How to Create a Supportive Mom Network through Daycare Connections

Having a child in daycare can be a great way to connect with other moms. It might not happen immediately, but putting yourself in a position to allow it to occur can significantly help. Let’s discuss how you can create a supportive mom network by enrolling your child in daycare. 

Sign Up For Social Media Pages

Some daycares have social media pages, so informing parents if they need to close is more accessible due to inclement weather. However, it can also double as a way to stay connected to other moms who bring their children to the same daycare. Feel free to interact in a friendly manner on the pages. 

Say Hi When You See Other Moms

Sometimes all it takes to initiate a conversation with someone is a simple “hi.” Many go about their business and avoid as much social interaction as possible, but if you want to build a strong supportive network of moms, a greeting can be a great way to begin. Do not worry about feeling awkward saying hi to random strangers or acquaintances. It may help make you appear more friendly and approachable.

Offer to Help When You Can 

One way to gain supportive friends is to be supportive of others. If you hear another mom needs help, do what you can to offer assistance. For example, if she is sick, you can bring food to her and the kids or offer to drive the children to school or daycare. Being there to help can encourage others to see the type of nice person you are and allow you to attract others to your friend group who have a similar way of being.

Introduce Yourself 

It may seem intimidating to introduce yourself to one or more moms at daycare, but they cannot get to know you if they do not know who you are or only know you by face. You will not just stop another mom in the hallway to introduce yourself, so put yourself in a position where an introduction can happen. For example, if you see a mom standing by herself watching her children play, that can be a great time to make the approach and start up a conversation.

Linger Around When You Can

Moms are always busy with things to do, but if you want to make mom friends through the daycare, it is essential to try and linger around whenever you can. Make yourself present so you are in a position to meet the other parents. Consider going 10 minutes earlier at drop off and staying 10 minutes during pickup, even if it is a few times per week. 

Be Open to Playdates

Finding time for playdates can be difficult, but it is excellent for the kids to interact socially. Consider the playdate a good opportunity to get better to know the other moms. Instead of dropping the child off (or vice versa) and going, hang out in an area, like at the park, where the both of you can keep an eye on the kids while conversing with each other. 

Attend Activities and Events

Try to attend as many activities and events as possible at the daycare. It is a beautiful way to show your investment in your kid’s social activities and get a chance to get to know the other moms who attend. Ask the daycare during your first visit if there is a list of events available that parents are invited to so you can put the dates in your calendar and make arrangements to be able to go.

Do Not Talk Negatively 

A woman is taking care of a child like it is her own

Gossiping is not how to build a supportive mom network at daycare or elsewhere. Avoid talking negatively about other people, even if another mom starts the conversation first. Stick to positive topics and discussions that are unlikely to result in a potential problem. 

Offer Genuine Compliments

The world can certainly benefit from more kindness. Women who offer genuine compliments to other women have the potential to become supportive friends. Look for opportunities to compliment the other moms at daycare, such as if you like another mom’s outfit or you appreciate how their child showed kindness to your kids. Being friendly, especially when it is for no specific reason or seems to be of no benefit to you, can often be one of the best ways to start a friendship.  

Lend an Ear

Moms sometimes need to vent to someone willing to listen and keep whatever they say confidential. Support among women – including between mothers – is so important. If you see a fellow daycare mom who seems upset, do not hesitate to ask if she is okay. You never know if you might be the only person asking and offering help. However, make sure whatever she says you do not repeat to others.  Keeping that information private is essential to retaining the other person’s trust. 

Making friends as an adult can feel intimidating, especially if you are new to the area, the daycare, or an introvert. You do not have to jump in all at once. Making easy little changes, such as spending 10 or 20 minutes hanging out at the daycare, can be a fantastic starting point that could help you develop a robust and supportive mom network. 

Sandra Chiu works as Director at LadyBug & Friends Daycare and Preschool.

The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Caregivers to Support Children and Teens with Common Behavioral Issues

As parents or caregivers, our primary responsibility is to create a nurturing and supportive environment for our support the health of our children and teens. Part of this role involves recognizing and addressing common mental health and behavioral issues that may arise during their development. By proactively understanding and addressing these challenges, we can play an instrumental role in helping our children grow into resilient and well-adjusted individuals.

