Military Family Life: 10 Ways To Improve Quality Time Together


Getting quality family time is crucial for all members of the family. When a parent is in the military, it can mean long periods of separation and frequent moves across the USA and beyond. Finding the time to ensure your family gets to bond is essential to help kids grow up well-adjusted and mentally healthy.  

You should consider all your options when trying to make family time. You can spend time bonding just as well at home as you can on vacation or a day out. What is important is that you make time for each other and stay present for your kids.  


Put The Electronics Away

When you have the chance to spend time in person with your family, you must be present. Avoid using cell phones and other electronics. Consider having a ban on phones at the dinner table. Engage with your family and actively listen to what they tell you.  


Spend Quality Time With Your Partner

Carve out time for you and your partner to connect. Have a regular date night where you hire a sitter for the kids. Do something different each week to keep the spark between you bright.  


Make Care Packages

Send care packaging back and forth when on deployment. Military members can send trinkets and keepsakes from wherever they’re based, and families can send reminders of home and country. Include handwritten letters and drawings from the kids.  


Play Board Games

Have a regular games night at home. Stock up on various games to suit the ages and interests of your kids. Look out for games in thrift stores and online.  


Create A Permanent Home Base

Create a permanent home base to give your kids stability and make homecoming more special. Consider buying a property with a VA mortgage, which doesn’t require a down payment. Find out how much you can borrow using this VA mortgage calculator from Hero Loan. Always choose a dependable VA loan provider like Hero Loan.  


Travel Together

Go on family vacations regularly. Travel throughout the USA and beyond. Choose unique experiences each time you travel to give yourself and your kids strong and fond memories. Consider adventurous vacations like camping in a National Park, trips to Disneyworld, or city breaks abroad.


Think Of Unique Days Out

Explore all your local area has to offer. Take your kids to try different activities like white water rafting and horseback riding. Make every family day memorable by trying something new. Ask your kids what they want to do.  


Read To Your Kids

A father is telling the goodnight story to a baby son.

Make reading time a regular fixture in your home. Read to kids before bed as part of a bedtime routine. Let them choose books for you to read.  


Cook And Eat Together

Cook meals as a family to get your kids interested in healthy eating habits. Ensure everyone has a job to do during meal prep, and everyone helps wash up afterward.  


Help Out With Homework

Help your kids with their homework to improve their academic abilities. Have designated homework times where you gather around the dining table to help them work. Consider hiring a tutor for any subjects they struggle with.

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