Things You Should Know about Arthritis

What exactly is arthritis?

Arthritis is a disease that results in joints’ inflammation, making it challenging to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. There are almost 100 types of arthritis, the most common ones being rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA).

Causes and symptoms of arthritis:

It is essential to recognize the signs of arthritis during the early onset of the disease so that timely treatment can be given. The faster you take treatment, the greater the possibility of living a pain-free life. One of the clearest indicators of arthritis is when you cannot move your joints freely, i.e., your movement is restricted. Even though arthritis is mostly seen in older people over 65 years of age, it doesn’t mean that younger people are immune to this disease. If you find swelling in your joint, it is better to consult a doctor immediately, irrespective of how old you are.

An excess of weight puts stress on the knees while walking or doing any other physical activity. Therefore, overweight or obese people are at a higher risk of arthritis. Also, medical research found arthritis more frequent in women than men. In women, the absence of hormone estrogen after menopause makes the cartilage weaker to protect it from inflammation. Biologically, women’s joints go through more movement than men and have lower joint stability. This results in a higher risk of joint injuries, thus increasing the risk of arthritis in females.

In most cases, the symptoms increase in intensity slowly. However, they could appear overnight too. With redness, stiffness, and swelling as the symptoms of arthritis, they are particularly painful in the morning hours. When it comes to RA, you may also see a loss in appetite and fatigue without reason. If you do not take treatment for RA, it can also lead to joint deformity.

Causes of arthritis

The cartilage that is a flexible connective tissue in our body plays a vital role in providing a protective cushion to our joints. Without that protection cushion between two bones, the bones cause friction against each other, causing immense pain and inflammation. So, naturally, joints become vulnerable to wear and tear when the cartilage tissue breaks down, causing damage as well.

In the case of RA, the immune system attacks a soft tissue named synovium, which creates a fluid for the cartilage enabling smooth functioning of joints. If not provided with timely treatment, it can cause total damage to the joint and cartilage.

Diagnosis and treatment

Indeed, arthritis cannot be cured, but that doesn’t mean treatment cannot help the condition. You can do in such a situation to receive proper treatment aiming at a better quality of life. Many a time, people who experience the above symptoms are clueless on how to go about it. Usually, it would be just wiser to visit a general physician and let him or her direct you to a specialist, if you indeed are suffering from arthritis. While, if your symptoms are severe and painful, it is better to get it confirmed by a rheumatologist. The earlier you start the treatment, the better are the chances of keeping the symptoms under control.

This disease can be diagnosed with imaging scans like X-ray, MRI, or CT to get a clear picture of joints and cartilage conditions. Then, the doctor would determine the kind of arthritis you have, through blood tests such as anti-CCP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide), RF (rheumatoid factor), and ANA (antinuclear antibody).

The severe pain that comes along with this disease is why arthritis lowers the quality of life. So, if you manage and keep the pain in control, it can be effective in improving the quality of life in arthritis patients. Typically, treatment methods in arthritis provide pain relief to a large extent and strengthen the joints for better functionality.


You can choose any of the treatment options available or combine one with the other in consultation with your doctor. Mostly, what works for one person may not work for the other. You can look at any of these options here:

Many high- quality researches have shown that CBD oils can be able to help lessen and control the symptoms of arthritis, for example, relieving the associated inflammatory pain. CBD extract is available as an oil, cream, or gel that patients can easily apply to the skin of the areas affected by arthritis. For a more in-depth understanding of this method, you can read this article.

  • Medication: Drugs are the most effective and used method of treating arthritis. While analgesics like hydrocodone or acetaminophen decrease only pain, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and salicylates decrease both pain and inflammation. However, salicylates should be taken carefully in combination with blood-thinning medications. One can also take advantage of over the counter drugs available for arthritis.
  • Supporting devices: Icing the joints frequently with ice packs or using heating bags can also help in instant pain relief. Alternatively, doctors also suggest using walkers or walking sticks to keep pressure off joints.
  • Surgery: One of the most effective treatments used by arthritis patients is knee replacement or hip replacement surgery. The total knee replacement surgery is also known as arthroplasty. In this surgery, the arthritic bone is replaced by a prosthetic one.
  • Healthy lifestyle: It is also possible to control arthritis by leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular physical therapy can help manage the pain by strengthening the muscles around the joint. A weight loss regime to maintain your weight can reduce the pain. The diet of an arthritis patient should be healthy and contain antioxidants. Foodstuffs like walnuts, fresh fruits, and vegetables should be taken instead of processed foods, dairy products, and junks.
  • Recent studies also point towards the advantages of a gluten-free diet for people with arthritis. In the long run, a healthy lifestyle can slow down the progression of osteoarthritis and keep the intense pain related to it.
  • Physical activity: Exercises like hamstring stretches or any exercise which focuses on quadriceps, hamstring, and glutes can be beneficial for people suffering from osteoarthritis. One of the most comfortable physical activities for arthritis has to be swimming, as it doesn’t pressurize the knees or joints. However, it is necessary to take ample amounts of rest in short intervals as well.

While surgeries and medicines can be quite costly, leading a healthy lifestyle can be a better option in the long run. Arthritis cannot be cured totally, but treatment still can do a lot better when it comes to intense pain and further deterioration of joints.

