3 Interesting Ways to Increase Wellness You Might Not Have Considered

How are you feeling at this very moment? Pretty good? It is very likely you could be feeling even better with a few changes you might not have considered. Wellness is a funny thing because it includes a lot more than your physical fitness. While that is an important component, it is not all of it.

Obviously, you have considered eating a healthier diet. Who hasn’t? That is all some fitness experts can talk about, as if healthy eating was all you needed to know. Having tried it, you already realize that no matter how healthy your diet happens to be, you can still feel crummy all day. While important, it does not get you all the way there.

Ditto for exercise. It is almost shocking to see how the home fitness industry has taken over TV advertising. Everyone has a machine. Most of these new machines are connected to the internet and have screens. They also come with expensive, monthly subscriptions to coaching sessions where people more fit than you will ever be, constantly scream at you to keep going and do just one more set. You have obviously thought about all that. But here are a few things that might have slipped your notice:


How does your stomach feel? Are you a little congested? Do you have a bit of constipation? Are you having unexplained abdominal pain, cramps, or discomfort? Have you already seen the gastroenterologist several times? Have you been diagnosed with IBS? Are you tired of being prescribed SRI’s that leave you drowsy and dizzy? This has nothing to do with you not eating properly.

It might be time for you to try easily accessible probiotic pills. There are as many reasons for stomach upset as there are people. IBS is usually a diagnosis of exclusion. There is no test to determine if you have irritable bowel syndrome. Instead, you take a lot of tests to exclude other diagnoses. There is also no cure for IBS, just treatments. Everyone reacts to them differently.

So before giving up and deciding there is something wrong with your diet, try some of the more natural and time-tested remedies. You will likely find that even your doctor is on board with you giving alternative treatments a try, especially treatments that have had such a strong history of success.


This is not a commercial for smoking pot or purchasing marijuana brownies. CBD is certainly from the same family of plants. But it is far from the same substance. It is not something that can get you high or addicted. Don’t avoid CBD treatments because of those concerns.

How is your love life? Do you have unexplained anxiety? Do you suffer frequent pain? Have you already tried all the doctor-recommended treatments? Then perhaps it’s time to try CBD products. There can definitely be medical explanations for all of those things. Sometimes, strong pharmaceuticals and even surgery are required.

But before taking the more drastic measures. Ask your doctor about CBD oils and pills. You might be surprised at the warm reception such treatments have had in the medical community. You owe it to yourself to look into these products that have helped so many.

Brain Food

How’s your memory? Do you find that you are pausing and fumbling to remember words that used to come to you quickly? Are you having more trouble remembering people’s names? Is basic math you used to do in your head a lot more difficult? You can help your brain by eating more brain-boosting foods.

Don’t pass up the broccoli. Peanuts are great for those who don’t have nut allergies. Berries and seeds might be hard on your teeth, but are great for the brain. Avocados? Sold!

Your wellness is more than your physical attributes. You have to consider your digestive system, your emotional wellbeing, and your brain health. These are not always beneficiaries of a good diet and hearty workout. So think outside the prescription bottle and look into probiotics, CBD, and brain food for a healthier and more well-rounded you.

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