Building Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is crucial for children and teens to navigate the complexities of their emotions. By teaching them to identify and express their feelings, we can empower them to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Encourage open communication, active listening, and validating their emotions to foster emotional intelligence.

Managing Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress are prevalent among children and teens, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Create a calm and supportive atmosphere at home, encourage regular physical activity, and teach relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness. Additionally, help them develop effective time management and problem-solving skills to alleviate stress.

Addressing Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 

ADHD is a common behavioral issue characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Establish structured routines, provide clear instructions, and break tasks into manageable segments. Collaborate with teachers to implement strategies in both academic and home settings, ensuring consistency and support.

Promoting Positive Peer Relationships

Healthy peer relationships contribute significantly to a child’s overall well-being. Encourage social interactions, guide conflict resolution, and foster empathy and kindness. Teach them effective communication skills and model healthy friendships to help them navigate peer dynamics successfully.

Developing Healthy Body Image and Self-Esteem

Negative body image and low self-esteem can significantly impact a child’s emotional well-being. Encourage a balanced approach to physical appearance, and promote a healthy lifestyle rather than focusing solely on weight or appearance. Praise their efforts, encourage their strengths, and teach them self-compassion and self-care.

Understanding and Managing Anger

Anger is a normal emotion, but teaching children appropriate ways to manage and express it is crucial. Help them identify triggers and implement strategies such as deep breathing, taking a break, or engaging in physical activity. Teach problem-solving techniques to address the underlying causes of their anger.

Nurturing Resilience and Coping Skills

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Foster resilience in children by encouraging a growth mindset, teaching problem-solving and decision-making skills, and providing opportunities for them to learn from setbacks. Help them develop coping mechanisms, such as engaging in hobbies, practicing self-care, and seeking support.

Promoting Healthy Digital Habits

A young woman is using her smartphone while laying on a sofa

In today’s digital age, teaching children responsible technology use is crucial. Set limits on screen time, establish internet safety guidelines, and encourage a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Engage in open conversations about the potential risks and benefits of the digital world.

Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Programs 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) programs offer comprehensive treatment for children and teens struggling with emotional dysregulation, self-harm, or suicidal thoughts. If you recognize these signs in your child, find a DBT clinician or program. These providers and programs combine individual therapy, group skills training, and family involvement to enhance emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, and distress tolerance.

As parents and caregivers, we are vital in supporting our children and teens through their behavioral and mental health challenges. By recognizing and addressing common issues from emotional intelligence to body image, we can provide the necessary tools and guidance for their well-being.

It is important to remember that every child is unique, and their experiences may vary. However, by creating a safe and nurturing environment, fostering open communication, and seeking professional help, we can empower our children to overcome these challenges and thrive.

As we navigate this journey with our children, we must approach their struggles with empathy, patience, and understanding. Celebrate their strengths and milestones, and let them know that asking for help and seeking support when needed is okay. We can instill hope and optimism in their hearts by modeling resilience and providing a loving and supportive presence.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Contact mental health professionals, support groups, and educational resources to enhance your knowledge and seek guidance. Together, we can help our children build a strong foundation for their emotional well-being and equip them with the necessary skills to navigate life’s challenges.

By recognizing common behavioral issues, providing support, and seeking appropriate interventions, we can help them overcome these challenges. Remember, your commitment to their well-being and growth is invaluable. Embrace the journey, seek support when needed, and never lose hope. Together, we can create a brighter and healthier future for our children.

Fun Indoor Activities for Your Toddlers

At the age of 2, toddlers are full of curiosity and an eagerness to learn about the world around them. Engaging them in fun indoor learning activities not only keeps them entertained but also supports their cognitive, motor, and social development. For 2-year-olds, it’s important to provide age-appropriate activities that are interactive, hands-on, and stimulating. So, here are some of the best and most enjoyable indoor learning activities specifically designed for 2-year-olds. These activities aim to create an engaging and educational environment for parents and caregivers, encouraging the little ones to explore, learn, and develop important skills, so check these ideas out ASAP.

