deprivation included. However, too many parents take this at face value and simply embrace the fact that sleep will be scarce and that they won’t have a single moment to themselves until their offspring grows up a little bit.

Still, this is not entirely true. It definitely pays to reevaluate your attitude, to pick up a few handy tips from versed parents and to start adjusting your routine to make more room (and time) for proper rest. Now that you’re embracing your new roles, it’s time to introduce some self-care practices and prepare for the new, extraordinary chapter of your life, preferably while not gluing your eyelids to keep ‘em open. These tips should do the trick!

Nap while your baby sleeps

One key way in which parents can get more rest is to use the natural sleep cycle of their little ones. Whenever your baby falls asleep, you should pick up your favorite pillow, a blanket, and get some rest yourself. Tune out all distractions and make sure that you always have a comfortable place with no noise and chaos around you so that you can fall asleep more quickly and without any trouble. 

Ensure comfort for you and your partner

Too many of us are completely clueless about what kind of beds, mattresses, and bedding we should get, let alone the right positions for our spine and neck and how we should sleep to get the most of our downtime. The right choice can mean the difference between getting ample sleep and ending up restless during the night, so it pays to find out more about the right bedroom essential to get enough rest.

Start by choosing a mattress that will give your entire body enough support while also ensuring ample comfort to help you fall asleep faster without causing any pain. A hybrid mattress that blends the memory foam with steel coils, for example, which makes it a great option to ensure comfort and support.

Set up a schedule

You and your partner have decided to bring a baby into this world, and you’re in for one rewarding, yet bumpy ride. It’s vital that you share every single obligation when it comes to taking care of your little earthling since you’ll also be cherishing all the joyous moments together. A schedule for those shared responsibilities is a great way to set up a system that both of you can develop together and adjust according to your needs. 

For example, you and your partner can take turns getting up during the night for feeding your baby, whereas you can also switch when someone makes meals, takes care of the dishes, and handles nappies. Some parents easily communicate these chores, but just in case one of you feels overwhelmed, you should share your concerns and find a fair way to share chores with a newborn schedule.

Build a support system

Moms and dads everywhere: you’re not alone. Your friends and family members are also there for you, as they should be, and you can and should ask for help when you need to get some rest. There is no shame in letting your loved ones know that you’re exhausted, so they can jump in occasionally to take care of your little one while you get a few hours of sleep.

In case you don’t have a big family and none of your relatives are able to help, there are professionals whom you can hire. A sitter or a trained nurse can be of great help from time to time. 

Practice sleep-inducing rituals

It’s easy to think that you’ll fall immediately asleep as soon as you put your little angel down for the night. As many parents will attest to, this doesn’t always turn out to be true, because many parents are too tense or have many other chores to think of, so they end up revising their to-do lists for hours in bed instead of falling asleep. To help your body unwind and turn on that sleep mode in your mind, you can introduce relaxing rituals. 

For example, you can use scented candles with lavender to add this lovely, soothing fragrance to your bedroom. Also, you can prepare and sip on a cup of chamomile tea while you read a book to let go of all those daily worries. Some stretching and belly-breathing can also be of great help!

Parenthood is a time of revelation, beauty, and of course, ups and downs. Take downtime seriously, because you will have more energy to bond with your baby, you’ll reduce your risk of developing postpartum depression, and you’ll also preserve and deepen your connection with your partner. Hopefully, these tips will help you get your shuteye and rest more easily, and ultimately help you enjoy your new role for months to come. 


Seeing some parenting books can be very handy.

2021 What Nobody Tells a New Father cover

About the author

Mia Taylor is a 33 year old blogger who writes about beauty, fashion and travel. She had always been passionate about fashion and over time she had developed a style of her own.  Mia loves to mix and match and inspire girls with her advice about outfit and accessories. She loves telling a story about her travels, providing beauty tips with readers.

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Keep Your Kids Healthy This Spring Season

With many bright and sunny days, spring is the perfect season for outdoor games and exploration. However, along with the days of extra fun for your kids, comes the higher risk of injuries, accidents, or diseases.

Here are a few essential tips on how to minimize those risks, and keep your kids healthy this spring season.

Use Sunscreen

Since your kids will be spending a lot of time outdoors, exposed to sun rays, you must take adequate measures of precaution.

The skin grows thicker as we age – the skin of the face, limbs, and trunk in kids aged two to 13 is significantly thinner than in adults and much more sensitive.