What Are Essential Oils And Why Are They a Must-Buy?

You may have heard people talk about them, but didn’t get the full picture. What are essential oils? We’re here to answer your questions.

Did you know that in 2018, essential oils were an $8-billion market? Come 2026; experts say that this will multiply by almost two-fold to reach a $15.61-billion value!

So, what’s the hype all about? What are essential oils anyway, and what kind of benefits do they bring?

We’ll answer all these buzzing questions in the post below, so be sure to stick around!


What Are Essential Oils?

An “essential oil” is a concentrate or extract taken from a specific plant. These are thick hydrophobic (water-repelling) liquids that contain volatile plant compounds. They also go by the name “volatile oils” and “ethereal oils.”

To obtain essential oils, various plant parts undergo distillation or mechanical pressing. This allows for the derivation of the highest concentration of extracts.

A significant amount of plant parts go into the process of making these volatile oils. For instance, it takes about 220 pounds of lavender flowers to produce just a pound of lavender oil.

“Essential oils” are “essential” because they retain many of the actual plant’s characteristics. This is especially true when it comes to the plant source’s smell and flavor. In that sense, the term “essential” here refers to how the oil comes from a plant’s “essence.”

Note that being an “essential” oil doesn’t mean that it’s crucial or vital to human health. The use of this term in oils is different from, say, “essential amino acids.” However, studies show that these ethereal oils do exhibit potential therapeutic benefits.


The Use of these Volatile Oils in Product Manufacturing

Many manufacturers use these essential oils to create cosmetics, perfumes, and topical products. They also add the volatile oils to body cleansing formulations, such as soaps and washes. Their main role in the beauty industry, however, is to add a pleasant aroma to the products.


Aromatherapy: One of the Most Popular Uses of Ethereal Oils

Another widespread use of essential oils is in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a natural and holistic medicinal practice that uses all-natural plant extracts. Aromatherapists use ethereal oils as a form of non-medicated treatments for various maladies.

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice, having been around for over 3,500 years BC. Ancient India was among the first to use essential oils as part of holistic treatments. The same goes for the Ancient Chinese and Egyptians.


How Does It Work?

During aromatherapy treatments, practitioners usually use devices called “diffusers.” These allow for the “diffusion” or dispersal of the essential oil molecules into the air. Spreading out the particles into the air makes it easy and safe to “inhale” the plant extracts.

The idea behind aromatherapy is that breathing in the oil may allow its molecules to enter the lungs. From there, the extracts’ potentially beneficial compounds may then mix with the bloodstream. Aromatherapists believe that it’s in this way that the body benefits from the oils.

Some aromatherapists also use diluted essential oil as part of therapeutic massages. It’s important to dilute these oils, seeing as how concentrated they are.


What Does Science Have to Say About Aromatherapy?

Essential oils have shown biological activities, such as being analgesic, antiseptic, and antimicrobial. Researchers have also found these extracts to have stimulatory effects.

Take eucalyptus, for instance, which is a common ingredient in decongestants. Studies have found that its oil can help with a runny nose while also easing swollen airways. It has also shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Lavender essential oil is another popular product, as it seems to help with anxiety. The plant itself has also shown to have sedative effects, which is why many use it to improve their sleep. These benefits may be due to the plant’s linalool and linalyl acetate content.

Some people who have anxiety or depression also use chamomile essential oil. According to scientists, this plant extract appears to have antidepressant activity.


Any Drawbacks?

As potentially-beneficial as these oils are, you should hold out on using the pure form on your skin. Studies report that undiluted oils have triggered allergies in some people.

To prevent allergic reactions, you should mix the essential oil with a carrier oil. Carrier oils, also a type of plant extract, are less concentrated than ethereal oils. They dilute essential oils and then “carry” them over on to the skin.

Some examples of carrier oils are coconut, olive, rosehip, and jojoba oils.

Also, keep in mind that essential oils are not ingestible. Remember: they are super concentrated, so they can hurt your mouth’s sensitive lining.

If you’re taking any medications, it’s best to consult with your doctor first before using essential oils. Their properties may interact with your meds, which may then cause adverse reactions.


Friendly Reminders When Buying Essential Oils

According to this post about Dōterra oils, 80% of commercial essential oils are impure. They don’t contain 100% plant extracts, but instead, have fillers and synthetic substances.

With that said, be sure to check a product’s label very carefully before buying it. Reputable manufacturers also usually make their lab tests available online. Review these tests to make certain that the essential oil you want to buy is pure and unadulterated.

Also, if you’re going to use essential oils at home, be sure to invest in a good diffuser. They come in many types, including ultrasonic, heat, evaporative, and nebulizing diffusers. The ultrasonic type is the most common, as it only requires mixing a few drops of the oil into a lot of water.


Try Using Essential Oils to Boost Your Mood and Spirit

There you have it, the key facts that answer your question, “what are essential oils?” As you can see, these oils may be quite helpful, especially to those with sleep issues or anxiety.

So, if you don’t want to take more meds for some of your health issues, ask your doctor for advice on using these oils. They may even help give you tips on which ethereal oils may work best in your case.

Ready for more natural living resources like this? Then please feel free to check out the rest of the posts here at Mamas Like Me!

