Finding Your Dance Confidence

When you first start dancing, it’s easy to struggle with your confidence. You might not know the best way to even get started if your confidence levels are so low. While there is no cookie-cutter solution for feeling ready to break out your best dance moves, there are simple ways you can find your own dance confidence. Whether you’re a new dancer or you’ve been dancing for years, self-consciousness can strike at any time. Here’s how to find your dance confidence so you can show your best moves to the world!

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Dress for Success

If you’ve ever heard the tip “fake it till you make it,” take it literally by investing in the right dance outfit. It might sound weird, but it really does work! If you look confident you can trick yourself into feeling confident! Review dancing blogs and recent trends to see what costumes are hip at the moment. Then search for the best dance costumes from Alexandra Costumes or another high-quality retailer to find the perfect outfit for strutting your stuff! Even if you don’t feel your best, you’ll at least look your best!

Practice Good Posture

Standing up straight is proven to lead to greater feelings of confidence. Take a hint from this science by evaluating your own dance posture. Even if you feel the music, you might notice yourself hunching over or making yourself smaller. Hold your head up high! Stand tall and proud! The more you work on your posture, the more confident you’ll feel. Not to mention your dancing skills will improve!

Dance with a Group

Dancing alone is intimidating, even for experienced dancers. Whether you’re planning to perform at an event or you’re just practicing, having a group with you can take the edge off of any dance routine. Not only will being with others help inspire you to do your best, but you don’t have to worry about being the center of attention if something goes wrong. Starting with a group of dance friends is a great first step in your quest for dance confidence!

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Stick to the Basics

Have you ever skipped too many steps too fast and found yourself completely overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Bring it back to the basics by practicing your basic moves. If you find yourself too stressed by the idea of taking that next step in your dance level, it’s okay to take a moment to practice the basics. Even the best dancers need to refresh themselves about the basics of movement, steps, and balance. These are a great way to practice, and you’ll gain confidence in your abilities as you go!

Stay Energized

If you’re tired and unmotived, you probably aren’t going to be dancing your best. While you shouldn’t overload yourself on things like energy drinks, you shouldn’t be wandering around your dance studio feeling like a zombie come to life! Treat your body kindly by drinking enough water and eating energizing foods throughout the day to keep your energy levels up. Listen to your body and know when it’s time for a break!

Let Go of Perfectionism

A lot of dancers tend to be perfectionists. It’s easy to think even the best dancers are perfect, but make peace with the fact that this is not a reality. You will make mistakes. This is just a part of being a performer and an artist. Mistakes are a great way to learn, and it’s okay if you aren’t perfect all the time. It’s more important to do your best and give it your all than to always be perfect!

Practice Performing

Sometimes the best way to overcome your lack of confidence is to just put yourself out there. If the thought of performing scares the wits out of you, it might be time to just bite the bullet. There are ways to practice performing without the same levels of pressure of a real event! Join a performance group to practice your stage work or find a studio near you with local performances. Even these small steps make a big difference!

Dance Like Nobody is Watching!

This old cliche rings true for your confidence. If you’re dancing for yourself, you’ll feel your best. Remember you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Think back to just how passionate you are about dance. If you’re inspired by the music and the movement, nothing else matters. Even if you’re in front of a big crowd, dance like nobody is watching! That’s when you know you’ve found your dance confidence!

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