A study found that UV exposure during the first 18 years of our lives is the most critical when it comes to premature aging, skin damage, and skin cancer.

To minimize the risks of getting sunburns now, and severe skin damage later, your kids should be protected from UVA and UVB rays even during the cloudy days.

Make sure they have their sunscreen on 15 to 30 minutes before going out. If your kids will stay longer outside, ensure they/you reapply it often.

Using protective hats and clothing during outdoor activities is also advised.

Watch Out for Allergies

When the springtime comes, everything blooms, including our allergies. Kids can have as severe allergies as adults and can develop them anytime.

The most common symptoms of allergies include itchy eyes, ears and throat, heavy breathing, repetitive sneezing, and a runny nose.

There are many ways to keep your kids healthy during allergy season. If they already have a history of allergic rhinitis, they must start taking their medications early, at the end of March, before their symptoms begin to develop.

However, if besides these symptoms, your kid has a fever too, it’s more likely they are affected by the virus than a seasonal allergy. To make your kids’ immune system stronger, as well as ready to fight flu and infections, consider natural children’s supplements so that you’re sure they have all essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed.

Beware of Ticks and Insect Bites

Ticks are another risk related to the spring season and spending more time outdoors. They begin to hatch as soon as the ground defrosts, and since they carry and transmit Lyme disease, their bites can be extremely dangerous to kids.

However, to transmit Lyme disease, a tick needs to be attached to the skin for more than 36 hours. To reduce the risk of developing the disease, check your children for ticks before they go to bed. Pay special attention to skin folds and the scalp, as ticks love dark and warm places.

If you find the tick attached to your kids’ skin, have it properly removed.

Bites and stings of other insects, such as spiders, bees, and wasps can be harmful too and require a medical action. Teach your kids to let you or other adults know if they’ve been stung by an insect immediately.

If there are any symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as hives, difficulty breathing, nausea, dizziness, or a tight feeling in the throat, seek medical help right away.

It’s also essential to remove the stinger from the skin as quickly as possible and wash the area with soap and water.

Also, teach your kids how to minimize the risk of getting bitten or stung when they’re outdoors.

Develop Healthy Habits

You should make it your goal to use this spring season wisely, and bring more healthy habits into the life of your kids, and your whole family.

Your kids will best learn by your example, so consider focusing more on:

  • Healthy food. Spring is a perfect season to enrich your meals with fruits, veggies, and grain. Try to be more creative and include them in your cuisine the fun way, and teach your kids to like them. The health of your kids and their development largely depends on their nutrition, so try to cut down on the processed food.
  • Your kids need to take enough water whole year-round, but it’s harder to stay adequately hydrated during spring and summer. Teach your kids to always have their water bottles with them. Also, remind them to replenish themselves often.
  • Active lifestyle. Use the happy spring days to walk with your kids around the park, go jogging, hiking, or cycling. If they see how much you value physical activity, they’ll think highly of it too, so they’ll find it reasonable to engage in sports and lead a healthier lifestyle later on. However, to minimize the risks of getting injured, make sure your kids always have the proper gear.

Washing Up

Kids will be kids, and when they’re back home from the outside, they’ll be dirty.

However, while it’s almost impossible to change this fact, you can do a lot for their health by enforcing a good washing-up policy.

Teach your kids to wash their hands when they’re back from the outside, as well as not to consume food, touch their face, nose, or mouth with dirty hands.

By using the tips above, your kids will be protected this spring. However, if they acquire healthy habits, they will be in good health for many years to come.

Kevin has gone through an extensive home renovation with his son, which he has both

thoroughly enjoyed, and dreaded every morning. He is now the proud owner of half his dream house (the other half has been waiting for spring). You can read more of Kevin’s work on PlainHelp.

When Should You Consult A Top ENT Clinic In Singapore For Ear Nose Throat Disorder Treatment?

Most people suffer from ear, nose, and throat problems once or twice in their lifetime! Otolaryngology is the medical term and process that manages to treat conditions and disorders in the ENT region. It looks into other allied concerns in your neck and head as well. Both children and adults should consult an ENT expert when they face an ear, nose, and throat disorder due to cold, season change, bacterial growth, and other reasons.


Things ENT specialists do

Apart from graduating from a leading medical school, a certified and experienced ENT observes and treats ENT issues. They provide both medical and surgical solutions depending on the ailment and patient condition. To know more about this, you can check out ENT Clinic Singapore –

When should you opt-in for an ENT specialist appointment?

