A Healthy and Happy Mom Is a Better Mom

Staying happy and healthy as a mom is easier said than done, but doing so is essential, not just for your husband and children, but for yourself, too.

A Healthy and Happy Mom Is a Better Mom

Motherhood is one of the most exciting phases in most women’s lives, but the thing is – it can be quite exhausting. Between caring for your children, maintaining relationships, and running a household, the role of a mom can be quite a demanding one, to say the least.

Yet, we all know at least one mom who somehow manages to stay on top of her tasks while still being a great mom. And no, she’s not a Supermom nor does she have any special powers. Her “superpower” lies in her ability to prioritize herself, her happiness, and her well-being, which helps her be a better mom for her little ones. With these couple of tips in mind, you can do it too.

Ask for help

To some moms, asking for help is like admitting “I can’t do it on my own”. To them, it may feel like they’re letting their little ones down. Because of that, they’d rather skip the fun stuff with their husbands or their gal pals, often making sacrifices due to the pressure they feel.

A happy mom, however, understands the importance of delegating tasks. To her, asking for help doesn’t equal being a bad mom. It simply means she’s making time for other aspects of her life. Therefore, cut yourself some slack, and instead of letting that FOMO get the best of you, simply say that one little magic word: “Please”.

Snack smart

It’s understandable that, as a mom that’s constantly on the go, you don’t always have the time or energy to make smart snack choices. This is when meal prepping comes in handy.

 A happy mom knows that planning her meals in advance is key to sticking to a healthy eating plan. This is why she’ll always have her veggies and fruits peeled and cut in advance and stored in a Ziploc bag. That way, she can just grab the snacks and go without thinking.

Focus on a healthy diet

As a busy mom, eating healthy isn’t always easy, but it’s doable. For starters, buy fresh, wholesome foods, and go for organic whenever possible. Focus on incorporating superfoods into your diet – go for salmon, walnuts, soy, and oats.

They boost health protection and, much like certain types of oils, contain heart-healthy fats. There’s a reason why unsaturated oils made from nuts, seeds, and especially olives are a staple in Mediterranean diet, and the benefits of oils such as olive oil for heart health are well-documented. The best part? You can take these oils in a form of a supplement, so adding them to your diet should be a piece of cake!

Get your sweat on

Healthy diet and regular exercise go hand in hand, and the best results come when you put in the same amount of effort into your training as you do into your nutrition. The thing is, our workouts often get pushed off because of our jam-packed schedules.

The good news is, you can train your mind to get down to business and start exercising even when you don’t feel like it. Just schedule it like any other important task (e.g. attending a parent-teacher conference). As for exercising, it can be everything from working out in the gym with your gal pals to exercising solo on your living room floor. If it’s getting you sweaty, anything goes!

Put on some real clothes

As a mom, it can be far too tempting to stay in your pajamas or other comfy clothes all day long. You don’t have to leave the house for the day, so you might as well feel comfortable, right?

As great as it sounds, rocking comfy clothes all the time may affect your mood and confidence negatively. Think about it this way: we dress ourselves to match our mood. Therefore, it makes sense that, in order to feel good, we would pick clothes that are fashionable and flattering. That’s not to say you have to get dolled up every single day. But putting on some real clothes, like a nice shirt or even a skirt, can go a long way in making you feel good, and making extra effort in the morning is sure worth it.

Schedule “me time”

Feeling drained and worn out? Many moms can relate to this, mostly because they put all their time and energy into taking care of others. While prioritizing your family is essential, taking some time for yourself is just as important.

As busy as your schedule may be, try to make room for “me time”. Whether that’s a 30-minute bubble bath, a quick walk around the block, or a short meditation, making time for yourself is a must, and it’s not selfish – it’s self-care.

Wrapping up

The role of a mom can be demanding at times, and prioritizing your happiness and health can sometimes seem downright impossible. However, if you take the time to develop healthy habits, you can make your daily life much less stressful and far more enjoyable while at the same time setting a great example for your kids.

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