Why it Is Important to Get Your Air Conditioner Service Time to Time

Maintaining your air conditioner can be a bit of a pain. There are many pieces of equipment within the unit that require cleaning like the filters, coils, and fins. So it’s understandable to want to procrastinate till it slows up or starts making a weird sound. However, there are several reasons you should consider and also take action to service it from time to time. In this article, we’re going to be giving you six solid reasons to schedule AC maintenances in your calendar. So let’s get started.

At the same time, it might also be worthwhile investing in a home warranty plan. Home warranty plans are an excellent way to cover the cost of any maintenance or repairs for the systems and appliances in your home. Plus, whether you live in California, Texas, or Colorado, there is almost always a suitable home warranty plan for your needs! If you would like further information about home warranty plans you can check here to take a look at the First American website. If you want the best window-mounted AC unit, then check out this page for the best window coolers.

Safeguards vital equipment

Replacing an air conditioner can be a costly endeavor to undertake. However, you don’t have to budget for this high need when you service your AC regularly. You might find it interesting that HVAC professionals agree that regular servicing can prevent you from replacing your AC so quickly. Why does this happen, you ask? Well, regular servicing reduces the risk of your unit suddenly acting up.

Energy savings add up

An essential component of checking up on your unit includes cleaning the blades, cooling the coils, monitoring the coolant, and other equipment. You’ll find that frequently checking up on the various parts that make your AC and ensure they are always at full capacity. That means nothing is overheating or overworking just to keep you fresh in the summer. So in that manner, full size can easily translate to energy efficiency. Think of all the money you could save on electric bills with an AC that functions at optimum capacity. It’s quite a bit in the long run.

Extends your air conditioner’s lifespan

As earlier mentioned already, frequent check-ups will protect and prevent vital parts of your AC from breaking down. Not forever, obviously, as all machines eventually break down after sustaining years of wear and tear. On average, air conditioners with regular check-ups will last a lot longer than their counterparts with little to no servicing. That’s true even when they are the same type and have the same manufacturer. It’s normal for blockages or similar faults to build up over time and gradually reduce inefficiency if you don’t look into it. 

Filters your air better

No matter what kind of AC unit you use, blockages will occur, and filters will get dirty. However, when servicing your air conditioner, you can’t help but get your filters cleaned out. Filters are an essential part of our units as they are an integral part of the cooling system and ensure the air is clean. Dirty filters will most definitely do a worse job than clean filters. They even reduce air quality as a whole because of their diminished efficiency. So asides reducing the overall cooling effect of the air conditioner, they end up triggering allergies and other respiratory symptoms.

Maintains the warranty on your air conditioner

It’s not uncommon for air conditioners to come with warranties. Although how long it extends is at the discretion of the brand and manufacturer. You’ll find that most of them will come in at about 1-2 years. But did you know that sometimes warranties are considered void? One of the most popular reasons is an AC unit that is poorly maintained. So yes, the problem with a relatively new AC malfunctioning might have nothing to do with your maintenance, it is still virtually impossible to prove that you haven’t been servicing it often enough in the first place. Hence, irregular servicing of your air conditioner can cost you your warranty. That can be a costly way for you to learn the importance of a check-up.

Gives you comfort and peace of mind

So far, we’ve talked about how ACs functioning at optimal capacity can ensure you breathe in cleaner air and save more money. We’ve also highlighted that it can be an effective way to ensure you get the value of your warranty. All those reasons combined are sure to give anyone the comfort to be at peace. Your home should always be a safe zone. An air conditioner that doesn’t leave you stranded due to overwork in during summer is undoubtedly more convenient than one continually breaking down. Plus, cleaner filters mean you’re not recycling allergens and debris, which can trigger allergies and other complications. Going through the trouble of servicing your AC often can save you a lot of stress later on.


So there they are—six solid reasons for you to book an appointment to have your air conditioner serviced right now. We sincerely hope you found all the reasons convincing enough. So while getting a frequent check-up for your unit is essential, finding the right electrician to do it is also vital. You’ll want to look around your vicinity for services like Brad Gall Brisbane Electrician that make cleaning up and proper care of your property a priority.

7 Health Benefits that Come With a Good Hygiene Routine

There is no better feeling like taking a morning shower and stepping out of the bathroom, feeling clean and fresh! 

A person who maintains tip-top hygiene is always particular about how he looks, smells, and feels. By washing our hands frequently, and taking care of all the other hygiene principles, we get oodles of energy and positivity.

It is somehow easier to go on with the daily routine if everything about and around you is clean!

Growing up, my mother (like every other mum) used to be very strict about adopting basic hygiene habits. She never let me sleep without brushing my teeth, kept my nails trimmed, and made sure my hair stays lice free. She also taught us how to disinfect the house.

Back in those days, I had little sense to understand how beneficial these habits are going to be for me. I always followed her cleanliness advice. But it was more out of fear and guilt rather than for the sake of it, until one day, I grew up to learn about the health benefits of hygiene.

Both scientifically proven and as a matter of fact, good hygiene and wholesomeness go hand in hand. WebMD suggests washing hands frequently to get rid of potentially harmful bacteria. They state that it is the best way to protect ourselves from several types of illnesses. More so, it is also imperative to go for regular dental check ups; especially at good clinics like Maywood Dental Care within LA.