People usually brush off any minor ENT issues as something benign. A few conditions, like sneezes and ear wax issues, can get cured on this own. However, it is essential to visit an ENT if things go out of hand. The following pointers are helpful:

1. The ear conditions

Patients might have to check with an ENT doctor if they face an ear disorder. It could be in the form of ear infections, hearing loss, acute ear pain, tinnitus, disruption of inner ear balance, and the like. Sometimes, an expert ENT specialist also treats the ear issues that an individual has since birth.

2. The nose conditions

ENT specialists are known to treat issues like sinusitis and issues in the nasal cavity. These issues can also impact breathing, smell, as well as the patient’s physical appearance.

3. The throat conditions

ENT specialist treats and heals throat issues, which tend to affect a person’s speech, swallowing capacity, and singing ability as well. The ENT specialists also get trained to treat issues related to trauma, deformities, tumors, and other issues related to the face, neck, and head. The ENT specialists are equipped to perform reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries as well. These specialists have the required training in any following sub-specialty areas, listed below:

Pediatric otolaryngology
Neck and head surgery
Reconstructive and facial surgery
Rhinology which deals with treating problems related to the sinus cavity and nose.
Laryngology specializes in treating issues related to swallowing and voice.

Choosing the correct ENT clinic or specialist

It is necessary to research and select the best ENT clinic or specialist. Else, you might not be receiving the best treatment. The following pointers can help:

Make sure that your ENT specialist suggests the medical tests to detect the issue with your ear, nose, and throat.
Check the history of the ENT specialist online. You can read the patient review and feedback, which will help you to make an informed decision.
Always take a second opinion before you say yes to the treatment or surgery.

The ear, nose, and throat are delicate areas that need careful assessment and treatment. Hence, it would be best if you took the time to choose the best ENT specialist who can provide the best treatment, after correctly assessing the patient’s condition so that he/she can heal fast.  

Your Guide to Using Kratom for Pain

If you are looking to manage and mitigate chronic pain, as many moms do, is kratom a good option? Learn how to use kratom for pain and whether it’s for you.

Did you know that between 11 and 40 percent of adults in the U.S. struggle with chronic pain? Are you one of them?

Chronic pain can have a serious impact on your quality of life and can hold you back from doing all the things you want to do. If you’re tired of dealing with this pain but don’t want to take prescription drugs, you may want to consider a more natural option like kratom.

Never heard of kratom? Read on to learn more about its benefits and how you can use kratom for pain.

What Is Kratom?

Kratom (scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical tree that grows in parts of Southeast Asia. It’s indigenous to Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, and Malaysia.

People in these countries have used the leaves of the kratom tree in medicine for thousands of years. Recently, kratom has become popular in the western world and is known for the myriad of health benefits it promotes.

Benefits of Kratom

There are lots of reasons why people use kratom. The following are some of its most well-known benefits:

Reduced pain and inflammation
Improved sleep
Reduced anxiety
Improved mood
Increased energy (when taken in small doses)
Improved immune system function
Better blood sugar balance

Many people also use kratom to help them overcome addictions to stronger drugs like opiates. Kratom can help to minimize the withdrawal symptoms they experience and make the weaning off process easier.

How to Use Kratom for Pain

Are you interested in trying kratom for your chronic pain? If so, here are some steps to take to ensure you see the best results possible:

Choose the Right Type

There are many different strains of kratom. For those dealing with pain, the following are the most effective strains:

Indo, Bali, and Borneo
Maeng Da
Malaysian strains

When you’re shopping for kratom, look for one of these terms to ensure you’re buying a type that will help you find the most relief. Or if you’re looking to experiment, you could try a starter pack from vendors like Kona Kratom which has a variety of different strains included for you to test. It is not advisable to mix strains together by yourself as you could have conflicting effects.

Choose the Right Delivery Method

There are also lots of ways in which you can consume kratom leaves. A popular method is to consume red vein maeng da kratom powder. You can mix the powder with water or add it to food.

If you don’t like the taste of kratom powder, you can also buy capsules. This is a more palatable option and can allow for easier dosing.

Start Small

When you first start using kratom for pain, start with a small dose. For many people, between five and 15 grams is the recommendation for pain, so start with five and work your way up. This will help you avoid any negative side effects as your body adjusts. 

Try Kratom Today

As you can see, it’s easier to use kratom for pain than you might have initially thought. As long as you follow these guidelines, you’ll have a good chance of experiencing the pain-relieving benefits of kratom and feeling more like your old self.