Sensory play activities

Sensory play activities are perfect for stimulating a 2-year-old’s senses and promoting cognitive development. Set up a sensory bin filled with materials like colored rice, dried pasta, or water beads. Provide scoops, cups, and toys for them to explore, encouraging them to touch, pour, and experiment with different textures and shapes. This activity not only enhances their sensory experiences but also develops their fine motor skills as they manipulate and explore the materials.

Art activities

Different art activities offer a creative outlet for 2-year-olds while also promoting fine motor skills and self-expression. Set up a painting station with washable, non-toxic paints and large sheets of paper. Let them explore painting with their hands, brushes, or objects like toy cars or sponges. This activity allows them to experiment with colors and shapes while developing hand-eye coordination. It also encourages self-expression and fosters creativity.

Fine motor activities

Fine motor activities, such as threading beads, using playdough, or completing puzzles, help develop hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity. Provide age-appropriate materials like those versatile Montessori toys for a 2-year-old that will encourage your kids to practice these activities, which will, consequently, promote their fine motor skills while engaging their focus and concentration. Threading beads helps refine their hand-eye coordination, playdough activities strengthen their finger muscles, and puzzles enhance their problem-solving abilities and spatial awareness.

Building and stacking activities

Building and stacking activities are excellent for developing fine motor skills and problem-solving abilities. Provide building blocks or stacking toys and encourage your 2-year-old to create towers, bridges, or other structures. They can experiment with different shapes, sizes, and colors, fostering creativity and spatial awareness. As they stack and build, they also learn about balance, cause, and effect, and problem-solving through trial and error.

Play and pretend play activities

Pretend play activities help 2-year-olds develop their imagination, language skills, and social interactions. Set up a pretend kitchen or a doctor’s office with age-appropriate props and encourage them to engage in role-playing. This activity allows them to imitate real-life situations, develop their vocabulary, and enhance their social and emotional development. Through pretend play, they learn about different roles, practice communication skills, and explore their emotions.

Sorting and matching activities

Different sorting and matching activities engage a 2-year-old’s cognitive skills and teach them about categorization and problem-solving. Provide a variety of objects or toys that can be sorted by color, shape, or size. Encourage them to match objects based on similarities or sort them into different containers. This activity strengthens their cognitive abilities, introduces basic concepts of classification, and enhances their logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Musician and singing activities

Musical activities not only foster a love for music but also promote rhythm and coordination skills. Offer a variety of musical instruments, such as shakers, drums, or xylophones, and encourage your 2-year-old to explore different sounds and rhythms. Sing songs together, dance, and clap to the music, allowing them to express themselves and develop their listening and coordination skills. This activity also encourages language development as they learn to sing along and follow rhythms and beats.

Language and reading activities

A father is reading the goodnight book to a baby son.

Language and literacy activities play a crucial role in a 2-year-old’s language development. Create a cozy reading corner with age-appropriate books and encourage them to explore the pictures, repeat words, and engage in interactive storytelling. Sing nursery rhymes, play rhyming games, and introduce alphabet puzzles to help them develop their vocabulary and phonological awareness. These activities foster a love for books and language while also strengthening their listening skills and expanding their understanding of words and sounds.

Engaging 2-year-olds in fun indoor learning activities is an excellent way to support their cognitive, motor, and social development. Sensory play, art activities, building, stacking, pretend play, sorting and matching, musical experiences, language and literacy engagement, and fine motor skill activities are all beneficial for their overall growth. By providing age-appropriate and stimulating activities, parents and caregivers can create a nurturing and educational environment that encourages their little ones to explore, learn, and develop important skills during their early years. These activities not only promote their development but also strengthen the bond between parents and their 2-year-olds as they engage in fun and meaningful interactions together.

Best Ways Parents Can Support Teens After Addiction Treatment

As a parent, you want the very best for your child.  However, when faced with the ravages of addiction, parents are faced with the monumental task of supporting their teen’s long-term recovery.  As a result, many parents are trying to find the best ways to support their teens before, during, and after addiction treatment.  To respond to the quest, we’ve compiled a list of the best strategies parents can utilize to help their teens continue to maintain sobriety and avoid relapse after they come home from addiction treatment.