Here are some health advantages to staying clean.

1. Ward off both bacterial and viral diseases

For many who were not cleanliness freaks, the Covid-19 pandemic must have been an eye-opener. Hygiene is now more important than it was ever before, and we all know how it is the first line of defense against all sorts of harmful viruses and bacteria.

Epidemics and pandemics of the past were deadlier in terms of mortality rate. Also, all the other infectious diseases (diarrhea being one of them) had a higher death rate earlier. 

The reason for the reduction in the numbers now is the better accessibility of standard sanitation resources like clean water, soaps, and toilets, and hygiene awareness. A well-known fact estimated by WHO is that washing hands with soap and water could reduce the number of deaths associated with diarrhea by 50 %. For poor countries, sadly, there is still a long way to go. 

Just a simple habit of washing one’s hands frequently can save so many lives, and get rid of several types of bacterial and viral diseases. When a hand washing facility is not available, you can use an alcohol-based sanitizer, which will also serve the purpose well. One more study by PubMed proves that hand washing can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by 16%. 

Some common diseases which can be prevented by adopting a good cleanliness routine are:

  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Pneumonia
  • Cold, flu
  • Pinworms
  • Ringworms
  • Trachoma 

2. Eliminates body odor

A lot can be perceived about you just by the way you smell. If you are causing discomfort to anyone who is within a close distance to you, then you need to improve your personal hygiene. 

Regular bathing, changing into clean clothes afterward, and the use of good quality deodorant will help you smell fresh for the whole day. You can also resort to natural methods like alum to curb odor-causing bacteria.  

If you are facing the body odor problem, then you must know what level of the embarrassment it causes during social interactions. Getting even a bit near to someone causes anxiety. 

According to Mayo Clinic, if you regularly take a bath, the number of bacteria on your skin will keep in check. As a result, odor-causing bacteria will not be able to linger on.

3. Lesser susceptibility to pubic area infections

Intimate hygiene keeps infections down there at bay. Washing your pubic area regularly, drying it up afterward, and using clean undergarments daily, will save you from some annoying itches and irritations.

As per the Tommy John survey, keeping your underwear for more than a year can lead to UTIs, yeast, bacterial, and skin infections. Wearing clean boxer briefs or any other type of moisture-wicking undergarments will reduce the risk of these nasty infections in the groins.

4. Keeps skin diseases at bay

Skin health and hygiene go hand in hand. Failing to do so may give you issues as little as zits popping out from improper facial hygiene, to skin diseases such as scabies, pubic, head or body lice. 

A study published in the Research gate was conducted among primary school children in India. It found a significant association between hygiene and skin diseases. Children, therefore, should be taught basic hygiene principles from the beginning to strengthen their habits. It will eventually help them stay away from several types of skin diseases, even in adulthood.  

Habitual cleanliness also prevents other diseases like the Athlete’s foot and the Hot tub Rash.

5. Oral hygiene; A million-dollar smile, and prevention of several oral diseases

Oral hygiene is highly important. Not only it gives you a confident smile, but it will also ward off all sorts of diseases in the oral cavity. If you are not yet aware, oral diseases are a leading cause of school and work hour loss due to the discomfort they cause.

Dental caries, more commonly known as cavities, are one such condition caused by poor oral hygiene. A person who flosses and properly brushes their teeth will less likely fall victim to cavities.

Make sure to see a good cosmetic dentist for routine checkups and any necessary cosmetic treatments that could help.

6. Keeping your surroundings clean keeps you and your family free from various illnesses

To help keep the health of all your family in check, you should keep your surroundings clean and disinfected. A clean home with clean purified air will never be a breeding ground for germs. Hence the chances of anyone falling sick are minimum.

Cleaning the toilet, getting rid of rubbish, washing clothes and bedding frequently, and storing food properly are a few habits that will lessen the transmission of any disease in your household.

In the current scenario, the spread of the coronavirus can be curbed if you properly disinfect all the surfaces with a bleach solution or a disinfectant.  

7. Psychological benefits of good hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene has profound benefits on your mental health. When you stay clean, you will naturally feel positive and safe. It will also help you stay socially confident. Hygiene practices, thus, play an imperative role in building self-esteem and improve our self-perception.

Mental health is of utmost importance besides general health. Several mental conditions, like depression and anxiety, cause a person to neglect his personal hygiene as well. 

Alongside therapies and other forms of treatment, the patient must be encouraged to stay clean to catalyze the healing process. The relaxation and confidence as a result of personal hygiene will help them feel better about themselves.

Final thoughts

Lailah Gifty Akita, author of Think Great: Be Great, said, “good hygiene enhances sound well-being”

One can’t disagree with the above quote. The benefits of following good hygiene are evident from the points mentioned above. It’s high time that we realize how maintaining a hygiene routine will protect us and how poor hygiene puts us in the high-risk group. 

Let us pledge to change our habits if they don’t comply with the required hygiene standards and make us and our loved ones safe and healthy.