Do you want to learn about more natural pain-relieving techniques? If so, check out some of the other health-related articles on our site today.

How To Improve Your Baby’s Health In Winter 

Discover crucial baby health care tips that will help you more with your little one. As parents, we all want what’s best for our children. Get started today by reading all the essentials about baby health care!

Babies need care and support regularly until they are old enough to cater for themselves. However, the requirement for baby health care is more important when winter draws near. When the temperature of the atmosphere is low, diverse processes are activated within the body, which provides safety for the organs.

Key Baby Health Care Tips

A good percentage of the energy which is produced is used to regulate the temperature of the body. The winter season is the ideal period for viruses and microbes to bloom, and babies are most susceptible to having their immune system weakened.  You can also employ the use of baby health products such as babies probiotics and baby health trackers, which detects if there are baby health problems, but you should also take into account some tips.

Make Use Of A Humidifier

This is one of the best ways to safeguard the health of your baby, especially when the temperature is likely to reduce drastically. Instead of using conventional heating systems, which will make the room and the skin of your baby dry, because of the absence of water vapor. 

For you to regulate the moisture levels in your room, and ensure it is kept at an optimal level, which would be suitable for your baby, you need to use a humidifier.

Make Use Of A Moisturizer

This is a basic baby health care piece of advice. The skin of a baby is more sensitive than an adult’s. When the weather is not favorable, it acts adversely on the skin of a baby. We can still manage ourselves during winter, but it gets very uncomfortable for babies. To solve this issue, all you need do is ensure the skin of your child is kept as soft as possible. 

One way you can achieve this is to use skin creams, which are made particularly for babies, or perhaps a skin lotion. Use products which have a high butter and milk cream content. You can also decide to opt for milk cream because it avails you a natural way of maintaining the texture and glow of your baby’s skin. 

Don’t Use Many Products

This is another basic baby health care piece of advice. One mistake which parents often make is, they use many products, thinking their combined effects would be instrumental in safeguarding the health of their babies during winter. This does not usually work out as planned, as the health of the baby stands to be endangered if lots of products are used. Parents are advised to stick just to creams and lotions. 

Some parents make the mistake of giving their babies one bath too many, and this bares their skin to shampoos and soaps. With this, their skin is rid of the remaining moisture on their bodies, and it makes their skin drier than before. This does not undermine the fact that bathing during winter is enjoyable, but babies should be exposed to soaps once or twice a week.

Massage The Body Of Your Baby Thoroughly

This is an essential baby health care tip. Irrespective of the season you birthed your baby, it is highly advised by health practitioners that you should ensure you massage your baby well. The primary benefit of massage is, it triggers the flow of blood within the body, and it enhances the consciousness of well-being, which improves the immune system of your baby. 

When you are massaging your baby, you need to ensure it is done under a warm atmosphere, at a very suitable and comfortable time for both you and the baby. It is also recommended that you use natural oils for this purpose.

Avoid Heavy Blankets

The use of heavy blankets is another mistake that parents commit. To you, it might look like the most appropriate way to keep your baby warm during winter. However, it would interest you to know that you are endangering the health of your baby. Some babies have been lost to the icy hands of death because of the inability to breathe properly. 

Babies are not really strong enough to pull off the blanket when they are feeling uncomfortable, and if a parent is not observant, something unpleasant could occur. The best measure to put in this case is to use a light blanket, and also ensure the temperature of the room is kept at an optimal level. With this, you rest assured that your baby would feel comfortable, and there would be no reason for your child to get suffocated by the blanket. 

Wear Comfortable Clothing For Your Baby

Parents need to know that there is a thin line between keeping your baby warm proficiently, and keeping him or her uncomfortable. When you continually adorn your child with socks, gloves, and thick sweaters, you are preventing your child from having smooth movements. It also becomes very uncomfortable for the child. 

In baby health care, to avoid this, ensure you clothe your baby based on the temperature range of the room at that moment. You should also choose clothes that will thoroughly cover the body of your baby but would not serve as a burden. Gloves and socks are great because it would help your child to sleep well. 

Keep A Warm Temperature

It is quite challenging to monitor the temperature of your room, and your baby’s every time, but it is worth it. You should shut the windows if you are somewhere where the cold air blows regularly. Furthermore, you need to find a way to ensure the air within the room remains ventilated.


Baby health care during winter is something you should never be negligent about. Parents who have lost their babies during winter would have been careless at some point. Hence, to avoid unpleasant acts like that from occurring, you need to ensure you stick to the above-mentioned health baby tips. 