Establish a Supportive Community

When it comes to keeping your teen sober after treatment, having a solid support system in place is crucial.  Recruit the care and support of friends and family members who can be available to encourage you and your teen.  You might also seek out ongoing support from your local 12-step program, which can be invaluable for your teen during their long-term recovery.  Of course, your teen’s therapist should be an integral part of your support group.  Having many different parties involved with the maintenance and commitment to your teen’s sobriety can go a long way toward keeping him or her from succumbing to relapses after treatment.

Eliminate Potential Triggers

Ideally, you’ve been involved with your teen’s addiction treatment from the beginning.  Therefore, you should be aware of potential stress triggers that may tempt your teen to use again.  Armed with this information, make every effort to eliminate or reduce these triggers to avoid potential relapse.  

It’s true that there will be times when your teen is on his or her own – such as at school or at social functions.  These situations can limit your influence in reducing triggers for your teen.  However, you have full control over your home and your teen’s immediate environment when they are with you.  Consequently, your best defense in honoring your child’s sobriety is to remove temptations where you can.

Keep an Open Door Policy

A child lacks his family support and is neglected and left alone with his problems

After your teen returns from treatment, it’s important that they know they can come to you if they need to talk.  Encourage your teen that they are free and welcome to approach you with anything at any time.  

We understand that you might be busy. If your teen comes to you wanting to talk while you’re in the middle of something, do your best to calmly assess your child’s needs and address their concern as best as possible and return to the task you were working on.  If you must put your teen on hold, explain that you will be there for them as quickly as possible, and make good on that promise.

Get Active

One of the best ways parents can support teens after addiction treatment is to get involved in activities with kids.  Think about enrolling in art classes, or getting outside for healthy outdoor activities.  Consider what your teen is interested in, and begin getting active in those hobbies with him or her.  

For instance, if your teen is into working on cars – that’s a perfect way to share their passion while getting them engaged in something other than addiction issues.  In many instances, getting involved in activities teens enjoy serves as a brilliant distraction as well as a healthy alternative to addictive behaviors.

Remember to Care for Yourself Too

Supporting a teen through addiction and keeping them sustained after treatment can be incredibly overwhelming.  So much so, that many parents are at risk of suffering from burnout or exhaustion.  Avoid this by making time for yourself.  Devote special time for yourself, so you have the chance to recuperate, relax, and renew your energy.  This might be engaging in your favorite activities, or it might mean time talking to your own personal therapist.  

When it comes to helping your teen thrive after treatment, it’s important to pay attention to both your child’s needs while still taking care of yourself.  After all, if you are stressed out and exhausted, you will be hard-pressed to support your teen.  

In conclusion, we hope these best tips to support your teen after addiction treatment inspire you to adopt new strategies that will ensure your teen’s long-term sobriety.  Remember that addiction doesn’t have to rule or ruin you or your teen’s life.  When dealt with honestly, openly, and with compassion, your teen’s addiction could have the potential to form stronger relationship bonds and encourage lifelong sobriety.

Children’s Triangles or Instant Development

Children should not be deprived of toys and educational things, no matter what age they are. Any parent will tell you that striving for development, coordination, and balance is an important part from an early age. That is why various children’s furniture with the use of development toys is so popular. No less popular are picklers, which cause incredible delight in children.

Special picklers furniture

This is a special low ladder that is pleasant to the touch and even comfortable to use. A child can safely climb on it; the most important thing is that he can do it on his own without any help. The task of the parent in this case is only to insure the child. The pickler triangles are all a kind of play corner that can keep the baby busy for a long time. What do triangles give if a child spends time with them for a couple of hours a day?

