Earwax Extraction Removal & Allergy Treatment in Singapore – You Must Only Rely on Doctors to Do a Satisfactory Job

To clean your ears, never venture beyond some light cleaning that only reaches the gateway of the ear canal but not deeper. Avoid doing anything at all, and leaving the task of ear cleaning to the doctor is the best practice in ear care, and you must follow it strictly to avoid any untoward consequences of cleaning. Whenever you face any hearing-related issues of excessive earwax buildup, go to Ear & Allergy Clinic in Singapore and get your ears examined by a doctor who can clean the ears safely and restore normal hearing.  Although ear blockage can cause some hearing issues, there could be many other reasons, too, which only the doctor can diagnose. 

Never try to clear ear blockage by yourself

People of all ages, including children, can experience ear blockage, but you must never try to clean it on your own. If you experience pain and discomfort in the ear, it needs a proper examination to detect if ear blockage is the cause. If it is, which only a doctor can tell, then the doctor only can ensure safe cleaning. Trying to clean ears with a cotton swab is a habit that might seem innocuous, but it can damage the ears because the swabs are not for cleaning ears. When you insert cotton swabs into the ear canal, the chances of pushing the blockage further inside go up many times and it may even damage the eardrum. If the blockage disrupts your healthy life, you must consult a doctor to ensure that cleaning would resolve the problem and then ask him or her to clean it.

How to know about blockage?

Sometimes you might notice a full or heavy feeling in your ears or head, which is one of the signs of obstruction. Hearing loss can happen from ear blockage, and it can also develop ringing in your ears.  Experiencing aching ears can be due to blockage, which occurs due to excessive earwax that gathers more debris and dirt and causes a blockage.

Ear cleaning best practice at home

Until the time you go to the doctor for cleaning blockage, you can do some light cleaning of the outer part of the ear with a cotton swab. A better way of doing it is to wipe the area with a damp washcloth, slightly warm. Eardrop that contains mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin, peroxide, and saline is effective in softening ear wax to ensure its automatic removal. After applying the 2-3 drops oil in each ear for 3-4 days and then rinsing and draining out, the ear will remove wax.

Ear cleaning by doctors

Doctors usually use the method of syringing or irrigation to clean ears. The doctor pumps in water or saline with a syringe to gently rinse out the ear canal that drains out accumulated earwax.  Before the process, you must use some wax softener for a few minutes, maybe 15-30 minutes that results in much more effective cleaning.

Do not think about cleaning ears unless you face some problems because the body’s self-cleaning process takes care of it. 

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