Health baby products are known to ensure baby health and safety, and you can get some of them from hospitals and baby stores.

One of the reasons why babies fall sick during winter is because they are not properly catered for. Some parents might think it is due to inadequate nutrition, but a good number of times, it is usually beyond that healthy baby foods. If your baby shows signs of illness during winter, it is advised that you take him or her to see a health specialist who would advise you on what to do.

What do you think of these baby health care tips? Let us know in the comments!

About the author

Elizabeth is currently a stay-at-home mom who lives with her two babies and her husband. She is an accountant by day, now working remotely, and full-time mother by night. She writes a lot about parenting at Top-Mom.

Important Considerations for Opening a Successful Private Clinic of Your Own

Opening a clinic of your own requires a lot of hard work. Besides comprehensive knowledge of your medical field, you also need to have strong work ethics, communicational skills, and many other qualities. Still, the reward of helping people is worth it. So, if you want to start your own private clinic, here are some of the things you need to consider before you open your doors to patients. 

Get financing

Proper financing is the key to starting your own private practice. Unfortunately, many professionals and medical schools are deep in depth which makes the process of starting your own business very hard. Luckily, there are institutions that have a specialized medical division that provides loans to healthcare establishments. Since they specialize in this kind of work, they understand doctors’ needs and all the challenges they face, so they know how to provide the best financial help. Before you get your loan, you’ll need to put in a request and submit your business plan. Make sure to be humble with your expenses (especially with medical equipment), so you can make your changes of a good loan bigger. 

Pick a location

The next step is to pick a location for your medical practice so you can start seeing patients and earning money. If you don’t have a location, you can’t start putting your degree to good use. When choosing a location, consider whether you want to be located in the city or in a quieter area. All in all, you want to be located in an area people gravitate to, so you can build a large list of patients. Also, consider how far you want to be located from your home, so you can quickly pop up at work in case of an emergency. 

Invest in proper equipment

When you find the location and handle your finances, you need to fill your clinic with all the necessary equipment needed for tending to patients. The exact equipment depends greatly on your practice, just make sure to cover everything you might need for successful treatment and diagnostics. Additionally, you will require various computers and communication devices to handle internal and external communication. Your waiting room will need comfortable furniture to provide a warm environment for your patients to relax. Even your restrooms should be well equipped and in excellent condition. Consider One Point Partitions for a practical and comfortable bathroom layout. This might seem like a lot of expenses, but there are many practical leasing options that can help you cut some of the initial costs. 

Pay special attention to lighting

Patients who come to your practice will most likely feel unwell and nervous. But good lighting can affect more than just the way they look—it can seriously affect the mood of your clients. So, consider adding quality lighting that will manage your patients’ mood and health stats (blood pressure, water balance, hunger and thirst, and body temperature). And probably the most important operative technical factor is lighting that may improve operation and provide you with high-intensity illumination without shadows or glare. This is crucial for surgeons who need to see well in order to interpret the condition of the organs, blood vessels, and tissues. Luckily, there are specialized manufacturers who focus on medical lighting that meets high hygiene standards and provide the practice with the longevity of installed equipment.

Staff your clinic

Your clinic needs to be staffed with professionals before the doors open. Make sure to keep in mind your practice’s mission and philosophy during the hiring process. The process depends on your particular practice but you will most likely need certified nurses and a team of employees for your front office desk. When writing the job description, mention the requirements (formal education, work experience, communication skills) and the type of benefits for every position. It’s very important to fill your space with people who agree with your values and have the overall goal of your clinic in mind at all times. 

Build your brand

Since your practice is a business, you need to advertise it in order to attract clients and stay afloat. One of the best ways to grow your client base is to create a strong and recognizable brand identity that will set you apart from the competition. Your brand is everything people might associate with your business: your logo, office, quality of care…You can express your ideology though company colors, mission, client support and even follow-up emails or phone calls. Branding should also play a strong role in your marketing efforts. 

Even after you start working, there will still be things to learn about. Having a private practice requires constant dedication, which can be a little overwhelming for some. But, once you get a hang of it, you will not only grow your business but also create a long list of grateful people you’ve helped. 

Explaining Cellulite: The Orange Skin Peel Effect

Summer season is almost here, and you are trying to get rid of all the fat in your body. You find that the body is trimming, but the unpleasant cellulite can still be seen. Cellulite is also known as the ‘orange peel effect’. Just like an orange peel has bumps and uneven layers, cellulite looks exactly like that. 