Climbing triangle
A climbing triangle for children is being used by a girl and a boy
  • Sustainability. Does a child learn to climb or walk first? That’s right, he would rather climb and stand on his feet first. That is why picklers help children to keep balance and take a stable position. The steps are close to each other, so the child will understand where to go and what to step on. He will learn how to step up the hill correctly and will begin to pay attention to what is under his feet.
  • Safety. The pickler triangle is low. Such furniture is designed specifically for toddlers and children up to 6-7 years old. The material from which the design is made is not harmful to health, even if the child decides to taste it.
  • Multifunctionality. Picklers can be used in combination with a whole children’s sports complex by attaching them to other elements. For example, it can be a Swedish wall, a ladder, a balance board, and a pickler triangle.

Half an hour of climbing such a ladder can subsequently show good results in a couple of months. Just imagine what will happen after a year of using the kids’ corner!

Great pluses

One of the most important advantages is that furniture for children is made of eco-friendly material; it is as hypoallergenic as possible. Such furniture is not harmful to breathe; it is not plastic, which acts harmfully on the child’s body. Another advantage is that the furniture design can be adjusted for the child to grow. The child will not be bored with picklers. Triangles are not only a purely wooden shade but also multi-colored. A parent can instill in their child a love of beautiful colors from an early age and even show him a varied palette.

7 Important Tips for Buying Your Teen’s First Car

Which teenager doesn’t dream of their first car? The freedom and independence of owning your vehicle are hard to resist. It’s a milestone every parent looks forward to buying their child their first car. But with so many choices on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. But before you hand over the keys, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here are essential tips for buying your teen’s first car. It is worth taking the time to do your research.

1. Choose the Right Car

When it comes to buying your teen’s first car, first, you’ll want to choose the right car. But with so many different cars on the market, it can be tough to know where to start. Regarding safety, size, and price, you’ll want to find a vehicle that strikes the perfect balance. You’ll also want to ensure the car is reliable and won’t need constant repairs. If you are on a budget, opt for used car dealers. You’ll be able to find budget-friendly options for your teen’s first car. A smaller, lower-powered vehicle is usually best for new drivers. Look for cars with airbags and anti-lock brakes, as these can help protect your teen in an accident.

2. Get the Right Insurance

Once you’ve found the perfect car, it’s time to get insurance. You’ll want to ensure you get the best coverage for your needs and budget. Insurance rates vary widely from company to company, so it’s important to shop around and compare rates before selecting a policy. Be sure to get quotes from several companies and compare the rates and coverage options before deciding.

3. Set Some Ground Rules

Before your teen gets behind the wheel, set some ground rules. Establishing these rules early on will help prevent future arguments down the road. Establish a curfew for your teen and ensure they adhere to it. This will help you track their whereabouts and ensure they’re not driving late at night. Set a speed limit for your teen and ensure they stick to it. Speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents, so it’s important to set a safe limit. Decide how many passengers your teen is allowed to have in the car. The more people there are in the car, the greater the risk of an accident.

4. Take a Test Drive

It may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s incredible how many people choose a car without ever getting behind the wheel. Once you’ve found a few potential cars, it’s time to take them for a spin. Does it feel stable on the road? Is the steering responsive? Are the brakes smooth and effective? Also, try out all the features, from the sound system to the air conditioning. And don’t forget to ask your teen how they feel about the car. After all, it will be their ride for many years to come.

5. Have Your Teen Take Driving Lessons

Even if your teen has been driving around the neighborhood for years, they may not be ready for the open road. Driving lessons can help them brush up on their skills and learn how to handle different types of traffic situations. Taking a few classes at a local driving school can give your teen the confidence they need to navigate crowded highways and busy city streets. In addition, driving lessons can teach your teen how to maintain their vehicle and avoid common driving hazards properly. With the help of a qualified instructor, your teen can become a safe and responsible driver.

6. Reward Good Driving

One of the best ways to encourage good driving is to reward it. If your teen is driving safely and responsibly, reward them. This could be like letting them drive more often or taking them out for dinner. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something they’ll appreciate.

7. Teach the Teen about Being a Responsible Driver

Car accident
A young woman is in the condition of shock, in her car, with her hand over her mouth

Be sure to talk to your teen about responsible driving habits and agree on a set of rules before they start driving. It’s also important to keep an eye on their driving by riding with them occasionally and checking their car regularly. And finally, be prepared for accidents by having the right insurance coverage. Following these tips can help your teen stay safe behind the wheel.


