Tips for the Stay-At-Home Dad


Old traditions are being replaced with new ones, as society evolves alongside technology and in many relationships, it is the woman who goes out and earns the money, while hubby takes the backstage role. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about; if she makes more money than you do, then this is the smart way to move forward; besides, many family men make some money with an online business.

If you are taking the home role in the relationship, here are a few tips to make the transition work.

Be Systematic – Most men are visibly shocked when they start managing a family home, wondering how their partner manages to do everything without effort! Plan the daily clean like you would a military campaign and stick to timetables. The house doesn’t clean itself and whether or not parenting is on the menu, you need to allocate enough time to keep things clean. Hardwood floors need to be swept and mopped daily, while the vacuum deals with carpets and rugs (every other day is recommended) and putting the trash out on the right day is another chore not to overlook.

Make Good Use of the Internet – Time is very important when you have a large house to manage and your weekly groceries can be bought online and delivered to your door, as can anything else that you need. For liquid refreshment, check out one of the local breweries in Sydney Australia, where you can buy fine craft beers online, then you’ll always have a few beers in the cooler when friends pop round. Any domestic services you need can be sourced with a Google search, should you experience a blocked drain or burst water pipe.

Create a Weekly Chart – This will be your guide to the many daily tasks and when you list everything within a timeline, you become very efficient. Monday might be the upstairs cleaning day, with Wednesday afternoon set aside for your online work (has to be done at some time); all tasks should be listed, along with any supplies you might need.

Pamper your Partner – Of course, you know how it feels to come home after a long day at the office, so do go out of your way to pour her a glass of wine and prepare an armchair where she can relax while waiting for that delicious dinner that’s in the oven. She will appreciate you running a hot bath and bringing her a drink when she arrives and this keeps the relationship on an even keel. Click here for tips to develop sustainability in your life.

Parenting – If you are looking after young children, this is a whole new ball game that will stretch your parenting skills to the max! It is paramount that you don’t run out of essentials like tissue and wipes, so keep your eye on supplies and when the kids are asleep is the time for the housework!

A few years as a stay at home dad will certainly broaden your horizons and give you another perspective of your relationship; here is some Australian government information on working from home, which might prove to be invaluable.

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