Cellulite is something you cannot escape from! If you are a woman, it is possible that you WILL have cellulite on your body. It is a part of being a woman

Now, here’s a post that tells you everything about cellulite. What is it? Where does it appear? 

What is cellulite?

Experts explain that no matter how fit you are, cellulite can appear on your body. Women get older and it becomes even more common to get the orange peel effect. Cellulite is nothing but uneven lumps on your skin. It is also called cottage cheese skin, mattress phenomenon, and hail damage. This is mainly because of the texture of your skin! 

The question is – Where do these appear? The lumps and unevenness can appear on your buttocks, thighs, and hips. 

What are the causes of cellulite?

Majority of the people believe that the exact cause of cellulite is unknown. Almost 80-90% have cellulite in their body. Due to the texture of the skin, it is also called ‘orange peel effect’. 

Let us cut to the chase and talk about the real causes. Firstly, hold your genetics responsible for the unpleasant lumps on the skin. If your grandmother or mother had it, then you will have it too! Having cellulite is a ‘womanly thing’. 

It is also caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. When you smoke heavily, drink too much or eat a lot of junk, it can be the cause of cellulite. 

Aging is also one of the reasons for cellulite build-up. If you are growing older, cellulite will start forming under the layers of your skin. 

How to Get Rid of Cellulite?

If you have an active lifestyle and follow a balanced diet, then it is possible that you will get rid of cellulite. It will be a slow but efficient process. 

However, people can opt for shockwave therapy. This has been proven that shockwave therapy can reduce cellulite in just 3-4 weeks. If you want to undergo a safe procedure, then this is the best. 

Msinsight Appelsinhud Behandling procedure has been popular and the majority of the women are opting for shockwave therapy. You will be able to see the results in just 2 sittings/sessions. While exercising and healthy eating should be a part of our day to day life, but the shockwave therapy is creating waves (in a good way). 

It alters the tissue structure in your body. Most people opt for this surgery to get rid of stretch marks too! Basically, you get the best of both worlds. 

So, if you are tired of cellulite, then opt for the procedure and choose a good clinic. Life is too short for posing around the beach with cellulite on your thighs and buttocks! Get rid of these in just 4 weeks with shockwave therapy.

Activities that Every Nursing Home Should Have

We want our loved ones to be able to retain their independence and stay at home for as long as possible. However, sometimes the best thing for them is to move into a nursing home. When considering what to look for in a nursing home, a one really important factor to keep in mind is the activities they have on offer. A wide range of activities improves mental wellbeing and keeps elderly people active and socializing, it can even keep them physically well. It is so important that your loved one does not become bored and isolated in a nursing home and the best way to prevent that is for them to get involved in activities. Learning new things can even slow down degenerative diseases such as dementia. Here are some activities that every nursing home should be offering.


Craft is great for elderly people. It gets them using their hands and keeps them dexterous. It also allows them to be creative and gives them an opportunity to express themselves.  

Having an activity to do with your hands can be very therapeutic and relaxing. You can read more about the benefits of art and crafts for elderly people here.


Bingo should be a weekly staple in every care home. It is often the most popular activity. Residents tend to like it because it doesn’t take too much concentration but still keeps their minds active. Usually, homes will put an activity like this at the same time every week. This gives residents structure and routine and gives some of them something to look forward too!


Mentally stimulating activities are important. Quizzes are another popular activity that should be provided in nursing homes.

Outdoor activities

Getting elderly people outdoors can dramatically improve their mood and boost their immune system. There should be an inviting and well-kept garden available with activities running there when the weather is good enough.

Individual activities

Where residents cannot join group activities because they do not feel comfortable or they are unable to leave their bed then there should be some activities brought to them. It can be difficult for staff to find time to do this very often. However, whether it be hand massage, craft or just a chat, staff should also be making time for people who do not want to or are unable to leave their rooms.

One-off activities

There should also be exciting one-off activities such as guest speakers or people coming in to run a unique activity. 

Other one-off activities could include events in the home to celebrate special events where friends and families are encouraged to come in. 


It is not enough to have a wide range of activities if no one attends. All staff should encourage residents to take part in activities and transport them to where they are held. You can also get involved as someone they trust. You should be supportive and reassuring, as certain unfamiliar places or activities can be daunting at any age. Perhaps you could offer to go with them initially. If you can attend with them whilst they make friends, it could make a big difference.