As your teen prepares to take the next step and become a licensed driver, it’s time to start thinking about their first car. While you may be tempted to hand down your old car to your teen, it’s important to consider all the factors involved in buying a car for a new driver. While it’s impossible to eliminate the risk of accidents, there are things you can do to help your teen stay safe on the road. By following these tips, you can give your teen the best chance of a safe and responsible driving experience.

Tips for Dating as a Single Parent

Dating can get difficult in any period in your life, especially if you’ve just gone through a divorce and have kids as well. Dating as a single parent is harder than most people think because you have to pay attention to a whole new level of feelings and wishes involved. On top of that, single parents already have a busy schedule so when you try to find time for yourself, it can get tricky trying to explain that to your child. That’s why it can get tough to respect both your child’s needs and your own wishes at the same time, but it’s still manageable if you make an effort. As a single parent you’ll have to adapt to the dating scene, but understand that dating and finding love again is quite possible.

Be open with your kids

Although we think of them as little people who aren’t aware of their surroundings, the truth is that children can sense that something is happening around them. Instead of hiding the truth from them, be open and talk to them about a new phase in your life. Many parents get anxious when thinking about this conversation, but it’s better to prepare your kids in advance and let them know that you’re making some changes in your life and want their support. They’ll appreciate being included, and they’ll know that they’ll still be an important part of your life, and that’s what they all want to hear.

Don’t settle

Most people believe that single parents don’t have many options and that they should start dating the first person who comes along. Many single parents settle for someone who’s open to dating a person with kids without being too happy with their choice. That’s why it’s important to know that you don’t have to settle for anything else than your new soul mate. Being a single parent doesn’t make you any less desirable – on the contrary, you just have more experience and you know what you need from a new partner. Use your previous experience as your advantage in your search and you’ll see how it will benefit you.

Give online apps a chance

Sometimes it’s not possible to go out and find a person in an old-fashioned way. That’s why more and more people – not just single parents – are turning to different online sites and apps in order to find their significant other. If you want to save some time and re-emerge into the dating scene successfully, think about doing it in a way that suits you the most. Turn to a great sugar dating app, for instance, because it’s designed to help you find that special person in no time. Since you have so much to do every single day, this is one of the easiest ways to introduce a new person into your life in the best possible way!

Balance everything

A mother is taking a walk with her daughter

As soon as you find someone, it will become hard to manage all your obligations and spend time with your kids and your partner. That’s why having a schedule is important because you need to include all of your child’s needs in your new routine. Also, you’ll want to spend more time with your new significant other so it’s better to try and balance everything so you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Be ready to compromise, rearrange things, and be flexible with things you can reschedule so you can achieve everything.

Arrange a meeting with the care

When the time comes for your new partner to meet your children, everything’s going to change in your life. There are a few things you can do to make everyone more comfortable and open to the idea of being happy around each other. Get ready for the date and make sure you are relaxed and calm. Explain to your children that a new person isn’t here to take away their parent or replace the other parent. Think about the perfect timing and find a great place where you can set up this meeting, and talk to your children before the actual event. You want to make sure your children are ready and try to come up with a scenario that’s going to work for them the most.

It’s never easy to make big changes as a single parent and starting to date is probably one of those things that cause more stress and anxiety than anything else. However, things can be simple if you know how to deal with different situations and how to handle different types of emotions, so don’t be afraid to start this process today!

How to Choose the Best Baby Formula for Your Little One?

All pediatricians, neonatologists, and older people say that breast milk is the best food for babies and the panacea for all diseases. But what should mothers who have no opportunity for one reason or another to feed their babies naturally? For this, there is a saving organic (bio) formula. Which can provide a child with a balanced diet and saturate his body with beneficial bifidobacteria and minerals.

How to choose a baby formula for inexperienced parents?