Benefits of Infrared Sauna for New Moms

The body needs a lot of healing after child birth. Infrared sauna can help new moms in many ways. In fact, as per studies, it can combat a lot of symptoms such as chronic joint and muscle pain, anxiety, fatigue, and inflammation that are experienced by women during the post-partum period. Here is how beneficial an infrared sauna can be if you are a new mom:

It improves circulation

Infrared sauna emits gentle radiant heat that can penetrate your skin and raise your body temperature by about 3 degrees Fahrenheit. This can increase the blood circulation in your body significantly. It counteracts all the poor circulation problems such as swollen feet and hands you experienced during your pregnancy. It can also heal up the wounds of a cesarean surgery

It gives a cardio vascular boost

The intense fatigue associated with early motherhood might make it tough for you to access any form of cardia such as exercise or jogging. But with an infrared sauna, you can achieve the same impact of an intense workout.  The cardiovascular boost that this gives is equivalent to that of a light jog or a brisk walk.

It improves milk production

Circulation of infrared in your body can help unclog ducts or mastitis if any. This is one of the problems nursing mothers face which can be extremely painful. Infrared sauna is a gentle way of treating this problem. Alternatively, you can also use a hot wash cloth or soak your breast in a bowl of hot water

It alleviates inflammation

Mild systematic inflammation is quite common in all pregnancies. Left untreated, it can even lead to complications such as pre-eclampsia. Mild infrared light coming from the infrared sauna has the power to penetrate through your tissue and reduce the inflammation in a healthy way.

It reduces Fatigue and Pain

All new moms experience pain and fatigue during post-partum period. Pushing your body to its limits will have its effects even if you haven’t faced much of that childbirth trauma. But there is nothing a couple of infrared sauna sessions cannot take care of.  In fact, one session of this infrared therapy can help you experience a 70 percent reduction in your pain level.

It minimizes depression and anxiety

Infrared therapy is said to release endorphins in your brain that can help you combat anxiety, depression, and any other mental disorder that you may be facing. You can also use it as a preventative measure to reduce your chances of post-partum depression and anxiety.

If you are still wondering why you should buy a full spectrum infrared sauna, understand that an infrared sauna session can be deeply healing. It gives you that “me time” that you can use to care for yourself and indulge in some self-pampering. After all, it can be really tiring and exhausting to take care of a newborn with absolutely no time for yourself.

Buying a full spectrum infrared sauna can be very beneficial to a new mom like you. Nevertheless, make it a point to drink enough water to replenish your body. Make sure you get your heavy metal levels tested before going for a session.

What Every Parent Should Know About CBD

With so many states legalizing cannabis for either medical or recreational use, the use of cannabis to treat medical conditions is on the rise. In 2018, the Farm Bill passed, making the use and cultivation of hemp legal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Even before the bill passed, companies began manufacturing products containing one of the primary cannabinoids in hemp, cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is the second most prevalent compound found in both hemp and marijuana. Unlike its sister compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not get you high. When the CBD comes from hemp sources, it must legally have less than 0.3% THC to be legal. When it comes to marijuana sources, it can have varying amounts of THC.

Adults have varying ways of ingesting CBD, which can be purchased as an oil, dried flowers, in supplements or infused in salves or creams. CBD can even be crafted into edibles, such as baked goods, Hemp gummies, and drinks. Edibles are becoming increasingly popular as there is something for everyone. CBD oils can also be inhaled by oil vape pens or used in cooking.

With the rise of adults using CBD to treat various ailments, there have also been suggestions that CBD could be good for children too. We’ll discuss the issue in this piece and you can check out Lazarus coupon code.

What Do We Know About CBD?

We know that marijuana has been used for millennia to treat various illnesses. However, since all marijuana and cannabis-related products have been illegal since 1970, it has been almost impossible to get federally funded research studies completed on cannabis, including its compounds, like CBD. However, making hemp legal will have changed this. CBD is now used for many different reasons and by different age groups of people. You can now in fact get CBD beard oil private label products, alongside many other types of products that include CBD that you wouldn’t expect. In 2015, the DEA relaxed some of its rules making CBD so difficult to study. Then, in 2018, the Food and Drug Administration approved Epidiolex, a CBD compound intended for children with seizures. Now that CBD has been legalized, there are new studies in progress.

Concerns About CBD

Anecdotal evidence about the efficacy of CBD abounds, but there are some concerns, especially when concerning use in children. One of the primary concerns is the fact that products have been inconsistent in delivering a specific amount of CBD. Products could have more, or less, than the advertised amount of CBD. Many products for sale have been analyzed and found to have fallen short of the amount of CBD advertised.

Another concern is the fact that while CBD derived from hemp is federally legal, CBD derived from marijuana is not. This particular kind of CBD is only legal in states that have legalized the medical or recreational use of cannabis. However, it remains illegal on a federal level.

What Disorders Can CBD Help Kids With?

A few years ago, it was well-publicized that CBD oil derived from a marijuana strain drastically reduced the number of seizures a girl diagnosed with Dravet’s Syndrome was having. That particular strain was named after the child, Charlotte’s Web. Since many parents have sworn by CBD reducing the number of seizures their children have been having.

Most of the participants in the study noticed an improvement in the symptoms of seizures, restlessness, and rage attacks. This improvement was noticed after just one month of treatment. Symptoms continued to reduce over six months of treatment.

How is CBD Given to Children?

CBD can be given in many forms. Many parents use a CBD oil tincture placed under the tongue because it acts quickly. However, CBD is also available in gummy candies and other treats. CBD can also be given in capsule form. Parents should be careful to read the label of the product thoroughly to ensure the correct dose. Parents should also choose a product that has been independently tested to verify the product has the amount of CBD on the label.