It shouldn’t contain starch and sucrose. There were omega-3 and 6, prebiotics, and nucleotides. As for the palm oil content, good or not, the question is debatable. It is in most formulas and is not a threat to the baby’s health. What is the best formula to give for complementary feeding – goat’s milk or cow’s milk? Many people think that goat’s milk is less allergenic. But this is not true. The selected formula must be suitable for your baby. Therefore, first, buy a jar of milk wisely. Think at once about whether you will be able to afford to buy this mixture in the future, whether it is affordable to you and whether it is in short supply in local stores.

In two words – the mixture must not be cheap. After all, the price of the mixture consists not only of the manufacturer’s profits but also the cost of the components and technological adaptation of the protein. All of the novelty components of the formula (what the manufacturers advertise as a great achievement – taurine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, these units of hundreds of substances supplied free by the mother in her breast milk) cost a decent amount of money, being only a few dozen components of the formula. And let them be worth it. And it’s great that they’re there. Every ingredient that scientists have managed to add to the formula brings it a fraction of a percent closer in quality to breast milk. And when it comes to your baby’s health, every fraction of a percent is worth its weight in gold.

How adaptable should a formula be?

The formula must be adapted. The word “adapted” means that the formula contains protein that has been technologically broken down into atoms and reduced to match the protein of breast milk. As a result, the label should say that the protein is partially hydrolyzed and that the formula is hypoallergenic. The non-adapted formula should not be used. And kefir, goat and cow’s milk, and non-adapted milk products should not be used before 12 months of age. After all, unadapted protein in these products affects the hormonal background of the baby, gives a huge load on the kidneys, and irreversibly changes the intestinal microflora. All this creates a systemic metabolic disorder, which will accompany the person throughout life, making this life shorter and more painful. The younger the child who is fed unadapted protein, the more severe the consequences. The formula should contain at least a minimum of protein. The amount of protein in breast milk is 12 grams per liter, the formula is now impossible to put less than 14 grams per liter. This is the kind of formula you need to buy. This is any premium formula, but please read the labels! The mix must be modern. It must contain all those little substances, like taurine and linoleic acid, which have already been learned to add to the mixture, making it at least a little closer to the composition of breast milk. Try EU formula it meets the standards given above.

Desirable constituents of artificial nutrition

Milk formula
A mother is feeding her baby with artificial milk formula

The formula must contain lactose. This carbohydrate is better for an infant than sucrose and fructose. For example, it helps the baby taking the formula avoid constipation. The formula should contain probiotics or prebiotics. It is not known whether and in what form these beneficial ingredients reach the intestines, but since hope springs eternal, it is better to buy formula with them than without them. A formula with probiotics strengthens. And prebiotic formula stimulates the gut because prebiotics is fiber. The formula should contain oligosaccharides, which are food for bifidobacteria. The formula should also contain nucleotides, vitamins, macro and micronutrients, and minerals. The more the better. The presence of these substances increases the cost of consistency, so a study of the price tag and the label guarantee the purchase of a conventional product.


5 Steps to Better Parenting

Nowadays, parents have been making many mistakes that affect their children dramatically. These mistakes could seem trivial, but they actually do more harm than one expects.

Kids depend on their parents and their environment to teach them the necessary life skills needed for the home, school, and the outside world. 

There are 5 easy steps to better parenting. Many parents can change simple factors in their daily life to help their children develop physically and mentally. If you are interested in knowing these steps, continue reading.

5 Steps to Better Parenting

      Create a Well-Balanced Play and Sleep Schedule

Children need a well-balanced sleep and play schedule. Schedules help children feel safe. Children love familiarity and by knowing what to expect in their day, they become calmer and happier.

Creating schedules also indirectly disciplines children. Your child needs to understand that they are expected to do certain things at certain times and follow rules.

By creating a sleep schedule, you and your child would get better sleep. I personally follow the moms on call schedule. Sleep schedules will become easier as your children’s bodies get used to sleep and wake times. This will help them grow healthily. You would also get uninterrupted sleep by following the sleep schedule day after day.

      Trust Your Children

Trust your child. Tell them what is wrong and what is right, then watch. Children need to be able to make choices on their own. Over-monitoring children are one of the biggest parenting mistakes.