Is CBD Safe for Kids?

The World Health Organization has acknowledged that CBD is well tolerated and has a good safety profile. However, they made note that any adverse effects could be because of interaction with medications. Always speak to your child’s doctor before administering any drug or supplement.

How Your Sleep Patterns Affect Your Children’s Sleep

Adequate sleep is something that people of all ages need to stay healthy and happy. It’s especially important during childhood and adolescence when the brain is still developing. Unfortunately, many children and teens aren’t getting the sleep they need. According to Sleep Standards, most teens are sleep deprived — a recent study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights.

As a parent, you probably know just how important it is for your children to get enough sleep. But have you ever thought that your own sleep patterns could be affecting how much rest your kids are getting? Here’s what you need to know so the whole family can get more (and better) sleep.

Know the Facts About Sleep Deprivation in Children & Teens

To understand just how important sleep is for kids and teens, we need to look at how a lack of sleep can have an impact on their health and well-being. Overall, sleep deprivation can contribute to diabetes, obesity, mental health disorders, disruptive behavior, and more. Having the proper tools and information at your disposal to understand the effects of a lack of sleep is important and can primarily affect vulnerable populations.

The effects of sleep deprivation can even disrupt normal brain development. Poor and inadequate sleep has been associated with structural changes in the brain and can contribute to issues with memory, cognition, and attention.

Sadly, chronic sleep deprivation in young people is very common. In 2013, 68.4% of high schoolers were sleeping less than 8 hours each night. Younger children need even more than 8 hours to stay healthy.

Be Sure to Reduce Screen Time Before Going to Sleep

By this point, we all know that we shouldn’t have screens in our bedroom. The light from electronic devices can disrupt melatonin production, making it harder for us to fall asleep. Plus, if we’re engaged with media use, it’s much more interesting to keep using our devices than it is to go to sleep.

As a parent, you need to set boundaries surrounding screen time and enforce them for the whole family. If you tell your kids to turn off their devices two hours before bed but you’re still surfing on your iPad, they might not take the rules very seriously.

Are You Letting Your Kids Get Enough Sleep?

Kids and teens need more sleep than adults. Their developing brains need extra time for rest, and it’s important for parents to help them get the amount that they need. The amount of sleep needed decreases as a child grows up, but even children as old as 13 may need up to 11 hours of sleep each night, while older teens need 8-10 hours.

So how can you, as a parent, help your child get enough sleep? You might consider setting an earlier bedtime for the family so that everyone goes through the ritual of tucking in for the night together. Then, the adults can get up early and have some time for themselves in the morning before the kids get up. You need to let your kids get enough sleep, even if that means making some adjustments in your schedule.

Consider Having Kids and Teens Meditate Before Sleep

Kids are often over-stimulated in the evening, whether from media use, homework, or family time. When bedtime rolls around, it’s a good idea to have everyone take a deep breath and start to wind down.

One good way to do this is to implement a daily meditation practice in your household before bed. Relaxation techniques can be helpful for children who find their mind racing at night, have anxiety, or just can’t calm down enough to sleep restfully. Meditation can help to improve well-being, and might just set the mood for a restful night’s sleep.

Be Active With Your Kids During the Day

Achieving deep and restful sleep starts long before bedtime. Exercise is important for both physical and mental health but will also help kids sleep more soundly. Physical activity doesn’t have to mean structured exercise—it can be tag in the backyard, yoga together in the living room, and even chores like cleaning or helping with dinner.

Kids spend a lot of time in front of their devices or sitting at a desk, especially during the school year. You might have to get creative to keep the family active, but it will be well worth the effort. Plus, it’s good for you, too!

Be a Good Role Model

When it comes to building better sleep habits in your household, you can’t just tell your kids what to do. You have to model good behavior yourself. Being a role model for good sleeping habits isn’t always easy, but it will make your home happier and healthier more quickly than you might imagine.

Garlic For Good Food and Good Health

For many years garlic has been known to have great health benefits and is often thought of like nature’s own antibiotic’ but people have been wary of eating fresh garlic because of the pungent odor it leaves on your breath or excreted through the pores. Garlic has this effect because it is a substance that is not metabolized; instead, it is absorbed through the stomach lining.

Now it has been realized that taking a good quality supplement of Allicin (the active ingredient of garlic) gives you equal effectiveness, and of course, you can use the odorless variety, for this garlic is aged and detoxified leaving it deodorized.

I adore garlic and am happy with garlic on just about any type of savory food, but being the minority in the family has resorted to taking odorless capsules to keep the peace. I think garlic is one of the few foods that everybody has an opinion about; you either love it or hate it!

In fact my father-in-law Joe used to eat raw cloves every day, probably one of the reasons he is in his eighties and has never suffered from bad health. Joe originates from Poland where garlic had been used for health benefits for years and years, primarily eaten against influenza, but they would also use it topically rubbed on the soles of their feet to ward off colds and many other ailments.

But yes, there was a problem with odor and it came to a head at the maternity center when I had our eldest daughter, the nurses could not believe how after he visited us the odor lingered and went on to tell him they were worried it would upset the babies on the ward. Obviously he was a little offended, but more embarrassed, even though we had approached the subject before, thank goodness this time it sank in. Now he still uses garlic, but not every day, and happily takes a daily odorless supplement.