Give your children the freedom they need to learn from their mistakes. If they make a mistake, talk to them about it and tell them what they did wrong.

If you over-monitor your child, they will feel untrusted. If you want your child to be able to come to you and tell you everything, trusting them is a major step towards that.

Trust your instinct in knowing when to interfere and when not to. Sometimes, if your child’s life is at risk, you must interfere and over-monitor.

      Share Sensitive Information with Your Child

Parents hide things from their children because they think their children are not ready for it or are too young. Sometimes, that is true. But, that does not mean you should hide information all the time and forever.

Most of the time children find out things on their own, and this negatively affects the relationship between them and their parents. You need to make a good decision on when and how to tell children different types of life-changing information.

For example, some parents hide the fact they are going to get divorced. Your child should know that, but when the divorce is finalized or a definite matter. Also, some parents hide the fact they are pregnant. Your child should know that not from the very start of the pregnancy but when you are in your second trimester because losing the child may affect them negatively.

      Recognize their Feelings

Children tend to find difficulty in expressing their feelings. They may cry a lot, and you may even think they are a bit dramatic.

Do not underestimate their feelings. You must show them that their feelings matter and that you care about how they feel.

By doing this, they will be able to confide in you. You would be able to influence their decisions and show them that you would always be there for them.

In contrast, if you do not recognize their feelings, they will always feel that their emotions do not matter. This may influence their actions in school when problems rise among their peers.

      Praise You Child

A young woman is taking care of a toddler

When your child does something right, praise them. Always look for the positive things they do, and show them you recognize them. Never compare them to other children.

They need to be confident that they are perfect the way they are. By doing this, they will grow up to be successful, independent, and confident adults. Your child needs to be able to express themselves positively and be comfortable in their own skin. By accepting themselves, others will recognize their worth and respect them.

Recognizing their worth is a very important skill they need in life, especially when searching for careers or confronting someone who belittles them.

In Conclusion

Parents commit major mistakes that negatively influence their kids. They must try to prevent these mistakes in order to help their children grow up to their utmost potential.

However, by following steps, parents can raise healthy and happy children. These steps may seem very simple, but they have a great influence on the development of children’s minds.

Parenting is a major factor in who our children become. It could be very difficult, but following certain steps and tricks, it is possible to parent effectively.

About the Author

Halimeh Salem is the founder of the Crying Toddlers Blog. She loves helping moms overcome the obstacles they may face during the journey of pregnancy and motherhood. During her free time, she loves playing with her two children, Sama and Basem. 


Trick or Treating With Kids

A lot of people do not like walking in the dark. It is even harder for some people to knock on the doors of strangers in the dark. However, Halloween is now popular in the UK. Therefore, children are eager to go out trick or treating with their friends. 

Here are 5 tips to trick or treating with your kids: 

1. Get More Adults Involved 

It is much better to get more adults to get involved in Halloween trick or treating. If there are more adults, you will never have a problem going out with your children. You might even enjoy walking in the dark. A lightsaber sword for all events is handy to light the way.

2. Location 

It seems silly. It is, however, imperative to pick the best streets in your town or city. Selecting the best street can make your Halloween more memorable. You do have to pick your local neighborhood. You can go to nearby neighborhoods. Pick the right location to ensure your children get more treats. 

3. To Trick or not to Trick

Make sure your “tricks” are fairly tame. Why? You can get what you gave out. Some people might come back to your house for revenge. It is a good idea to use fake vomit or even a good fake rat. It is, therefore, crucial to take your time before deciding to trick or not to trick.

4. Check the Treats 

Trick or Treat
Cookies are made in the shape of Halloween symbols

It is nice to receive treats from strangers. However, if your children or their friends have food allergies, then you have to check their treats. It is even better to inspect the treats they collect. If the treats are not wrapped, you need to check them. The treats might come with nasty surprises. 

5. Fear 

Once your children come back from trick or treating, you need to take off their costumes. Do not just let them go to bed. It is a good idea to read them a good bedtime story. The bedtime story can remove the images of goblins and ghouls from their minds. Ensure your children have calmed down to get a good night’s rest.