To date, garlic has undergone many studies and it seems the list of its benefits keeps on increasing. The main reason I have taken garlic for several years now is because of the effect it has on strengthening the body’s immune system.

With all the stress in today’s society, our bodies could do with a little help. The antioxidant properties contained in garlic come from selenium and germanium that are sulfur-containing antioxidants that boost the immune system.

It is this property that helps rid the body of free radicals that are believed to be associated with the aging process, growth of tumors and atherosclerosis. Garlic in its raw state is thought to be one of the most potent boosters of your body’s natural killer cells. This alone should encourage non-garlic lovers to change their minds.

Research has shown that garlic-Allicin is an excellent natural antimicrobial that can disable a wide variety of infectious organisms. These antibiotic properties can provide extremely active against yeast, fungi and viral infections.

Garlic is great for your heart too, as it contains properties that fight bad’ cholesterol. Nowadays we are all aware that HDL- high-density lipoprotein which is not dangerous, but LDL – low-density lipoprotein definitely is because of the fact that it can be oxidized by dangerous free radicals. Garlic’s antioxidizing qualities help diminish free radical damage.

Garlic is a natural aspirin as it can help prevent red blood cells from clumping together. Garlic naturally keeps the blood thin which is necessary for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, so people who regularly take garlic benefit from the same aspects as aspirin but without other risks associated with it, but it should not be taken in place of prescribed medication.

Garlic is also beneficial for the cardiovascular system – circulation and has been proven to improve circulation in the body’s peripheries, which is extremely helpful especially in the age when getting enough exercise is often difficult.

Studies are also being undertaken to find the effect garlic has on cancer cells, and to date, the findings carried out on mice are looking good. This is really encouraging.

I hope if you are not a lover of garlic this has given a good insight into the benefits of eating garlic or at least taking a supplement. Not only will your health benefit, but you will also have the added benefit of knowing you are safe from vampires!!

Garlic has been written about throughout history. 22 Egyptian remedies using garlic were found on papyrus dating back to the sixteenth century BC. Vikings would not take to long sea voyages without garlic, because of its anti-bacterial properties, this was also the reason it was used against the plague in the 1770s. African missionaries found that garlic was successful at stopping dysentery.

In fact, my granddad grew garlic, and he used to use old cloves steeped in water to cleanse his lean-to come greenhouse, he would fervently swear that it killed mildew and other infections, and apparently having been his grandfather that passed this down to his father, was obviously well thought of for its antibacterial properties.

In our modern hi-tech world we now live in, we have all but forgotten nature’s own natural problem beaters and these are often absolutely harmless, with no man-made chemicals to endanger the environment. Perhaps we should look closer at what our ancestors knew and we seem to have forgotten.

5 Top Sleep Tips for New Parents

For nine months, parents are sleepless with excitement, but as soon as you welcome your new family member into your home, you discover that the many joys of parenting will inevitably be riddled with challenges – sleep deprivation included. However, too many parents take this at face value and simply embrace the fact that sleep will be scarce and that they won’t have a single moment to themselves until their offspring grows up a little bit.

Still, this is not entirely true. It definitely pays to reevaluate your attitude, to pick up a few handy tips from versed parents and to start adjusting your routine to make more room (and time) for proper rest. Now that you’re embracing your new roles, it’s time to introduce some self-care practices and prepare for the new, extraordinary chapter of your life, preferably while not gluing your eyelids to keep ‘em open. These tips should do the trick!

Nap while your baby sleeps

One key way in which parents can get more rest is to use the natural sleep cycle of their little ones. Whenever your baby falls asleep, you should pick up your favorite pillow, a blanket, and get some rest yourself. Tune out all distractions and make sure that you always have a comfortable place with no noise and chaos around you so that you can fall asleep more quickly and without any trouble. 

Ensure comfort for you and your partner

Too many of us are completely clueless about what kind of beds, mattresses, and bedding we should get, let alone the right positions for our spine and neck and how we should sleep to get the most of our downtime. The right choice can mean the difference between getting ample sleep and ending up restless during the night, so it pays to find out more about the right bedroom essential to get enough rest.

Start by choosing a mattress that will give your entire body enough support while also ensuring ample comfort to help you fall asleep faster without causing any pain. A hybrid mattress that blends the memory foam with steel coils, for example, which makes it a great option to ensure comfort and support.

Set up a schedule

You and your partner have decided to bring a baby into this world, and you’re in for one rewarding, yet bumpy ride. It’s vital that you share every single obligation when it comes to taking care of your little earthling since you’ll also be cherishing all the joyous moments together. A schedule for those shared responsibilities is a great way to set up a system that both of you can develop together and adjust according to your needs. 

For example, you and your partner can take turns getting up during the night for feeding your baby, whereas you can also switch when someone makes meals, takes care of the dishes, and handles nappies. Some parents easily communicate these chores, but just in case one of you feels overwhelmed, you should share your concerns and find a fair way to share chores with a newborn schedule.

Build a support system

Moms and dads everywhere: you’re not alone. Your friends and family members are also there for you, as they should be, and you can and should ask for help when you need to get some rest. There is no shame in letting your loved ones know that you’re exhausted, so they can jump in occasionally to take care of your little one while you get a few hours of sleep.

In case you don’t have a big family and none of your relatives are able to help, there are professionals whom you can hire. A sitter or a trained nurse can be of great help from time to time. 

Practice sleep-inducing rituals

It’s easy to think that you’ll fall immediately asleep as soon as you put your little angel down for the night. As many parents will attest to, this doesn’t always turn out to be true, because many parents are too tense or have many other chores to think of, so they end up revising their to-do lists for hours in bed instead of falling asleep. To help your body unwind and turn on that sleep mode in your mind, you can introduce relaxing rituals. 

For example, you can use scented candles with lavender to add this lovely, soothing fragrance to your bedroom. Also, you can prepare and sip on a cup of chamomile tea while you read a book to let go of all those daily worries. Some stretching and belly-breathing can also be of great help!

Parenthood is a time of revelation, beauty, and of course, ups and downs. Take downtime seriously, because you will have more energy to bond with your baby, you’ll reduce your risk of developing postpartum depression, and you’ll also preserve and deepen your connection with your partner. Hopefully, these tips will help you get your shuteye and rest more easily, and ultimately help you enjoy your new role for months to come. 


Seeing some parenting books can be very handy.

2021 What Nobody Tells a New Father cover

About the author

Mia Taylor is a 33 year old blogger who writes about beauty, fashion and travel. She had always been passionate about fashion and over time she had developed a style of her own.  Mia loves to mix and match and inspire girls with her advice about outfit and accessories. She loves telling a story about her travels, providing beauty tips with readers.

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How to Unclog Your Drains Without Dangerous Chemicals

Sometimes it happens that our drains get clogged. The water drains slowly and it can sometimes have a bad smell. It leaves us with a number of problems like not being able to use the sinks, bath or toilet. This situation usually sends us running for a bottle of chemicals for unclogging the drain. It is one of the most common methods for cleaning the drains. But, it’s also one of the very dangerous ways of resolving this problem. These chemicals are caustic, meaning they can damage your skin and eyes, and they can damage certain types of pipes. But, there are many ways with which you can unclog the drains naturally, without using dangerous chemicals. Read on to find out what they are.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

These are the two simple ingredients you probably already have in your home, and that don’t cost much. They create a chemical reaction because the soda is the base and vinegar is an acid. When you mix them together, a chemical reaction happens that will bubble and eat through the clogs. To unclog the drain using this method pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain and ½ cup of vinegar after that. Plug the drain and leave it in for an hour. After the hour, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. Continue pouring water until the drain is unclogged.

Dish Soap and Hot Water

If you know your drain is clogged by grease, a good method is to use your regular dish soap and hot water to unclog it. To use this method, pour a good amount of dish soap down the drain. After this slowly pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. This should break up any grease clogs in your drain. This method should be done once a week to prevent clogs.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Another method of unclogging your drains with ingredients you already have in your home is using hydrogen peroxide. It’s good for disinfecting and can be great for unclogging your drains. Mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of baking soda and pour it down the drain. Let it foam and it should break up any clog in your drain.

Baking Soda and Salt

Another mixture for unclogging your drains that involves baking soda is adding salt to the mixture. Mix about half a cup of soda and half a cup of salt and pour it down the drain. It would be best to leave it overnight, or at least an hour. When the proper amount of time has passed, pour down a boiling pot of water and your drain should be cleared out.

Professional Help

If you have tried everything and your drain is still clogged, consider hiring professional plumbers that can solve your problem. Hiring plumbers that have all the right tools and don’t use harsh chemicals for unclogging blocked drains can be a lifesaver. They can solve your problem very quickly and efficiently. Not every clog is possible for a do-it-yourself unclogging, so save yourself the hassle and frustration. Another reason for hiring professionals is that having clogged drains increases the possibility for your pipes bursting and adding to the problem and whole cost of the operation.

Wire hanger

If the clog is persistent, it may be better to use a physical approach to the problem. Everyone has a wire hanger in their home, and it can be the perfect tool for unclogging the drains in your home. Take the wire hanger and straighten it as much as you can and then bend one ned to create a hook. Remove the drain cover and start fishing around. The hook of the hanger will catch hair and any big stuff that is clogging your drain. Try not to push the gunk further in. Have a bag to discard everything you pull out. When you are finished, run hot water and everything should be working nicely after.


Plungers are one of the tools for unclogging drains and toilets that first come to mind. They are fairly simple to use, and you can do this very quickly. There are two types of plungers, one for the toilet and one for sinks. The toilet one is bigger and usually has a black cup. The plungers with shallow cups are for sinks and tubs. In order to use the plunger and for it to work, there should be water covering the drain. Place the plunger over the drain and push until it makes a vacuum seal over the drain. Grasp the handle and pump the plunger up and down quickly a couple of times. Pull it out and see if the drain has opened. If it’s necessary, repeat the process until the drain is opened.

If you have successfully unclogged your drains, there are steps you can take to prevent them from getting clogged up again. Swap out your normal sink stopper for a one that prevents any unwanted materials from going down the drain. Clean your drains regularly with baking soda and hot water. If you follow this advice, you won’t have any drain problems for a long time.